Chapter 10

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Rob's POV

I sat in the waiting room and played with my fingers nervously as the nurses took Katy to the room. I didn't know what to do and if she wanted me to stay here. It's crazy how just nine months ago we met at the party and now she was giving birth to our daughter. I shouldn't have been here I knew I shouldn't have but I couldn't move. She was my daughter too after all. I didn't care about all the lies Katy told her boyfriend anymore. I just couldn't lose them. Both of them. Since I found out she was carrying my child, I never stopped making sure they're alright. I would text her and if she needed anything, I would run to the store to get it for her. Maybe it wasn't love but we became good friends. We were slowly getting to know each other and I adored every moment around her. She had been on her own a lot throughout this pregnancy and I couldn't imagine how hard it was for her until I came one night after she called me. Her boyfriend was on a business trip and she was feeling so low that night. I still saw her face from that night sometimes... dried tears on her cheeks, messy hair and a hand on her baby bump as our little one wouldn't stop kicking. That night I sat there with her and talked to her and the baby for hours trying to calm them both down. I realised I could actually do it. I could be the father and love them both with my whole heart if she let me. My goal in life now became to make sure they were happy. By staying here I might have ruined her love life but he both knew she wasn't happy in that relationship. He clearly did not care about her feelings anymore and simply lost interest in her which in my eyes was impossible as she was the most magical woman I've ever met in my whole life. If I was him, I would cherish every moment with her. I would love her endlessly. Be her shoulder to cry on. Take care of her when she feels down. And mostly important I would never leave her side.

Sighing quietly, I looked up at the clock as it felt like hours have passed but really it was minutes. I wanted to know how she was or if she didn't need someone to be there for her and hold her hand. She was there all by herself with some strangers rushing around her while I was here feeling helpless. Running my fingers through my hair, I looked around the waiting room as a man walked in. I watched the brown haired man with a little beard as he sat down at the other end of the room. I got up and found a nurse. I asked about Katy and our baby quietly but she told me it would take some more time and I left the hospital. I was too worried about her to just sit there and wait for the news. I was blaming myself for putting her through this as she didn't deserve to be in pain and at the same time I was so disappointed and angry with myself that I was so careless that night with her. I didn't want her to think that I used her just to please myself as it wasn't it and I was continuously trying to prove it to her. She was so much better than a one night stand and I wanted her to know it.

Leaving the hospital, I grabbed myself a coffee and saw a small store on the other side of the road. I went there and picked up a stuffed bunny. I smiled lightly as it was soft and had a pink bow on its head. Seeing it, I immediately thought about our daughter and I decided to buy it. I get a small bouquet of flowers for Katy and I went back to the hospital. Making sure Katy wasn't done yet, I sat back down in the waiting room and look at the same man who came earlier as he was still there doing something on his phone. "Is your woman giving birth?" I asked politely as I didn't see the ring on his finger. He nodded but didn't even look up at me and I looked down at the flowers. "Isn't it exciting to meet your baby any minute now?" I asked with a smile and he looked up at me and nodded again but he did not look excited at all. Honestly, he looked a bit annoyed and tired as if he didn't want to be there. It just made me confused as he didn't even bring anything for his lady or the baby and I wanted to ask but I didn't want to seem nosy at the same time. I took the ultrasound picture Katy gave me out of my wallet and looked at it again. I ran my thumb over the little head visible on the picture as a little tear escaped my eye. I quickly wiped it away feeling stupid as there was no reason to cry but soon to be happy. I put it back into my wallet as the nurse came out of the room and looked at us. "Anyone to Katheryn Hudson?" she asked.

I quickly stood up as I held the flowers and the teddy bear. I looked to the other side at the other man as he also stood up and the nurse watched us confused. My eyes widened as it must have been Katy's boyfriend and I got mad at myself for being so careless. "Who the fuck are you?" he asked angrily and came to me. I looked down at the flowers sadly as I knew I couldn't tell him the truth. "I-I'm just a friend. I drove Katy here." I said quietly as he kept staring at me angrily. He looked me up and down before turning around and going to her room. I sighed quietly and looked up slowly as the door was opened and I made eye contact with Katy. She held our daughter in her arms and looked even more beautiful than before. I was so proud of her but I couldn't tell her that. I would have destroyed everything between her and Orlando. I didn't see a point in my life anymore and had no idea what to do with myself at this point. My daughter was there but she didn't even know I was her father. I didn't have a chance to see her little face nor hold her tiny hand. I was not allowed to be there for her and protect her. I felt my eyes begin to get watery as I couldn't help it. I was just feeling so down and useless but maybe it was for the best.

I grabbed my stuff as I was about to leave and let them be happy but the nurse came to me. "She wants you to come inside too, Mr." she said and I looked up at her. I smiled lightly and followed her to Katy's room as my heart started to beat faster. I was just seconds away from meeting my newborn daughter and I couldn't take the smile off my face. I was excited to meet her as I already loved her with my whole heart and was surrendered to her. It was hard to believe that Katy wanted me to see her. I thought she wouldn't let me anywhere near her and just keep our daughter for herself but here I was walking into the room as I help the stuffed bunny. I looked at her and our daughter before coming to her bed slowly as a tear rolled down my cheek.

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