I Hate All of You

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The Paladins and you stood outside of Lotor's cell. After Zarkon's offer, Shiro decided to ask Lotor, since apparently, your word wasn't enough.

"My father has held the universe in a death grip for millenia," Lotor said, "But he sees it slipping from his grasp because of your efforts and because of mine. With our forces combined, we would provide the greatest threat Zarkon has ever faced. He knows we could topple his empire, so this is his attempt to tear us apart. But united, we could forge a new path, open doors to new worlds, and crush the tyrannical ways of an old regime."

"A regime you ran," Pidge countered, "We can't listen to him. He just wants to save his own skin."

"It's true," Lotor admitted, "If you return me to my father, he would surely see to my demise."

"Well, at least he's admitting it," you said flatly.

"And with his most legitimate threat to the throne removed, he would only grow stronger."

"Standing right here."

"One less threat to Zarkon and one less threat to us," Pidge said harshly. You rolled your eyes and stepped back, obviously no longer contributing to the conversation. Through Lotor's drolling talk, something pulled at the back of your mind. A feeling. A familiar one. You looked around the spacious room, but nothing was in it that would draw your attention.

'Weird...' You thought.

'Why would I be feeling this now?'

"We're turning them in and getting my dad back!!"
Pidge's yell made you turn your head.

"We have Voltron to bring peace to the universe!"

"Don't play into Zarkon's hands!" Lotor warned.

"That's enough!" Shiro exclaimed.

"I hate this," you said, sitting in the back of a ship. Lotor was across from you. He watched you play with the cuffs on your wrists.

"Still believe you're a part of the team?" He asked. Frost formed at the bottom of your feet.

"Watch your mouth Lotor, I'm not in the mood."

"You know just as well as I do, that the more powerful they grow, the less they'll need you."

"Part of the reason why they've grown so strong is because I was there to save their asses every time they almost got killed," you replied. Your eyes narrowed down at your hands. "I've left them once, but that was against my will."

"Will you leave again on your own, then?" Lotor asked. You looked up at him.

"... no."

"You're a fool."

"And you're desperate," you shot back, "If Zarkon's gone, why do you need to make an alliance with Allura? It'll be your empire, what you say goes."

"There will always be rebellions."

"If peace is what you wish, then it's your job to crush them."
He stared at you for a moment.

"You've gotten rather violent-minded."
You shook your head slightly.

"I just realized not everything you value is valued by someone else."
The ship shook, and you knew that you had landed.

"Are you going to escape?" He asked.

"I sure as hell ain't going back," you replied, "I'll play their game. For now." You two stood up. The hatch door opened, and the both of you were ready. You walked out into the open on a planet you didn't recognize. You and Lotor stood next to Matt.

"I'm sorry," he said to you. You didn't even look at him.

"Yeah, well, there's nothing you could do," you replied.

"Send us Commander Holt!" Shiro exclaimed over to him. The ship that was landed had Zarkon standing in front of it.

'Stupid bitch.' You thought, eyes narrowing into a snarl. Sam slowly began to walk down the ship's ramp. You and Lotor were signaled to move. Reluctantly, you walked forward. You and him walked by Sam, and followed him with your eyes.

'Fake ass bitch.' You thought, passing by. You went to the other side and turned, facing your friends. When you saw them, Sam Holt's static body disappeared.

"No, no! We had a deal, we had a deal! Give me my father!" Pidge yelled. You sneered and froze Ezra's and Axca's feet. You broke out of the cuffs.

"Y/n, stop!" Lotor exclaimed.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Looking up, you barely saw the large figure before it slammed down into the ground. A large cloud of dust kicked up. You stared at the creature. You could see the shadow of it slowly rise up to its true height. The size of it was mammoth compared to you.

"What the..." You muttered.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!?!" Lance exclaimed from the castle's bridge.

"I'm picking up huge spikes of energy from that thing," Coran said.

"So what is it?" Hunk asked. Coran pressed a few buttons and managed to zoom in on the image.

"Oh no..." He said. Lance's and Hunk's eyes widened.

"Is that...?" Hunk trailed off.

"But I thought..." Lance was right behind him.

Down on the ground, you looked up at it. For a moment, you forgot how to breathe. Only when your lungs burned did you take a breath in. Even then, it didn't help you.

"That's... that's... impossible..." You whispered, staring up at it. Or rather, her.

She roared, but it wasn't one you recognized. It was cold and distant. Like she had no sense of kindness anymore. You turned around to face Zarkon.

"What did you do to her?!?!" You yelled, vision blurring.

"We fixed her," Zarkon replied.

"You didn't fix her, you ruined her!!!" You yelled back, "P/n was supposed to be a sentient being!! Not something that follows your orders blindly!!" You turned your head when P/n whipped her tail at you. You raised a wall of ice, but the thick metal just tore through it and hit you. You went flying away. P/n ran at you, launching a shit ton of blades at you. You sat up and rebuilt the ice wall. The knives imbedded themselves into it. You ran farther away and made a ramp, sliding yourself in a half-circle. You skid to a stop and covered the ground in ice, slowly encasing P/n. She stopped moving.

You relaxed your body. There was a crack. P/n broke out of the ice by extending built-in blades. One of them managed to cut your arm.

'This isn't... the P/n I know!'

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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