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Thayserix. The planet that is made of dense gases and has unnusual magnetic poles, which distorts and wreaks havoc on normal sensors. You could guess why Lotor would lure all of them there. You had managed to follow him to the planet. As soon as you entered the atmosphere, you felt the change in the air. You looked around, noticing you weren't able to see very far in front of you. The dense gases were clouding your vision. You created two balls of magic in your hands and collided them, causing an explosion. The airwaves pushed past the gas and fog, allowing you to see where you're going now. 

You flew forward, looking around for the annoying space ranger. You saw the slightest of movement in the corner of your eye. You switched gears and took off after the movement. You saw his ship fly deep into a cloud of gas. You followed it, but when the gas cleared you were about five feet shy of a large rock.

"FUCK ME!" You turned direction mid-air and roughly landed on the rock, your feet digging into the hard material. You heard the ship's engine rumble by you slowly, almost as if mocking.

'I'm about this close to destroying this whole damn planet.' You thought, your brow twitching.

'This isn't going to work. He can tell my location. I can't tell his. And with the Nitrate Gas present, I can't do anymore blasts.' Right now, it's in your best interest to hide away from his radar and wait it out until the others arrive. You heard the low rumble of his ship pass where you were hiding. You pressed further into the rock you were leaning on and held out your arm. You held your fingers in a gun shape pointed at the ship.

"Over here, you piece of shit..." You muttered, shooting out ice from your finger tips, but purposely missing the ship. It turned towards you, and faster than lightning, you hid on the other side of the stone. The ship rumbled closer to where you were, but you hid away from it. Suddenly, the ship turned around and flew away from your spot.

'What?' You thought, watching it fly away.

'Where's he going?' You slowly left your hiding spot and looked to where he left. You took off after him, almost losing him. In the middle of the gas, you saw multiple glowing yellow lights.

"—N? Y/n?" You heard Pidge's crackling voice.

"Guys!" You exclaimed back. The lions made a semi circle in front of you.

"Are you alright?" Lance asked.

"I'm fine," you replied.

"Where is he?" Keith immediately asked.

"Don't get your dick is a twist, cowboy, he took off on me. I don't know where he is at the moment," you replied.

"Well help us look for him!" He ordered. You rose a brow at him.

"Keep up with that attitude and Lotor won't be the only person you're fightning," you warned, silencing him. There was a hum before Lotor zoomed in between you all and broke you apart.

"There he is!" Keith exclaimed, flying after him. The other followed suit.

'Oh... maybe I should've told them about the nitrate gas...' You thought, grimacing.

'Shit.' You thought, looking around. It seems the team had gotten separated thanks to Lotor. You also lost them as well. This was a big planet with lots of gases and fogs.

"Well shit..." You sighed, looking around. It was quiet around you. No sound of engines or lions. It was eerie around you. Your vision was limited and you couldn't hear anything. You levitated over a couple of feet, trying to sense anything. From down below you, in the deep, dark abyss, a sound echoed up to you. You looked down, curious, and suspicous. Another sound. A whimper.

"Who's there!?" You exclaimed, your loud voice echoing down. There was a small yip. Your eyes widened. "P/n?"

'No, P/n's dead. She got destroyed in front of you. There's no way...' You thought, trying to explain what you were hearing. A small howl. The urge to rocket down there was overwhelming, but you forced yourself to stay where you were.

'She's dead. Gone. Destroyed.' You kept repeating to yourself, trying to ignore the small cries that came from below.

'If that was really P/n, why would she be here?'
A bark. The kind when they want their owners to play with them. An excited one. Your heart exploded. You knew this was a bad idea, but your intense desire to see P/n one last time took over you and the next thing you know, you're slowly descending down into the darkness. You landed on the ground below you and looked around. It was darker down there, but the red gas informed you you couldn't use any big moves. Nitrate Gas is a bitch.

"P/n?" You called out, looking around. There was a growl before you heard something run behind you. You turned around and saw the back end of a shadow run behind a large rock. You looked around once again when you heard a small yip.

"P/n? Are you down here?" You called, your voice taut. Whatever sliver of hope that you had inside of you was shining through now. Although alarms were blaring in your head that there was no possible way of P/n being alive, you obeyed that small shred of hope that was burning deep inside you. From your left, you heard running pawsteps that went deep into the dense gas. You were about to run after it, but someone interrupted you.

"Are you looking for an exit?" You turned around and saw the blue, black, and red lion.

"You guys! Where did you guys go? What happened?" You exclaimed, flying up to their level.

"There's no time to explain. Most importantly, are you okay? Why are you down here?" Lance asked, flying the red lion closer to you.

"I'm fine, I was just..." You looked over to where the pawsteps sounded before sighing quietly. "Something caught my attention, but it's gone now. Don't worry." You smiled up at the three.

"We must go. We must find the others," Allura said, beginning to fly Blue away.

"Right," you heard Keith say. He must've calmed down. You followed the three, but stopped when you heard the same whimper.

"I'm sorry, but... you're not real," you said quietly, turning back around, and flying higher. Two glowing eyes opened, watching you go.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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