Say My Name (Takemichi x Toman)

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The toman boys are in love with a certain pretty piss haired boy with ocean orbs, that is a popular fact.

And it's fucking frustrating to see them looking so longingly at the oblivious boy, as if he's a gem and they could only look from a far. Technically, Takemichi is a gem. And there's a huge fucking possibility that one of them can have him for the rest of eternity if they weren't a coward bunch.

Sano Ema is a nice sibling. She's always there to console Shinichiro when he's rejected for the 23th time, she's there when Mikey throws a tantrum or cry when his favourite dorayaki place is close. She was the one who help Izana adjust and stop another incoming fight between him and Mikey, to who's Takemichi's boyfriend and Shinichiro's brother.

She is a reliable sibling. But for fuck's sake, she doesn't have to always do things for them!!

A ticked mark appeared on her forehead once again, seeing the toman members having the same longing and loves truck look on their faces while staring at Takemichi, who's in his own world chatting with another toman member under the same division as him.

Pardon her for being an impatient person but who won't get annoyed at this point?! It's been months! Months since this idiots found out they actually like Takemichi!!

She and Hina were excited, to see who's going to confess first and to who will have Takemichi as their boyfriend. But after months, months later and no body even make a move!!!

She ignored it when she caught sight of Mikey practicing with a fucking doll with blond hair one midnight and as a nice sibling she is, she didn't comment anything. Yes, she once witness Chifuyu trying to confess with takemichi in the playground they first met but chickened out much to her dismay. She definitely didn't peak at Draken once, writing some shitty love letter before throwing them. She wasn't listening to Kazutora planning a picnic to confess to the said ocean eyed man but that picnic never happened. She pretend that she didn't saw Baji discreetly making a move or so, but still kept quiet of his feelings.

Having to witness all of that then force yourself to be quite to at least protect their dignity or whatever they have is getting irritating. I mean, who wouldn't felt this way when you've been witnessing the same shit for months?! It only took her a week to actually collect herself and confess to Hina then boom! They're dating!

And today, her Patience reach its limits.

So with a plan on her mind, she created a group chat where everyone, except Takemichi is present.

Love stuck fools

Hina'sGf added DorayakiIsMyLife (Mikey)

Hina'sGf added DrakenxBike (Draken obv)

Hina'sGf added Banana.Hair (Kazutora)

Hina'sGf added Cat.Lover (Chifuyu)

Hina'sGf added BurningCars.Addict (Baji)

Hina'sGf added DevilWithASmile (Smiley)

Hina'sGf added AngelWithAScowl (Angry)

Hina'sGf added TheHandsomeOne (Mitsuya)

(A/N: I won't add Hanma, Kisaki, Akkun and Naoto because this is TakemitchyxToman)

DorayakiIsMyLife: Heh? Why'd you add me here, Emma-chan? You could've at least pick me a better nickname you know?

BurningCars.Adict: How to fucking change my goddamn nickname?!

Cat.Lover: ...
Seriously, Baji-san?
Anyways, I like my nickname! Thanks Emma-chan!

Hina'sGf: Aw, I prefer you and Mitsuya-kun better!

TheHandsomeOne: Oh come on, I'm not that handsome!

DrakenxBike: Mitsuya, stop complaining. At least your nickname is not that lame πŸ™„

TheHandsomeOne: Draken, your nickname suits you tho

DrakenxBike: Shut up

Hina'sGf: Okay, so is everyone present?! Smiley, Angry, please make yourself present!

DevilWithASmile: Yep~ Yep~ I'm here!😁

AngelWithAScowl: What am I even doing here?πŸ˜ πŸ’’

Hina'sGf: Okay, so for the purpose of this godforsaken group chat πŸ˜ƒ

Banana.Hair: ...
I swear, this better be worth my time or---

BurningCars.Addict: I'll burn Mikey's bike if this shit is nothing good!!

DorayakiIsMyLife: Hey! What did my bike do to you?!

DrakenxBike: Well your sister did

Hina'sGf: Okay you fucking assholes, pay fucking attention or I'll set Naoto and Takemichi a date!!


Hina'sGf: That's what I thought!

TheHandsomeOne: What's going on, Emma-chan?

Hina'sGf: It's because you asked first Mitsuya-kun that I'll be tell you not so harshly to what's fucking wrong with all of you😁

DorayakiIsMyLife: Stop cursing Emma! I didn't raised you like that!

Hina'sGf: Oh, My dear brother! It seems you're excited to see Naoto and Takemichi together that you've done nothing but cutting me off huh?😊

BurningCars.Addict: Mikey, shut your trap and let Emma speak!

DevilWithASmile: Just like what Baji said, Mikey πŸ˜πŸ’’

DorayakiIsMyLife: ...
Are you rebelling against toman---



Hina'sGf: Good, if one of you dare to interrupt once again, I'll dial Naoto right awayπŸ˜„

Hina'sGf: So, I added you on this group chat to talk about something

Banana.Hair: Really Emma? You just want a talk buddy? You have a girlfriend for fuck's sake!

Hina'sGf: ...

DrakenxBike: Kazutora---

Hina'sGf: Oh, what a coincidence! Takemichi is here! Might as well asked if he likes Na----

BurningCars.Addict: Okay, Okay!! We'll shut the fuck up!

Hina'sGf: One more fucking time and I won't help any of you again!


Hina'sGf: Good, now, where was I?
Oh! Okay, so I still remembered few months ago, you all told me you like Takemichi right? (She forced them to tell her) 😊


Hina'sGf: And as of now, nobody still haven't confessed😊


Hina'sGf: Despite me having to handle you're corny ways of trying to confess then chicken out laterπŸ˜ŠπŸ’’


Hina'sGf: Might as well tell me the fucking reason why or I'll personally make you?😊πŸ”ͺ

DorayakiIsMyLife: ...
Emma, you know there's no need for bloodshed right?πŸ˜…

Hina'sGf: I'm waiting!!

DorayakiIsMyLife: Wait, we're siblings!!!

Hina'sGf: I already reject you as my sibling when you made me witness shits for the pass months!!

DorayakiIsMyLife: What did I do to you?!

Hina'sGf: Oh yeah?! I'll remind you of the times you talk to a fucking doll in the middle of the night as if summoning a fucking devil?! Or deal with your shitty tantrums when Takemichi doesn't pay attention to you?!

DorayakiIsMyLife: ...
No need to expose me you know?

DrakenxBike: Pfft----

Hina'sGf: I dare you to laugh Draken😊
You think I didn't saw how you wrote cringed ass love letters that even kids can beat you to it?

BurningCars.Addict: Pfft---- Didn't know you're so lame Draken🀣

DrakenxBike: Shut your trap Baji!!

DrakenxBike: ...
H-how'd you know, Emma?

Hina'sGf: That's not important
So, those who still are adamant in cutting me off then step up so I can exposed y'all greatest secretsπŸ˜„


Hina'sGf: So, I'll propose an idea to all of you! To make this shit ends with my sufferings. You better do this right and that's it! I won't help you all any longer okay?!

@Everyone: Yes ma'am!!!

Hina'sGf: Good, now here's the plan...---

--An Eternity Later--

Toman Official.Members

(Ocean.Eyes: Takemichi
Ema'sGF: Hina)

Hina'sGf: @Ocean.Eyes!!

Ocean.Eyes: Hmm? Yes, Ema chan?

Hina'sGf: I wanna ask you smth

Ocean.Eyes: Okay? Sure! πŸ˜€

Hina'sGf: So, Takemichi-kun, do you like boys?

Ocean.Eyes: O-oh..
Y-yeah I guess?😁

'Cute!!' The toman members, including Hina and Ema all exclaimed internally. Goddamn it, how can someone be this adorable?! Nah, y'all are just simps.

Hina'sGf: So, among Toman members, who do you prefer to date?

Ocean.Eyes: W-wh-what?!
Emma-chan, the others might feel uncomfortable!!

Hina'sGf: Nah, it's okay. They're gays anyway

Ocean.Eyes: O-oh, is that so?
But don't you think they'd feel uncomfortable when it comes to this topic? Specially, asking me that😳

Hina'sGf: Oh come on! You can tell me!

Ocean.Eyes: w-well..
I-im not sure?

It's their time to shine, I guess? Ema leaves everything with them.

TheHandsomeOne: @Ocean.Eyes say my name

Ocean.Eyes: Take-kun? Huh?

DorayakiIsMyLife: Say my name~

Ocean.Eyes: M-Mikey Kun too?
Wh-why are you guys suddenly requesting that?

DorayakiIsMyLife: If you love me, let me hear you

Ocean.Eyes: ...
M-Mikey Kun, all of a sudden?😳
P-please stop teasing m-me!

'Uk- Too cute! TOO FUCKING CUTE!!' All toman members felt their heart throb at the sudden attack of cuteness, fuck it, they fell hard!

BurningCars.Addict: Say my name

Ocean.Eyes: You too, Kei-Kun?!
W-wait, what's going on?!

Banana.Hair: Say my name...

Ocean.Eyes: T-tora Kun too?!
What's wrong with everyone? Why do you all want me to say your names?!

'Too naive and innocent..' All of them thought as they shake their heads fondly at the crybaby hero

DrakenxBike: I am dying to believe you..

Ocean.Eyes: D-did I do something wrong to you, Draken-kun?
Do-dont you trust me now?

Draken has to calm himself down from jumping on the said naive and innocent boy, burry him in his arms and never to be seen again! He's just way too innocent for this world---Draken completely ignored the fact that the said boy has a collection of porn magazines--- What he's saying is that he can easily be tainted and have their advantage to his trusting and oblivious nature! Just say you want him in your arms Draken.

Cat.Lover: I feel alone in your arms..

Ocean.Eyes: Fuyu..

AngelWithAScowl: I feel you breaking my heart..

Ocean.Eyes: Sou-kun..
Did I do something that might've hurt you?! If I did, I'll apologize! I'm sorry!!!

No, Souya is definitely not crying on his brothers shoulder.

DevilWithASmile: Say my name...

DrakenxBike: Say my name...

AngelWithAScowl: Say my name...

Cat.lover: If you love me, let me hear you


There! It ended! Now, they're just gonna wait for Takemichi's response! And no, they certainly Aren't trembling right now. No, their hearts are definitely not thumping in nervousness. They are completely fucking fine!!! Except, they look sick as they are sweating buckets while waiting for the reply.

Ocean.Eyes: ...

The said girl shot up, having fun a while ago and now excited for Takemichi's response. She bets on Mikey, Chifuyu or Mitsuya and Draken. While Hina bets on Smiley, Angry, Baji and Kazutora.

Hina'sGf: Yes, Takemichi-kun?😊

Ocean.Eyes: The thing you asked earlier...

Hina'sGf: Hmm?😊

Ocean.Eyes: ...
It's Akkun




"HUH?!" Both Hina and Ema jumps, unbelieving to what Takemichi just text.

A..Akkun?! That one friend of his?! I mean, Hina and Ema certainly have nothing against the said guy, he is pretty good looking except for his ridiculous hair. But the answer is not what they expect.

Takemichi just choose Akkun over the toman captains, vice captains, the vice-commander and the commander?! The most good-looking and hottest delinquents?! Wow, what a surprised!

The said ocean eyes boy leaned on his window, his lips twitching into a warm fond smile as his face flushed in a pretty shade of pink.

He closed his eyes, lifting his fingers up

"Five...Four...Three..Two..And one" The exact moment the toman *simps* members made a grand entrance on his house

Takemichi clicked his tongue when he saw the broken door. He'll have them pay for that later

He took in the condition of the members. Mikey is barely sweating, but he is shaking and there's a murderous aura surrounding him. Draken is huffing as he ran a kilometer, but he is obviously mad about something when his veins are popping like that. Smiley has his usual smile, but he is cracking his fist like he usually does when he's up for a fight. Angry is not scowling, he is crying and it seems like the Blue Ogre is awake. Chifuyu is glaring at him, while crying at the same time. Baji has his lighter out, his hair tied like he usually does when he's in a fight, he's grinning very creepily and also, mad. And Kazutora...

"It's all Akkun's fault... It's all Akkun's fault... It's all Akkun's fault.."

From a great distance, Akkun sneeze loudly, gaining the rest of his friends attention.

"Yo, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, it feels like someone is talking badly about me behind my back.." The said man shivered

Back to the group, all of them were silent until Mikey spoke up

"Takemichi" Mikey is using his real name. He's dead serious and mad.

Takemichi swallowed the lump of fear in his throat, forcing a nervous smile

"O-okay, before you all murder me or Akkun, can you all listen to what I say first?"

It's a miracle they didn't find Akkun first. Takemichi would surely know if they did anything to him, there would've been some blood splattered on them but fortunately, not a single sight.

He sighed, almost fondly as he smiled brightly at them.

"I know what you all have been trying to do, and I'm glad.." the crybaby states, small tears gathering on his eyes

If it's some other time, they would've appreciated how beautiful he looks but they are honestly confused

"P-partner, why?" Poor Chifuyu, he wants to wail loudly but he wants to keep his image intact. I mean, it's not only him but everyone else too.

"I know what you've been trying to do this past months. I know you all like me.." All of their breaths hitched

"And I honestly like you all too."

"Takemichi, if you think it's platoni--"

"I like you all romantically" All of them fell silent

Takemichi suddenly felt a bit shy, embarrassed. So he looks down, fiddling with his fingers as he tries to hide his blushing cheeks

"I think About it for some time now. I know it's wrong, for liking many guys at the same time. So I tried to ignore it, try to figure it out. To who will be the person I'll choose to confess to.."

"But it's hard, of course. I can't accept the future of you all being happy with someone else other than me, call me selfish, I know. I'm aware but it's my true feelings after all.." he gripped his heart, gulping the sob that almost scaped his throat

"I.. I want all of you.. i-i don't want to let you all go..-" A sniffle was heard from him, which throws the Toman into a state of panic as they rushed to his side, trying to calm him down

All previous anger and pain are gone, replace with love, adoration and worry for this crybaby

"No, Takemitchy, it's okay! Don't cry! You're not weird at all! You're just being honest!" Mitsuya comforted

The said boy sniffle, peaking adorably at them

"R-really?" A love arrow went straight to the toman members hearts


"Y-you won't leave me? F-for liking a lot of guys at the same time? F-for being selfish?"

"No! We all love you, Takemichi! And we surely have no problem sharing, right?" Baji exclaimed, which is true

They are family, and they want the best for each other. They are completely fine with anything

"Who cares about what society says. What matters is how you, what us truly feels. This is new to me too. But I'm fine as long as it's you guys.." Smiley stated, his usual smile plastered on his face

Takemitchy's cries turned into small sniffles, thankfully. Now, his visible ears are coated with red which made them coo. He's too cute

"I-i love you all!" He squeaked, covering his burning face

The others laugh fondly, jumping on him and hugging him with all their might, preppering kisses to their love of their life.


Imagine the surprised looks of everyone who saw, heard of the news of the spot beside Mikey is finally filled!!! Everyone knew that a gang doesn't have a queen or a king.

So who would've have thought that the invincible Mikey, the legendary Toman, have a queen now?! And who is it if it wasn't the one Hanagaki Takemichi, the most sought after!

Toman owned Takemichi, he's now the invincible Mikey's queen

But how wrong they are

It wasn't Toman who got Takemichi wrap around their fingers. It's the opposite.

Takemichi got toman wrapped around his fingers, and they are completely fine with that.

Takemichi is theirs, and takemichi owns them.

And Ema is happy that the plan works. Very thankful that she won't be suffering any further! Oh how wrong she is

Despite having Hina by her side, she's absolutely disgusted to see their pda's. Like, can they stop trying to grab Takemichi's ass in every area?! This is the worst!


Takemichi: M-Mikey! Stop!!

Mikey *whispering to his ears*: Why not, baby?


Mikey: oh, y'all still here?

Ema: what the fuck do you mean-----

Chifuyu: Mitchy!! Look! *lift up the cat in his hands*

Takemichi *gasps and getting teary* : Fuyu, you mean-----

Chifuyu *smiling* : let's build our own family, Mitchy!

Takemichi *runs to Chifuyu and wailed*

Ema: ...

Mitsuya, appearing beside Ema: Hey, Emma-chan! Have you seen mitchy?

Ema: No I haven't.

Ema: why? You need him for something?

Mitsuya: oh, I want him to try some clothes I made for him!

Ema: oh! Can I see?!

*takes out his phone and shows her*

Ema: ...

Ema: Why

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