Falling Apart (B)

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Some butterfucks knock on my dorm door before continuing down to the others. I didn't want to open my eyes or get up at all. My eyes only opened a bit, my hands wipe at them. Dried tears stayed on my cheeks. The death of my own boyfriend, Kiu Hatimoshi. Everyone's mood changed right when the pain shot through him. I held his cold body in my arms until I knew he was finally gone. And he wouldn't be if he didn't run in there! I was overthrown with emotions all at once, anger, fear, and sadness. I kept blaming him then myself then that bastard ass villain. My days kept getting worse and darker. It came to a point where everyone in U.A tried to comfort me the best. I've pushed all sorts of love out of me and my life. When my mom heard, she said she'd pray for him but I don't even know if I was listening. We all got sent to our dorms for a few days. Me? I was the first one there, crying my eyes out which I barely do. Kiu will never know how much this hurt me as much as it actually hurt him. My body was so cramped and dry from all the tears that spilled from me. My depression has became worse and my own belief to kill myself has become stronger. Even that round face and Deku had started worrying about me. I could name lists of things everyone has done for me these few days but I think I would be here till noon. My mind kept me back from doing anything. Whenever I was forced to train, my quirk wasn't as strong, my pride was melting away. If I was comfortable enough, I even let a few hugs slip by. The old Katsuki Bakugo was gone. 

I groaned, turning onto my back. My palms fully wiped over my face. I missed the sound of Kiu's cheery voice entering my room with a drink or a snack and before I can get it, he teased me and kissed my cheek. I missed his whole presence. Mourning in bed all day was all I could get. 

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to invade that much of his privacy." A voice lightly chuckled outside my door. My head popped up, staring at the darkened room around the door. A deepened sigh came after,

"See, me and the teachers are worried for him, sending him home wouldn't be rational and we think he needs a little social interaction to get his hopes back." Aizawa-sensei's voice was very clear. The other voice sounded slightly annoying but something I could used to. It had pride but also cheeriness like Kiu's,

almost exactly like his?

The handle turned that scared the crap out of me. I squinted, flipping my bedside lamp on, 

"What's the big commotion?" I grimaced at Aizawa. He gave a small smile, nodding back at something. I crossed my arms, waiting for a response. All I got was a tall, spiky red hair weirdo stepping through the door. My annoyed gaze turned to Aizawa, "No fucking way." I growled, already putting the covers back over me. He rolled his eyes, walking over to my bed calmly,

"Bakugo, your mood and overall grades have been going down and down, we can't stand for this anymore-"

"DO YOU EXPECT TO BE FINE WHEN MY LOVED ONE JUST DIED RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES!" I screamed, unbelieved by their ignorance. I stepped up from my bed sternly. I glared deadly at the shit hair's eyes. He swallows and steps back, "And you just expect me to forget that and live with him?" I glanced hard back at Aizawa. 

"We never said that." He blinked at me. I scoffed, 

"You intended that, didn't you? Is he suppose to help with all of my problems?" I squinted harder, "You guys are really dumbasses." I huffed, moving the guy out of the way to storm the hall. Aizawa walked out with the guy, 

"Bakugo." He called sternly. I stopped, closing my eyes for a second, "This decision is for the best. We understand how hard it is for you but U.A is worried about losing you." He sighed, approaching me. His hand rested on my shoulder which made me meet his eyes, "Give him a chance." His voice was so strict, it barely sounded like it was pleading. My eyes shoot down from his, studying the floor. "He's here to give you a bit of reassurance so take it while you can." He shook my shoulder lightly. I exhaled roughly through my nose, rubbing my hand over my face. 

"Don't expect me to be too nice." I mumbled. Aizawa gave a small dry laugh, patting my shoulder,

"When would I?" He starts walking past me, "Just, no tearing him apart." He reminded, walking to the other side of the dorms. I scoffed under my breath, forgetting weird hair was there for a second. He placed his hands behind his back, stretching his arms a bit,

"A firey piece of introduction Bakugo." He chuckled lightly. I could actually believe this guy wasn't try to be mean. His appearance was quite classic and comfortable. I rolled my eyes,

"Don't expect to go on a first name basis already, I take my time with respect." I snarled, passing him into now "our" room I guess. I flipped all of the lights on, turning my bedside lamp on. He only smiled lightly, setting his luggage down. He glossed over the plain looking room then smirked,

"I'm guessing a lot but I don't think you were expecting me." He hinted towards a free place where another bed could be. I look up from my crossed legs on the bed. I shrug with one arm, not meeting his figure. He raised his eyebrow lightly, studying my vibe. I lazily rub my fingers together gently. My arms being exposed fully for once. His stare hardened from my fingers to my face. "What's wrong."

My head lifted up quickly, my eyes accidentally his. It seemed more like statement than a question. I narrowed my eyes, "Why do you wanna know?" I seemed offended. He just wanted to step right into my personal life huh? He sighed, leaning off the wall,

"Well I don't know if you always look depressed or if something is clouding your mind, what is it?" He stood closer to my bed. I adverted his gaze again, back down my fingers. I felt the shifting of him sitting on my bed. He pulled his legs up and crossed his legs like mine were before I shifted. I couldn't help but take another look at his whole appearance. Red flashy spiked hair with an white bandana, a white tee and sweatpants. It seemed so comfy and laid back, I was kinda jealous. My mind lingered back to his observation, how sad did I look to other people? My soul had lost its fire and I was just a sad bag that couldn't think straight. 

"You probably wouldn't get it." I mumbled, unwilling to open up. His eyes soften and flicker around my position. His hand grips my left arm, "HEY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU-"

"You aren't fine." He stated, showing me my own wrist. The memory scars cut into them in shaky lines. He peaks out from behind my wrist, "I won't tolerate bottling up your feelings, please." His tone changed the slightest bit with worry. I flicked my eyes from him to my wrist back to him. I couldn't help but feeling my cheeks go kinda red. He softly places my wrist back, waiting for something from me. He wasn't leaving till I did. It left me to my only option with the exhausted feeling inside me,


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