Reborn For Him (K)

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Everything went pitch black.

My vision is blurry and fuzzy. My head feels like a bullet got shot right through it. My memory was barely there anymore. I couldn't remember myself, my own name, what I looked like. Everything had been 


I try desperately to get my eyes to open. I'm growing weaker. My mouth feels like it's wired shut. I beg to not start crying, this is a fucking nightmare. My breathing got slower every minute. Distant shouting clouded me like regret, 

I don't know how this happened. 

A bunch of muffled steps, sounds, sirens and--

one familiar voice, oh my god, finally something..-


The person's breathing slowed as he struggled to keep me up,

"I love you so much--"

Everything disappeared again, it felt so cold and lonely. I couldn't match the voice to anyone, I really wish I could. The muffled sounds got more and more distant until I'm left 



A wave of relief washes over me as the feeling of being captive goes away. My lips move first, unable to say a word, only there for show. The air got clearer, I stop holding my breath. My eyes blink open to a completely white kind of room. My legs and arms felt like they just snapped right back in place. I breath slowly, making my way up. As I stood, I held my head to remember something. 

"I'm such a fucking fool.." My own voice was unrecognizable. It changed pitches every few seconds. A soft tap on some kind of metal piece. My head lifts up to the noise. A guy in pretty casual clothing stood by some yellow and white gate. 

"What's your name boy?" He called. I swallowed due to the lack of any water from my body,

"I'm-- uh, not sure sir.." A small smile plays on his lips as he takes out some kind of board. "Can--Can you tell me where I am sir?"  I started making my way to this huge gate. He met my eyes for a few seconds, still searching over a piece of paper. "I need to make my way back to my family a-and my boyfr-"

"You're dead boy, no way you're going back from where you came from." he shook his head, taking the pencil out his mouth without looking at me. The panic attack started to set in,

"D-Dead..? No, no no, I-I can't die sir! I still had so much to do, this has to be a joke!" I gripped the perfectly white bars of the gate. He looks up at me finally,

"I wouldn't joke about this so take my word for it, you're completely dead." he stated seriously. I bit my lip, trying not to hyperventilate so much. I inhaled through my nose as much as I could. 

"I don't remember anything, my memory is-- is completely wiped." My shortened pupils look to him. He cocks his head to the side a bit, exhaling, 

"That's perfectly normal for someone who just died but I can give you your briefs and you'll be on your merry way to a new life." He sets the paper down, crossing his arms. I rested my head against the perfectly spaced bars. My head was absolutely killing me. 

"A new life?" I questioned, groggily. The man nodded patiently,

"Don't tell me this is your first time." He chuckled warmly. I still felt so cold inside. I bit the inside of my mouth. He sighed tiredly, "I'll take your silence as a yes."

"Sadly yes, I'm just-- stressing right now sir, I-I can't even think.." I admitted. Light flickers a few times, it was like waiting for paint to dry while this guy put up with my bullshit. He huffed through his nose, looking at my own stressing pose,

"I get that feeling boy, I just worried for any more interruptions, anything you don't or really want to know?" He asked cautiously. I sighed deeply, lifting my head from the bars. Silence stood as his question hung in the air,

"Tell me all you know." 

-- The Man's POV --

This boy of general complexion looked as worried and scared as all hell. I couldn't frown down on him when I felt the exact same. He did have a perfect life, his perfect significant other, great family and friends, amazing grades, I was surprised he was even here right now. 

"Do I have to go light with the info or..?" I try to smile a bit but his vibe is so lost right now and I'm unsure if a joke is even right. He wet his lip before taking the look in my eyes to heart, 

"M-Maybe just a bit.." He held his pointer and thumb close together. I nodded slightly, taking another look at the paper. 

"Let's start with the basics, you used be a striving, well graded boy named Kiu Hatimoshi." I started, my eyes darting to see his face. He swallowed, nodding slowly. "Your appearance isn't that important, your own profile status is, you had a wonderful boyfriend named Katsuki Bakugo who cared for you internally. You had a classroom full of great friends by your side and 2 proud parents." My eyes search down more, "Your siblings admired you greatly and you were one of the best in training and in a quirk wise." I had wanted to sprinkle it lightly but I think I let out a little too much. I held the paper by my side, waiting for something from him. This boy was nothing anymore, only a memory to all of those kind people who treated his with so much respect. I couldn't imagine how they must feel. His eyes searched endlessly around the floor. A small sigh left his lips as he shut his eyes, 

"How..--" He gulps, "How did I die sir?" He asked shakily. My eyes lower down to the paper again. A small feeling of grit left me, 

"A fearless stepping in of a an attack on some training course. After probably an hour of running, fighting and saving, you got aimlessly shot by one villain. Katsuki held you in his arms, tears streaming down his face as some of the class did. People were already devastated." My mouth shut as soon as this all left my lips. I looked up once more, catching a glance of a tear that dripped onto the glossy white floor. I swear, I saw it make the floor a bit gray. "I bet you heard the words of pure sadness, huh?" I fully looked up at him. He sniffed, slowly nodding. I press my lips together, sighing, "Listen boy, you do have another chance, you realize that right?"

"But what if it's not with Bakugo? I loved that boy to death and now you're just ripping him away from me." He stated coldly. I studied his anger a bit more. I motorboat my lips lightly before placing my hand on the bars, 

"I'll do something for you and you have to promise me, I won't see your face back here unless you die from old age or some disease." I waved my hand around. His jaw untightened as soon as I said that, "I'll allow you to be back with your other half but, not as Kiu." I started. His eyes went wide, 

"Are you kidding me?" He stared sternly at me. I sighed, 

"Kid, just hear me out, Katsuki has became severely depressed since your death, by now it has probably been a few days to them. You showing up not dead will put you in the opposite direction of where you want to go back to." He studied my hands intently. "You will be reborn as a 15 year old orphan who just got adopted a year back. The name is Ejiro Kirishima, pretty good quirk, hardening to make his skin more durable. His appearance-- well, when I send you down, you'll see." I shrugged, smiling lightly

"Does this mean I'm stealing someone else's body?" He seemed confused and shocked at the same time. I laughed, shaking my head, 

"No, no, no, these bodies have been being controlled by a "Whitened Soul." A soul who has no verification like a living organism, they can't talk, walk or breathe unless they are in a human body, then they act normally." I sighed happily, "You're kinda lucky you didn't turn into one of them, the only people who do are ones who die for stupid reasons that they caused or self harm, we don't tolerate any excuse for suicide." I shook my head. Soon to be Ejiro bit his lip slightly, nodding. 

"I like the idea." He admitted, looking for my approving gaze, "Let's do it."  I couldn't help but smile.

"All I need you to do is sign this saying you've completely walked out of Kiu's spirit." I handed him a thin signing document and a pen. As soon as he took it, I trailed over to the handle that opened the door to your new future. Ejiro signed it slowly until the paper dinged and slowly denigrated. I grin, pulling the lever down to open both gates. He steps through one at a time, 

"Welcome to your new life, Ejiro Kirishima."   

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