The author of the book 'The Exquisite Way to Love You', the book the movie was based on, was throwing a party.
It was just a minor party, only for the Director, the producers and the main cast. Unfortunately, it was held in a whole other state than the one they were filming in, which meant that everybody who didn't wish to fly or drive home immediately after the party, had to book a room at a hotel.
Everly was wearing a little, cute, black dress, and had a lot of fun. She spent the whole time goofing around, joking with the people she had spent several months with, completely comfortable around everyone.
Sure, some of the time was used in Richard's company, but for once he wasn't her main focus or priority. She wanted to make sure she enjoyed the last moments with the cast and some of the crew, while she still had the chance.
Everly was quite drunk towards the end of the night. Not exactly wasted, she was professional after all, but a bit past tipsy.
She had found out her and Richard would be staying at the same hotel, so they retired from the party together.
Richard was staying on the second floor, while Everly's room was all the way up on the seventh, so he got off the lift first.
Everly thanked him for a good night, and kissed him on the cheek before they parted ways.
The night was far from over, though, because when she reached her door, her keycard didn't work. Or was it her door that didn't work? No matter what, she couldn't get into her room.
Everly knew that she should probably go to the reception, but somehow her alcohol-addled mind led her to Richard's room instead. Before she could even blink, she was five floors down, standing in front of his door, her hand having already knocked twice.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net