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{ Tate }

Ashton's birthday plans changed when Michael and Calum had things come up. Michael and Crystal had to go to Georgia for a family emergency and Calum went to see his sister who had a big headlining show. I know he's a little upset all the boys won't be here to hang out but he understands.

Instead of going to a club like we had planned, we were going to just hang out with Luke and Sierra today. We're letting Jack babysit today.

I woke up before Ashton today and grabbed Riley from his room and headed out to the kitchen.

"Did you know it's Daddy's birthday?" I cooed to Riley and sat him on the counter.

"Daddy?" his head tilted as I started the coffee pot.

"Yeah, Daddy" I laughed, "Let's make Daddy some breakfast" I smiled and lifted Riley and moved him to his highchair and got him entertained with tv.

I was too busy by the stove and didn't hear Ashton come in. When his arms snaked around my waist and his face buried in my neck, I jumped a little.

"Morning" he spoke, voice raspy from just waking up.

"Morning" I smiled and turned around, my arms now around him.

"Happy birthday" I grinned. He giggled and leaned down and kissed me softly.

"Thank you" he smiled.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Riley started yelling. Ashton laughed and let go of me and walked over to his son.

"Good morning! I didn't forget about you" Ashton aww'd and kissed all over Riley's face.

Jack walked up as I sat breakfast on the table and on Riley's highchair tray.

"Jack, you sure you're okay watching Riles all day?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah. I'll be good" Jack smiled. He was confident this time. The late few times we've left Riley with him, he's freaked out.

Ashton nodded and finished up his plate.

Ashton stood and put his plate in the dishwasher then tossed the pans I used in as well.

"I'm going to take a shower" Ashton kissed my cheek and headed down the hall.

Once Jack had eaten, he went back downstairs for a little bit while I cleaned Riley's high chair tray then went to get him changed.

Riley was trying to run away from me as I attempted to get him dressed. I'd lay him down and he'd get up and runoff, leaving me to chase him, catch him, and hold him back in the ground.

"Riley. Knock it off" I spoke stern after the third time. His small eyes widened and he stopped moving.

"Mommy" he whined then leaned forward and hugged me. I smiled and hugged his small frame back.

"Lay down for me so we can get you dressed" I whispered. Riley did exactly what I said.

As soon as he was done, he hopped up.

"Mommy toy?" He questioned, "Daddy go?" He then asked.

"Daddy's getting ready but we can go play with your toys. They're in the living room goof" I smiled and carried him down the hallway.

I put Riley down and he walked over to his toys. Right now, since he doesn't have too many, we have them in little bins next to the couch. It's easier for Riley to play with them that way.

Riley grabbed his little farm toys and brought them to me. I placed them in front of me and took a seat on the floor and started picking a few of the animals up.

"What does a cow say?" I asked Riley.


"What does a lamb say?"

"Ba Ba Ba" he giggled and fell back on the floor, rolling with laughter. My heart was fluttering hearing the giggle he shares with his father.

I let him keep playing as I posted my birthday thing for Ashton quickly:


liked by crystalleigh and 233,482 others
@tateberklee: happy birthday babe! Thanks for being the best boyfriend a girl could ask for and the best daddy to Riley. You're our whole world. We love you❤️🥰
^@ashtonirwin: Thank You! I love you ❤️


"You two look like your having fun" Ashton smiled walking in the room and sitting next to me. I could smell the body wash from him,

"Go get ready. I've got Riles" he nudged, making me get up.


Once Luke and Sierra pulled into our driveway, we handed the baby over to Jack and climbed in the back of the black Porsche SUV.

"Happy birthday!" Sierra squealed. She and Ashton were best friends, that's how she met Luke.

"Thanks, Si" Ashton smiled, putting his seatbelt on,

"So where are we going?" He asked looking between all of us as Luke backed out of our driveway.

"Santa Monica" Luke nodded.

The whole ride was me and Sierra trying to talk over the boys screaming the lyrics to the songs that played over the radio. When we finally got them to shut up, Sierra and I got to have our conversation.

Luke parked near the pier and the four of us got out and headed up to the boardwalk. Ashton intertwined our hands as we walked next to Luke and Sierra.

"Hey, can we grab lunch then go to the aquarium?" Ashton spoke up, causing us to all look at him.

"The aquarium?" Luke questioned as Sierra and I laughed.

"Yeah, I've never been and I kinda want to go so I can see if I should take Riley there" Ashton explained.

"We can do that if that's what you want" I smiled, "What do you want to eat?" I asked.

"Rusty's Surf Ranch" Ashton announced proudly and pulled us all that way. He loves that place.

We got seated out on the deck and our drinks were brought to us. We all decided that we'd each only have one beer.

I could tell Ashton was relaxed. The past few weeks, he's been so tense. He was snapping at anyone in a split second. He was snapping at Riley who can't do anything for himself. One night he even slept on the couch instead of in bed with me. Jack had come in mine and Ashton's room that night and told me Ashton was crying.

Our food came out and Ashton devoured his. He was done way before Luke, Sierra, and I.

"When does Jack go home?" Luke spoke up.

"He leaves tomorrow. We spent all day with him yesterday" Ashton smiled. We did have a really fun day yesterday. Crystal and Mike took care of Riley while Ashton and I took Jack to Disneyland.

"He leaves tomorrow and he's babysitting today?" Sierra questioned.

"He asked. He literally asked us if we would go somewhere" I laughed.


We got home around 10 PM. Riley was already in bed and Jack was passed out on the couch. We didn't want to wake him up so we just threw a blanket over him.

Ashton and I quickly showered and climbed into bed. I was expecting Ashton to stay over on his side, so when he rolled over and put his head on my chest and his arms around my waist, it shocked me.

"What's going Ash?" I asked, running my fingers up and down his bare back. Ashton sighed and I felt him nuzzle a little farther into me.

"I'm sorry I've been an asshole" he mumbled. I moved and kissed the top of his head.

"Just tell me what's wrong" I begged.

"Just- tour coming up, the music, Jack going home, something happening to Riley while I'm not home, and Twitter" he listed. I figured the Riley part and tour. What took me off guard what when he said Twitter. Usually, he doesn't let things on social media get to him.

"Babe, what's on Twitter?" I asked. I hadn't been on social media lately, except to post Ashton's birthday this morning.

"Just, some people using things I did. People have been bringing up the fact that when I was 16, I wanted to die. Just some bad things being said" he told me with a big breath. That hurt me. I know about all of that and I do hate when it gets brought up.

"I'm sorry. You know I love you, Riley loves you, the boys love you. We're always here for you" I told him and kissed his head a few times and held him closer.

"I know. I promise I'm not going to hurt myself. I can't do that to you or Riley" he told me and leaned his head back so I could see his face. His eyes were bloodshot and filled. He didn't want to cry. He tries to stay tough.

"Baby, just cry," I told him. That's when he sobbed. His head buried into my chest and his body was shaking. I had to bite my lip so my tears didn't spill.

Ashton's tears soon put him to sleep. I relaxed once he was asleep. I wasn't going to bed until he was asleep and calm.

I carefully scooted down in bed, making sure Ashton's head still rested on me, and got situated on my pillow. I pulled our covers up on us and held onto Ashton. His snores were already coming from his parted lips. I smiled to myself and kissed him one more time before going to sleep myself.

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