Chapter 9

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Katy's POV

I woke up rubbing my big baby bump and I slowly sat up before getting out of the bed. I sighed, noticing that Orlando had already left to work. I made my way to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of orange juice. I drank it as I held my belly and I looked at the time. I got dressed into some comfy clothes as I didn't have anything to do today anyway since I wasn't allowed to go to the restaurant while being almost nine months pregnant. I was feeling okay but Orlando's mum was freaking out just a little too much. I couldn't say that about Orlando though... We've been fighting a lot recently just like we did before I got pregnant and it seemed like he didn't care about it anymore. After some time he simply got bored of it and of taking care of me. My mood swings were annoying in his eyes and he blamed me for not controlling my emotions. I was getting more morning sicknesses too but no one was there to comfort me and I was all alone in this big house all day. Just me, my thoughts and a kicking baby in my stomach. This little one was my only company now but I loved it. Every kick was giving me hope for a better tomorrow. I knew that the day I hold my baby in my arms for the first time will be the best one in my life and it will change everything. I'll become a mummy and someone this baby will look up to growing up. I had to do my best for it and I was ready to start this journey.

I finished my glass of juice and washed it before going back upstairs to get dressed. I struggled a little with putting my clothes on as I've gotten really big recently and was close to my due date. I sat down on the bed rubbing my belly as I took a deep breath. I grabbed my phone and checked my messages and emails. I opened a text message seeing it's from Rob as we had exchanged our numbers and he was checking up on me almost everyday which I found very sweet. I smiled lightly as I read the message. I put my hand on my belly and felt the baby move. "Maybe we should call your daddy." I murmured and clicked on Rob's phone number. I knew it was all wrong and I shouldn't have called him the daddy but it was his baby too after all. He was really caring and tried to prove me he's good enough for this baby by bringing us gifts or just simply sending a message in the morning. I didn't ask for this but he was doing it because he wanted to. Because he loved this baby and he already was an amazing father for it. Orlando has never been as supportive as Rob was now and I slowly begin to see how bad our relationship was. We didn't love each other anymore but we stayed together just for this baby. Not even his baby... It all went so far I didn't know how to stop it. How was I supposed to tell the truth now after almost nine months? It was so stressful for me and I'm sure the baby felt it too. I took a deep breath trying to relax and I held my phone close to my ear as I waited for him to pick up.

He soon did and I smiled a little more hearing his voice. "Hey, how are you and the baby today?" he asked as I put him on the speaker and the baby began to move more hearing him. I giggled lightly and rested my hand under my belly as the baby kicked. "We're okay. The little one is really active today." I said with a soft smile as I watched my belly. I could see the baby move inside as it heard his voice and already loved it so much. We were only talking on the phone but he never forgot about our baby and from time to time said something to it too. I was walking around the room slowly as Rob was telling me about the gig they had last night and how it reminded him of the night we met. I asked jokingly if he met a girl there too and got her pregnant but I could hear it in the way he spoke to me after how it hurt him. I looked down regretting what I said and I was about to apologise but I got a sharp pain and grabbed my belly. My phone dropped to the floor as I gasped not understanding what was happening. I saw some liquid running down my legs as I slowly knelt down to reach my phone. "R-Rob, I think my waters have just broken." I whispered in shock as I had no idea what to do. I heard him say something but I couldn't understand a word as I felt a sharp wave of pain and I tried to pick myself up. I held onto the bed and slowly stood up on my shaky feet. I rubbed my belly feeling the baby kick harshly and I made my way to the nursery. I began to pack little baby grows and nappies for the baby as I didn't have time to prepare anything earlier. I struggled to control my breathing as the contractions were now more regular. I couldn't get to the hospital on my own in this state and I couldn't give birth here either. I started to cry helplessly and went downstairs with the heavy bag.

As I made my way down the stairs, I heard loud banging on the front door. I went there and opened the door, seeing Rob there. He wiped away my tears and helped me to his car before getting the bag. I watched him as I held my belly, hoping the baby would wait a little more. I screamed in pain as he got back into the car and held my hand. As he drove me to the hospital, he took short breaths with me and tried to calm me down as I smiled lightly. I didn't know what I would've done if he hadn't came. There was no way I could drive myself to the hospital in so much pain. With Rob I not only got someone to drive me there but also the best mental support I could've asked for. "I-I have to call Orlando." I said quietly as the pains had stopped. I found my phone and dialled his number. I squeezed Rob's hand lightly as the contractions returned much stronger. He helped me controlling my breathing as I waited for Orlando to pick up but he never did. Sighing, I sent him a message telling that I was in labour and to come to the hospital as I was getting more and more frustrated with him.

I looked at Rob as he continued to tell me everything would be alright and soon I would be holding my baby close to my chest. His words helped a lot and without them I would've given up because the pain was now too much to handle but he was right and it would be all worth it at the end when I hold this baby and kiss its head. We arrived at the hospital and Rob quickly rushed to my side and helped me out of the car as I smiled weakly. We began to walk to the entrance but had to stop each time after a few steps to take deep breaths. As we finally made it inside, he helped me sitting down in the waiting room and went to find a nurse. I watched him as it was so heartwarming seeing how protective and caring he was. I was sure he was just as nervous as I was but he hid it well and was being strong for me. I needed that and was truly thankful he came and took care of me and this baby. We were so close to meeting our baby now...

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