New Member?! (Take x ??)

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#toman gained a new love rival in the form of Haitani Rhon
#Pretty Michi cause I live for that!
#Hiroto is a pain in the ass (😏)
#Childhood friends!
#Everyone is a simp for Toman Second Generation Commander
#Takemichi actually saved those who died. Like Baji, Emma, Izana and Draken.
#Mikey chose to fall into dark impulse because he doesn't want to hurt his friends and wants everyone to stay away from him
#hinted Hina x Emma

Fujikawa Hiroto
β€’ Sanzu's childhood friend and lost contact with him
β€’ Wants to save Sanzu

β€’ Hates Mikey
β€’ His strength is on par with Draken and a bit less than Izana
β€’ Real name is Haitani Rhon but doesn't like his name as he hates his bros
β€’ Doesn't acknowledge his two aniki as brothers due to being separated from them or in his pov, they left him alone
β€’ Joined 2nd Generation Toman if he's able to defeat Inui and he did
β€’ He is placed as the captain of the newly formed seventh division
β€’ Wasn't attracted to Hanagaki but eventually found out why, and he's now an official simp
β€’ He is the cool type who's laid back like Wakasa
β€’ Won't hesitate to fight back if it revolves Takemichi and Haruchiyo
β€’ Has a sharp mouth and sassy as fuck


Credits to the rightful owner of this art: whatadraggo on TikTok!

Past Hiroto: 12
Past Sanzu: 10

A small child, with a hair length just above his shoulder, sat quietly on one of the slides as he stares at the pink and orange hues decorating the sky

It's pretty. How nice if he'll actually see it from above, and not from below. It will be a much prettier view

He reached out his hands, drawing random patterns in air and smiling a bit at the funny shapes of some clouds, when a chocked laugh caught his attention

It's a boy, a bit smaller than him, sitting on one of the swings while looking down.

His eyes cast downwards, unblinking even by the sight of blood droplets on the boys hands.

"I.. I hate him---.." He stared at the boy, who's still mumbling about someone he hates

Normally, he'll ignore them. It's none of his business and it's always the usual sob story which is not even close to what he's feeling or something worth the tears

Kids this age are only crying like the spoiled brat they are because they got into a petty fight, their parents yelled at them or something like those simplest things

Pathetic. But he feels like it's different with this guy, Hiroto can feel it. His instincts were never wrong.

He approached the kid, standing infront of him and waiting for the other to look up so he can take a good look of him

It feels like eternity when the kid finally looks up, Hiroto stared down at his bleeding face with no emotions. Unbothered by the two wounds on each corner of the kid's mouth, which is bleeding profusely.

He sat down on the other swing, the other kid watching his every move closely with a blank look

"Do you hate someone?" Hiroto muttered after a moment of silence, looking at the skies with an almost calm look

He can feel the other kid's sharp stare but he waited for him to answer

"...Yes." The kid answered after a minute of silence and contemplation

A small smile appeared on Hiroto's face

"I hate my brothers." He doesn't have to look to the other kid to see his surprised look, before it calmed down and the usual blank look appeared on his face

"... I hate my siblings too.."

That day, Hiroto formed a friendship with an unknown boy whom he found out the name later as Akashi Haruchiyo but prefer to call himself as Haruchiyo Sanzu, because of the same hatred they bore.

It was strange, but Hiroto was just glad that he found someone whom understands his situation.

But, he noticed something was off with Haruchiyo as days, weeks, months passed by.

Haruchiyo had trusted him enough to share the story of his scars, and it was because of One Sano Manjirou, whom Hiroto grew to hate after finding out what the boy did to his newly formed friend

He loathes that guy, but can't say that out loud as Haruchiyo has a.... strange attachment to the boy

He noticed of course, he was always good with noticing things. Even the smallest things

Haruchiyo is obsessed with Mikey, for an unknown reason, even though that boy was the one who carved those permanent wounds on Haruchiyo's face that will stay with him for all of his lifetime. He wonders why Haruchiyo doesn't hate that guy, but did the complete opposite

He kneeled to Mikey, worshipping and seeing him as his god. As his king. It was strange, but Hiroto can't find himself denying his friend

Hiroto doesn't want to be the cause for those flames in his friends orbs dimmed. Even if it's fucked up, he'll let Haruchiyo be and only steps up if that obsession of his becomes uncontrollable

He wished he didn't. If only he did that earlier, then he and Haruchiyo could've separated with a warm goodbye and a promise to meet once again

But no. He foolishly believes that Sanzu's mentality is not that bad, and did nothing about his growing obsession earlier

It was too late. Hiroto doesn't even get the chance to talk it once with him, when his father took him and moved away to a different town.

That day, he saw Haruchiyo's betrayed eyes, screaming at him to why he's leaving him.

He didn't get to answer, because his father had dragged him to their car, and they left the neighborhood with the not bestest farewell. Because the last thing Hiroto saw in his friends eyes, is complete insanity and betrayal.

And he knows well how Haruchiyo hates traitors the most.


~Years later~

(Hiroto is 18
Toman and the rest are 16)

A handsome young man, cladded in expensive clothing that compliments his handsome face, walts in the streets, eyes droopy and bored.

Some passerbys stopped to look at the attractive young man, blushing and gushing about his handsome looks whom he is careless about

He gets that a lot, so what? He's getting a bit annoyed because, why is it taking too long to find a certain ugly piss haired boy with blue striking ocean eyes (according to rumours)?

He clicked his tounge, his white long hair swaying with the wind when a shop caught his sight.

His bored looking eyes went up, scanning the letters and his eyes shined in realization

That's what those weak brats said. He should've beat out the the name of the place from them also, then he wouldn't have troubled himself to look around.

It's done anyways, no turning back

He opened the door without knocking, his eyes already on the group and scanning their appearance but frowned when he saw no one who matched the description those brats told him. Did they actually lie?

But oh well, it's worth a try, he guess. Because...

His sharp eyes squinted. There's no way the ex captains and vice captains of Toman, along with that one black dragon dude, to huddle along if there's nothing going on

He'll just assume he walk into them in the middle of their meeting

The group turned to the newcomer, the turquoise eyed boy seemed annoyed

"Inui-san, I thought you put on the close sign?"

"I did?" The 'Inui' person confusedly answered, still gawking at him

"Oi dude, we ain't open. You see, were in the----"

"Is Hanagaki Takemichi here?" Hakkai felt himself twitched in annoyance at being rudely interrupted, about to marched to the guy and ask his problem but Mitsuya's vice grip on his arm kept him down

Hiroto only glanced at the fuming male with a scar on his lips, the fuck this dude is mad about?

"What do you need about him?" Inui's eyes narrowed in suspicion

"Who even are you?" A man with pink hair, ruffled in all places that Hiroto is beginning to think that this guy doesn't know the existence of hair brush, hissed at his direction

Are they an untamed beast or something? Hiroto mused

"Guys, stop it! There must be a reason why he's looking for me!"

Hiroto's attention was caught by the guy who has his back turned to them for a while now--he just noticed---- and raises an eyebrow

The figure turned around, and Hiroto mentally confirmed that he is Hanagaki Takemichi

Small build, blue ocean eyes--they are actually pretty like those brats said---- but what didn't matched on the description is the ugly blond hair color

This guy has dark raven hair, almost blue wich is a pretty color actually and matches with his eyes and pale complexion

Hiroto is never bothered at others appearance. Pretty or not, he doesn't give a fuck. None had even attracted him.

Though, This Hanagaki guy's eyes are pretty and caught his attention

Just like the vast ocean, with a hint of light greens swirling around his pupil. A pretty and rare shade. Hiroto only knows one person who owns a unique and pretty eyes and that's Sanzu. Guess Hanagaki is the second person

He cleared his throat, mentally face palming to why was he even thinking of the others eyes when it shouldn't affect him in any way

He's not here to admire a strangers eyes, he's here for a more important matter

"So you're Hanagaki, huh..." He murmured, which earned him another set of suspicious glares

What the fuck is up with these guys? Hiroto thought

"Yes?.. Not to be rude but I don't know you though??" Hanagaki sounded lost and innocent, Hiroto let out a small smile

"If so, then I'm here to join your gang!!!" Everyone gaped at the sudden proclamation


Mitsuya, who has been silently observing everything from the start, sighed as he felt another headache forming

"Are you even worthy to join??" Hakkai questioned, shielding Takemichi from Hiroto's sight with his tall and bigger body

"Do you have time for me to prove it to you?" Hiroto snapped back quite sassily

"You're hella suspicious man." Chifuyu decided to voiced his suspicion, his eyes are still narrowed like a cat. Hiroto wants to roll his eyes

"I'm not here to be buddy buddy with you. I'm here for Hanagaki Takemichi." It seemed like he worded it wrongly as they erupt like a volcano once again

Hiroto sighed. What the fuck has he gotten himself into??




Pointless jabs. Pointless threats. Pointless people. Hiroto gazed all of them one by one, all boring and bland

He's here for Hanagaki Takemichi only. He has heard a lot about the blond who's now Black haired

How he saved Draken in the battle of 8/3. How he saved the first division captain and brought back the sixth founder of toman successfully. How he went against Taiju, the beast who rule the 10th generation Black Dragons, and win against him and successfully absorbed Black Dragons. How he saved Kurokawa Izana from the bullets. And many more he can't possibly name of

He saved a lot of person, which is a mystery of how he's always there when the storm approaches. Hiroto has his own theory but the case isn't important

This guy can be a mind reader or a time traveler for all he cares, but he really needs his help right now

"-- And you look like someone familiar.." That brought him back to reality

It was Mitsuya who uttered those words, looking as if he's thinking for someone who looks possibly alike with the newcomer.

Realization dawn to the lavender haired man, his eyes widened in disbelief

"YOU--!!! ARE YOU SIBLINGS WITH THE HAITANI BROTHERS?!" Hoh. Someone isn't a complete idiot after all

Hiroto was beginning to think that everyone in Toman is stupid but this guy is fast. He'll praise him that

"What?! But I thought there are only two Haitanis?!" Chifuyu voices out, bewildered

"What the fuck?"

"Now that you've said it, he kinda looks like that toothpaste haired guy---" Hiroto prevented the snicker from scaping his mouth

"You mean Rindou?" It was Hanagaki who confirmed it

Hiroto cleared his throat once again to get their attention, which he successfully did

"Let me properly Introduce myself."

"My name is Haitani Rhon, but I go by the name Fujikawa Hiroto." He bowed, trying to be as polite as possible

The only person whom he'll consider getting acquainted with is Hanagaki and that lavender smart dude


"What the fuck is going on---" Kazutora, who had been released from Juvie just a month ago, haven't gotten his answer

"ARE YOU A SPY?!" Keisuke, who's alive and well, pointed a finger accusingly at the unamused long haired

"Baji-san, not everyone is like you, you know.." Chifuyu deadpanned at his first division captain

"Why is a Haitani here, and not by his brothers side?" Mitsuya, the smart one, questioned yet again

"I have no plans on going to Kantou Manji Gang like my.. brothers." Hiroto gritted his teeth, the word always felt foreign and disgusting in his tounge

They noticed how he bitterly spat the word, but chose to not say anything. Must be personal

The tension suddenly grow thick, everyone is finally silent and waiting for his next words. Good.

"For short, Hanagaki-san caught my attention and I want to joint Toman. That's all." His statement didn't manage to convince everyone

'well, at least they aren't a bunch of idiots who just believe a strangers words. It would be tragic if they just randomly trust a stranger.' Hiroto tiredly sighed

"If you really wanna join Toman, then go through me first." Inui step up, his eyes sharp as he straighten his back

"Inui-kun.." Hanagaki softly called out, but the Inui guy just smiled almost comfortingly

'How sweet' Hiroto scoffed

"Bring it on." A grin stretches across his usual bored face

"Hope you're a good opponent."


The toman members watched as Inui's body dropped down on the ground, beat up but thankfully still alive

Before they turned their attention to the unscathed male who looks like he didn't broke a sweat from the fight, but he's small pants means he actually struggled

"You hold up much longer than I thought, huh. Though you are lacking at some places but the fight was good." Hiroto grinned as the scarred male glared at him under his lashes

"He's a monster.." Chifuyu whispered under his breath, still not over by the one of the most awesome fight he had seen in his entire life!!

"His strength is on par with Draken..." Smiley exclaims

"No, I think he's stronger than Draken but a bit less than Izana.."
Mitsuya stated, and they can't help but agree to his words

If only Draken is here to witness this... The said man is on the hospital bed, probably cursing at them for not including him in the meeting

He's not going to be present in the final battle between Kantou and Toman which will happen in 2 weeks anyway, it's no need for him to come

Hina and Emma stayed with Draken to look for him and to make sure he doesn't stomp out of the hospital. The newly couple are doing well because they would've receive a call right now that Draken disappeared if they are doing a bad job

Hiroto turned to the gaping crowd, unbothered by their obvious admiring. He's strong, and he fucking knows that

He didn't waste 6 years of his life, lounging and waiting for his father's death and actually trained to become stronger and left his father's side when he was 16.

"So, I'm in?"

Hanagaki Takemichi smiled, Hiroto found himself staring longer that the toman members glared at him.

"Welcome to Tokyo Manji Gang, Hiroto-kun!" Hiroto found himself smiling a bit

He was usually not like these. But something in Hanagaki's wide and welcoming smile, along with the soft call of his name, steered something in his stone cold heart. It's because he's pretty-----

"Thank you, commander."

Hiroto's whole purpose of joining Toman is to save his childhood friend, Haruchiyo. But it wouldn't hurt to have fun provoking the members, right? And besides, Hanagaki Takemichi is interesting and he can't wait to see for himself what this boy is capable of. If he's actually what the rumours are about.


"Kanto Manji Gang has over 500 members and the present second generation toman has 50. Isn't it quite unfair?" Hiroto sat on one of the couches, Infront of Hanagaki

"It's just been three days since we announce a brawl with Kanto. Most of the previous members of Toman joined Kanto, and some are just scared to face the invincible Mikey." Kazutora answered

Hiroto thought for a moment. The big gap doesn't bother him. Second Generation toman has a lot of good fighters, they won't lost to them.

But 500 members is too much. They can easily take them down, but their stamina will be the problem when they faced Mikey. Whom never tasted defeat once.

An idea popped in Hiroto's head, grinning that everyone except Hanagaki raised an eyebrow

"I told you, he's suspicious as fuck!!!" Keisuke screeched, about to stomp towards the Haitani's direction but Chifuyu pulled back the back of his uniform, struggling so

"Baji, stop acting like a wild beast." Kazutora sighed tiredly

"Baji-kun, we shouldn't judge people too early! Let Hiroto talk, please?" And just like that, the untamed beast calm down like a well trained dog

Hiroto raised an eyebrow. Interesting.

"So, you have an idea, Hiroto-kun?" Hanagaki turned his attention to him, Hiroto fell silent and once again stared at the male that the toman members glared at him

"I think he's interested in Hanagaki.._" Hakkai stated the obvious to Mitsuya, who's feeling annoyed all of a sudden

"You think I don't see that?" Mitsuya deadpans, frowning as he realize that they'll gain another member to their simp club

Hiroto shakes his head, turning back his attention to the matters at hand

"Before we faced Kanto, let's absorb some gangs. Asked for a brawl and if they loose, asked them to join Toman and fight alongside with us."

"Hah?! That's a----" Baji once again started but was cut off by Kazutora

"Actually a good plan." Kazutora nodded his head approvingly, though still looking at the Haitani with squinted eyes.

He's good, but he's showing interest to their Takemichi and he doesn't want that.

He already has a lot of rivals for Takemichi's love, he waited 2 exact years for Hina and Michi to break up!!!!

But it's not the time to think about love lifes now. First, they have to save their idiot of a commander who thinks he's god carrying everyone's problems on his shoulders without asking for help. He'll bitch slapped him after this, for making them go through another shit.

"Anyone objects??" Everyone is silent

"Good!! Then let's go along Hiroto-kun's plan then!" Takemichi smiled brightly

'Too bright' they

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