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{5 years later}

[New York, Planet Earth]

Mayne : "Another good day, I suppose."

Mayne Clark does his usual routine. He is jogging around Hunter's Point South Park. His normal day changes when something greenish blur is seen at sky. Suddenly, some unknown objects appear and are floating above him.

Mayne : "Oh, my God. What is those things?"

Unknown to him, that objects are 4 Taurus class Battlecruisers and 2 Hercules class Cargo Ships.

<A few moments later...>

News Anchor :

"Good Morning viewers. Today, people in New York was surprised by sudden UFO activity on the sky. They are located near United Nations Headquarters. Locals said they saw greenish blurry thing appear out of nowhere and replaced by huge size UFO. We are still waiting for confirmation from NYPD or National Guard."

At certain streaming media platform with title : UFO at New York! from account named by jhonnybald69.

Comments :

jhonnybald69 : guys, here we can see many huge ufos float at sky.


nerdytech : Hey, that looks like spaceship. Could it be alien is making contact with us?

maria27 : Oh no, are they gonna kill us?

steve_dude : maybe. but they possible try to speak with us. who knows.

Mighty Guy : Cool. Looks like coming out from sci-fi.

Meiko-chan : Can we send them anime or manga? Surely, they will aprreciate culture, right?

anti anti club : or they will attack us aggressively because of it

CJ : either way, we should waiting for official news.

<Few minutes on sky at New York>

A dropship emerges from one of battlecruisers. It is flying toward ground and lands on street. Five figures get off from dropship. A man with black suit and two men with terran government official clothes are escorted by a man and a woman with light terran infantry armor and SMG.

NYPD Officer 1 : "Excuse me, sir. Would you mind to introduce yourself?"

Martin : "Greetings, human of Earth. I am Martin Santiago, Minister of Foreign Affairs, belongs to Mars Empire."

NYPD Officer 2 : "Whoa, martians. Are you gonna invade us and conquer Earth?"

NYPD Officer 3 : "Hush. Don't be so rude to them."

Martin : "It's okay, gentlemen. I assure you our nation come in peace and desire to establish diplomatic relationship with all nations on Earth."

NYPD Officer 1 : "Oh, so that is why you come to UN Headquarters. Very well, let me and my companion escort you to UN staff inside."

Martin : "Of course, Mr. Officer."

The police officer accompany the envoy inside building belongs to United Nation Headquarters.

<Few days later>

An emergency meeting is held by UN General Assembly to discuss matter with arrival of Representatives from Mars Empire. After long debates and many suggestion, it is decided nations of Earth accept diplomatic relation with Mars Empire. The UN will send special envoy to Empire and Imperial Emissary will be sent to UN and all nations on Earth.

[Mar Sara, Planet Mars]

Capital city of Mars Empire is named after a colony planet Mar Sara, home planet of Jim Raynor. It's size is compareable with capital of Terran Dominion Augustgard. In a dining room of Imperial Palace, a middle-age man and a teenage girl are enjoying their family dinner.

Jim : "So, how your school today?"

Sherry : "Nothing's special. Although, compare to Earth, the difference in knowldge is visible."

Jim : "Human in Earth hasn't reach space exploration yet. It will take a long time."

Sherry : "Do you intend to help them?"

Jim : "A blueprint of pre Great War dropship and certain machines are enough for now. Of course, not for free."

Sherry : *sigh* "Honestly, I'm prefer military tactics to politics."

Jim : "Unfortunately for you, learning politics, etiquettes, and laws are important as Crown Princess."

Reminisce with past, Jim can not imagine his life will become like this. After bizarre adventure in space and great wars, he thought he would life as retired marine in small colony planet. Until his arrival at this world where infested organic is being used as bioweapon. He saved some civillian from Raccoon City which become crater from nuclear explosion. He made base and settlement on Mars to avoid intelligence agency from Earth sweeping his stuff and technology. Later, the settlement become a city and filled with more population. He wanted a democratic state but he could not sacrifice early stability. Civilian and military personnel suggested a military state with him as leader. In the end, he became emperor of constitutional monarchy nation. He appoints his adoptive daughter as crown princess.

After dinner, Jim and Sherry walk through hallway to his office for preparing their participation in World Conference on Earth. A peaceful relation with other nations is desireable. Unfortunately, more document works for him.

Suddenly, a bluish white light appear and wrap them into white room.

Sherry : "Whoa, what's going on here?"

Jim : "Hmmm, this looks familiar."

A familiar figure appear out of nowhere.

Jim : "Huh?"

Sarah : "Hello, Jim. It's been a while."

Sherry : "Who are you?"

Sarah : "I am Sarah Kerrigan. Friend of Jim Raynor. You must be his daughter."

Sherry : "Yeah, Sherry Raynor."

Jim : "So, it's you who sent me here."

Sarah : "Sorry for that Jim, but I need your help."

Jim : "And why is that?"

Sarah : "Other universe is in danger. Soon or later, it will affect ours in Koprulu Sector."

Jim : "Why not ask Protoss or Zerg? I'm sure Artanis won't mind to help you. Even Zagara will absolutely obey you as her former Queen."

Sarah : "Unfortunately, I need them to protect Koprulu Sector in case invasion from multiverse happen. I can ask Valerian, but he needs to stabilize Dominion before preparing for another war."

Sarah : "Beside, all race in Koprulu Sector trust you. And the remnant of Xel'naga understand your kind heart and honor, a rare quality for Terran."

Jim : *sigh* "Fine. But I can't do this alone."

Sarah : "Of course. That is why you have Varast. Later I will upgrade it to help your mission. You can bring Sherry, too."

Sherry : "But, can I return? Mars is my home now."

Sarah : "Don't worry about that. Jim lend me your Varast."

Jim gives Varast to Sarah. She send her energy to modify it. She returns it to Jim.

Sarah : "With this, you can teleport to your capital city. You can also bring people in maximum radius of 5 meter. Then, in each universe, you will get some trusted ally."

Jim : "Okay. Now, I kinda like a peacekeeper unit to jump at other planet. At least, I still have supply access from homeworld."

Sherry : "Cool. We can expand our territory--- uhm I mean our influence."

Sarah : *chuckles* "There is some empty planet in each universe. You can claim it first."

Jim : *smirk* "And here I thought you are return and I can retire."

Sarah : *smile* "It's my responsibilty as a new Xel'naga. I will send you a list of universe in your office. Good luck for your assembly, Your Majesty."

Jim : "Yeah, we will meet again, My Lady."

A bluish white light appear again. Jim and Sherry return to his office in Imperial Palace.

Sherry : "So, what is Xel'naga?"

Jim : "It's a scientific race who achieve highest level of technology and creator of Zerg and Protoss Race."

Sherry : "Awesome! Your friend is a Goddess. I wonder how we can save other universe."

Sherry see a blue crystal with golden casing on the table. When she examines it, a blue layer display suddenly appear.

Sherry : "Neat. It's like a mini computer. Ugh, what a long list."

Jim : "We can do that later. We have a conference to attend."

Sherry : "Oh, I almost forget about that. I hope it will be fun."

Jim : *wide smile* "Hell, it's about time."



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