Everly was many things.
She was cold, impatient and slightly drunk.
She was not, however, prepared for the sight that awaited her, when Richard opened the door.
Everly was still in her dress, but Richard had changed out of his dress pants and shirt, and was instead wearing grey sweatpants and no shirt.
Even though she had seen him in way less, her breath still hitched as she took in his naked torso.
"Everly?" He asked, snapping her out of her daze. "What are you doing here?" She forced herself to turn her eyes up to meet his.
"I couldn't access my room," Everly said with a shrug.
"Come in!" He ushered her inside.
"Why didn't you just go down to the reception and got another key?", Richard asked, when she had sat down on the couch.
"Oh. Right. You're right, I should probably leave.", Everly said, getting up.
"No!" Richard was in front of her in a flash. "Don't leave, love. I didn't mean it like that."
"No, really. I should get my bag. I forgot it on the seventh floor."
"Is there anything valuable in it?", he asked.
Everly turned her palms upwards, showing Richard her phone, wallet and keys. "Only clothes."
"Then we'll just fetch it tomorrow," he assured, "Wait a second." He walked into the bedroom, and returned with a t-shirt in his hands.
"Can you sleep in this? I'm sorry I don't have any shorts.", he said, sheepishly, scratching his neck.
"It's perfect," Everly smiled at him, before going into the bathroom to change.
When she came back into the living room, Richard was sitting on the couch, scrolling through Netflix. "I was wondering," he said, with his back turned, "if you maybe wanted to watch a-", he turned around, his voice faltering when he saw her. "movie.", he finished in a whisper.
Everly felt a thrill go through her when she noticed his eyes, who were glued on her bare legs, his t-shirt only reaching her mid-thigh.
"Richard?", she asked in a teasing tone. "My eyes are up here."
His eyes instantly shot up to meet hers, before he looked away with flushed cheeks.
She walked over to him, and dropped down on the couch beside him. "What are we watching?", she asked.
"I was thinking maybe Inside Out. That okay with you?"
"A Disney movie, huh?" She teased him, nudging him in the side. "I'll take it."
At some point during the movie, Everly's arm ended up on the couch's backrest, her fingers drawing small, lazy circles on Richard's bare shoulder.
And at some point, even further into the movie, her hand ended up on top of his head, running through his hair and massaging his scalp. She noticed his small sigh, and how his eyes began closing slowly. She giggled quietly to herself, before asking him: "You tired Richie?"
Richard just groaned in response, which made Everly giggle again, this time out loud.
"We should probably go to bed," she said. "It's getting pretty late. I'll take the sofa."
Even though Richard was half sleeping just a second before, he snapped his eyes open at that. "No, I'll definitely take the sofa, you take the bed!"
"Richard...", Everly sighed, "I'm not going to steal your bed from you."
Richard mumbled something under his breath.
"I said, I think you should join me in it, then.", he said quietly, looking down at the ground, refusing to meet her eyes.
"Richard?" She touched his jaw, gently lifting it, so his eyes met hers. "I'd like that.", she said, sending him a soft smile.
They were lying in the king-sized bed, on either side, far away from each other, and Everly was facing the wall, rather than face Richard.
She was dead nervous, but unfortunately also dead cold.
They had just slipped under the covers, and it probably didn't help that she almost wasn't wearing any clothes.
Damn it! She thought. Why does it always take forever to get warm underneath these giant covers?
She was shaking, and really hoped Richard wouldn't notice. He did. Probably because her shivers created a ripple effect through the covers.
"Everly?", he asked, softly. "Are you cold?"
"Come here."
She turned around, facing him, and he gestured for her to scoot closer.
She moved so she lied directly beside him, and put her head on his chest, as he threw an arm around her.
They lied like that for a moment, and Richard asked: "Are you still cold?"
"A bit," Her response a but muffled by the thick duvet, "but I'm sure the cold will go away if we lie even closer.", she cheekily said.
He laughed, and they shifted, so they were pressed completely against each other, both Richard's arms slung around her.
"Goodnight, love.", he whispered.
Everly didn't even get to respond, before her eyes closed, and she drifted off to sleep.
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