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Hell yeah!

(An interesting intro,  don't you think? 😂😂)

I've been waiting for this interview with so excitement,  I can't even describe it.

An awesome writer,  a wonderful person.

Lauren Jackson...

1) "Name?"

Lauren but many people of the Wattpad community have created the shortened version of Laur as my nickname.

2) "Age?"


3)" What are your hobbies?"

Writing, swimming, walking. I used to horse ride competitively but I don't anymore.

4) "When did you start writing and why?"

I used to write a little bit here and there, but not seriously until I joined Wattpad in 2012. That's where I wrote my first story and I have been writing ever since!

5) "Which was your first story generally?"

The Best Thing For Me was my first story.

6) "Do you write in some other website except Wattpad?"

Nope, I'm a loyal Wattpadder!

7) "What has given you motive to keep on writing?"

People following me and encouraging me to keep writing! That's my biggest inspiration.

8 )"Have you ever wanted to give up everything? (writing I mean)?"

Yep and I actually did. I found it too hard to study, work and write, so I quit for over a year and I regret it. I lost a lot of my drive, but now I'm back, writing more than ever and I love it. I don't think I will ever quit again!

9) "Which is your favorite story on Wattpad?"

I have two, I love Downright Delinquents and Coach's Number One.

10) "Have you gained any friendship from Wattpad? If yes, which are your Wattpad friends?"

Yes! I have met some really great people. My three pals that I adore and speak with often are ,ADreamingReality trinitystories_xo and OutOfMyLimit17

11) "Do you relate with any of your characters from your books? If yes, which one and which characteristics are similar?"

I honestly relate to all of them in a way, because I'm always writing things I know. So sometimes their mannerisms, reactions, dialogue, etc, comes directly from me and my life, but other things they do might be opposite to me. It all depends what's happening in the story.

12) "What do you want to study?"

I'd love to become a literary agent or editor, but other than that, I'm not interested in a lot.

13)" Describe yourself in 3 words."

Weird, talkative and chocolate-obsessed.

14) "What do you advise new writers?"

Write for yourself because you love it. Don't write for popularity or to gain "votes". Write because it's what you love to do and you want to entertain others with your words. Be your own inspiration.

15)" Questions based on ' Coach's Number One | Book One ': What inspired you to write this book? "

I wanted to write a YA teen fiction story about a strong, confident character who is really passionate about a sport. I chose swimming because I used to swim competitively when I was younger. Once I started the story, it completely took off. When I started it, I had no idea where it was going or how it was going to end, but it came alive when I started writing it. It is probably my favourite book that I’ve written so far.

16)" Describe the personalities that you gave to your characters and why! "

I made Grace very strong and almost too confident character, because all the stories on Wattpad (about 98%) have really weak, push-over type main characters. I wanted to go completely opposite with Grace. With Harvey, I wanted to make him a really likeable character, that is a little nerdy, but also quite funny. Hayden was interesting to write about, because he had such a development through the first book. He was so closed off and cold, because of things that happened to him. It was fun to write about him because there was so much underneath the surface. Mia was a typical mean girl, but I dropped lots of hints that there were also things beneath the surface with her, which were revealed near the end. Ashton was a bit hard to write about because he has a split personality, really. He can be very charming and charismatic, but also very authoritive, mean and downright rude sometimes. It was a bit of a juggle with his character with how he behaved and when.

17)" Had you decided from the start that Mia and Harvey are gonna be together? If no, then how that happen??? !!! I didn't expect it at all but I ship them so badly!  "

I didn’t at all! I really only decided that when I was right at the end. I had no intention of having Caitlyn move. I wanted to incorporate Mia in the sequel as she had become a likeable character and must-have addition to the series. The best way to achieve that, was to let romance blossom between those two (which was a bit of a plot-twist as well).

18) " Hayden and Grace had to face a lot of difficulties until the can be together. They we're strong. Now they have to deal with the other Brennon Brother. Do you think that this kind of relationship they have can managed to survive through this? "

Of course. I don’t want to give anything away, but these two have been through a lot in their relationship already. If they can face one Brennon, they can deal with the other!

19) " Ashton is a d*ck. Honestly, how can someone be so mean and rough and... monster? "

Unfortunately, there are people like that everywhere you go. I had a vague idea that Ashton wasn’t going to turn out the way he seemed, but I didn’t know how much of a monster he was, until I started writing more.

20) " Tell one phrase that can describe the second book. "

Sassy and dramatic with a flare of passionate love.

Critical Questions

1) " Marry, Kiss, Kill : Harry Styles,  Zayn Malik,  Niall Horan.  And why."

To be honest, I was never a huge fan of One Direction. I actually prefer them much more now that they’re solo artists! I don’t know them all that well, but I’ll have a go anyway.
Harry Styles Kill… (I don’t have any reason really. I just think of Harry from the After series and it makes me really mad haha)
Niall Horan Marry (he seems to be sweet and loyal)
Zayn Malik Kiss (because I find him the most attractive).

2)" Which is the worst thing you have ever done, but you can't go back in time and which is the best? "

This isn’t the WORST thing I’ve ever done, but I quit Wattpad for a long time and I really regret it. It took so long to gain back what I lost and I’m still not there. The best thing I’ve done (again, not really THE BEST) is when I worked really hard for two years, to save up and get myself a nice car. It was nice to see hard work paid off!

LaurenJ22 you are the best!!!! Thank you so much!  Sorry for waiting,  but school will always be school!!!! 😭😭

I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 😍

(It was last year's Interview! 2018 Was on the way in. And now it's on the way out!😂)

-magioula. 😘

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