Darling, Don't Leave Me (IzaTake)

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The thick scent of blood hovered in the air, suffocating him. Crimson was all his eyes could see, and a twitching body besides him, which belongs to the man he knew off for years

Takemichi gasps for breath, eyes shaking at the sight of Naoto's body, almost dead body, twitching and barely breathing.


He desperately wants to heed the beta's words yet he can't. His legs stayed frozen on the ground, the alpha pheromones in the air forced him to submission whether he likes it or not. But he refused to submit fully.

Standing not so far away from him is another familiar face from his childhood, but he didn't care. Clearly, Kakucho had chosen his own path. And Takemichi understands. Right now, Kakucho is Takemichi's enemy.

"Takemichi..", Kakucho calls him with familiarity. As if it's a casual reunion. Takemichi wants to laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

Takemichi gritted his teeth, forcing his omega to snap out of it and make a run for it, but no. His omega had grown weak, or the pheromones actually belong to a very powerful alpha.

And then a moment later, a figure emerges from the shadows. And Takemichi realized immediately that the pheromones belong to this person

Kurokawa Izana smirked amusingly, finding his state funny. It's almost strange. His appearance barely changed but the alpha remembered how he wouldn't take a knee to anyone, coming right back up after receiving punches and kicks that would no doubt knock out an alpha.

That was before the time he presented as an omega

Hanagaki Takemichi has always been amusing to him. It's a shame he lost contact with him years ago.

But right now...

His eyes glowed dangerously, filled with rage. He wants nothing more but to kill this son of a bitch who took his Mikey away.

His mouth parted, the words hanging on the tip of his tounge but then he suddenly halted.

Seconds passed by, and Kisaki and Kakucho started wondering what was wrong.

A grin then stretched out on the white haired alpha's face.

Takemichi trembled pathetically on his knees, his whole body shaking like a leaf. His eyes are unblinking and wide, devoid of any sort of life. Realization hits him and helps him understand his reality. It's over. He can never go back to the past again. Naoto.. is no longer breathing.

Tears continued to leak out from those wonderful eyes, streaming endlessly like waterfall.

There was something in the look on Hanagaki Takemichi that made him desire him. Pulling him in like no other.

'Oh, he can be useful and entertaining.'

"Hey, Takemichi.." Izana then reaches out, placing a palm on those soft wet cheeks, loving how the omega trembled more in his touch

"Do you want to be forgiven?" His words took everyone off guard.

Kakucho lowered his gun, his eyes clearly showing his confusion. Izana wanted to kill Takemichi, and Kakucho volunteered to do it so he can make it painless as possible. But then Izana suddenly changed his mind? What's going on?

Takemichi finally turned his attention away from the carcass that was once his best friend, turning to Izana with anger

The omegas pheromones flared, showing his clear hostility. But it didn't affect the white haired alpha a bit. In fact, this act of defiance of his made the alpha desire him more

The alpha smiled sickeningly sweet, caressing his cheek almost lovingly that it almost had the omega fooled if it weren't for his eyes. There is no affection in those eyes of his.

"Since I lost my Mikey and Shinichiro.. I can just make another one no?" When Izana's words registered in the omegas hazy mind, he felt a cold chill ran down his spine

The mere idea was sickening. He growled at Izana, baring his teeth. His omega is agitated!

The previous giddy expression on Izana's face was wiped out at the omegas reactions, replaced by a cold look.

The hand that was caressing his face oh so lovingly suddenly grasped him hard, hard enough that he's sure it'll leave bruises.

Izana pulled the omega close, his lilac eyes wide in pure insanity. His inner alpha growled at the clear rejection from the omega, wanting nothing more but to sink his fangs in his scent glad and have him for all eternity

The air turned suffocatingly cold, Izana could careless as he let his pheromones run rampant.

The force of his pheromones would be enough to even make an alpha kneel, even Kakucho and Kisaki are starting to get intimidated and uncomfortable, Takemichi, as an omega, should be baring his neck and scent glad to him in complete submission. But no.

He's still trembling, yes, but he stared back into Izana's eyes that are glowing dangerously

It made the alpha laugh in sick glee, glad, everything that the omega does is intriguing to him.

He will have fun breaking this omega down. He will slowly claw within him, and then rip him apart. And then, when there's nothing left but pieces of his past self, he would mold him to be the perfect omega for him. His only.

"Hey, Takemichi.." Izana leaned in, and nuzzled on the omegas scent gland.

"Let's have a big happy family, shall we? I'll give you lots and lots of love, to you and to our future sons and daughters. I would never abandon you and our pups." Izana murmured with a crazed look, totally lost in his fantasies his mind created

Takemichi would have thought that Izana was just lonely. That he's just doing this because he can't cope with the fact that his only brother died. But Naoto's cold body besides him shattered whatever concern or sympathy he has for the alpha.

He understands that Izana is grieving. But what he did is so wrong. Takemichi can't find it in his heart to forgive and forget. He'd rather die than forgive this man.

Izana continued, unaware of the Omega's thoughts, "But if you leave me, you wouldn't even dare to do it twice. You can't be that cruel to our pups right? They need their mother too."

"You... Mother fucker.." Takemichi whispered through gritted teeth, and Izana smiled lovingly at him

"My dear, it seems like you're as excited as I am."

Kakucho winced visibly and turned his head to the side while even Kisaki looked disturbed at the scene. No one would've expected this sudden turn of events

Izana's idea.. was sickening

But even so.. Kakucho sighed in relief, he's glad that he wouldn't have to kill Takemichi.

He just hopes Izana wouldn't break him beyond his limits.

No. He was so wrong.

Kakucho should've killed him that day.

It was his biggest regret in his lifetime.


"Blehhh you're so slow Shinichiro!!"

"Oii Manjirou!! Wait up!!"

It was another noisy day in the Sano Household.

Kakucho decided to drop by after a mission, and what greeted him the moment he entered the house are the 7 year old twins running rampant in the hallways

He sighed, exasperatedly. He took off his shoes, and his coat that is soaked in blood. He's not like Sanzu or the Haitani Brothers after all.

He puts down the souvenirs he brought to the table and before he could even call for them, they're already running on full speed towards him and tackled him to a big hug

They favored Kakucho a lot more than the rest after all

Kakucho gazes at the children fondly, although his stomach still churns up whenever he looks at them

Sano Shinichiro, the eldest twin born a few minutes earlier, was a calm and mature child. He has straight black hair like Takemichi, with lilac eyes just like Izana. The kid is still young but Kakucho can feel it that the kid will present as an alpha.

Sano Manjirou or Mikey, the youngest twin. He was loud and reckless, moving here and there. He seems to never run out of energy. He has white curly hair much like Izana, and a pair of blue mesmerizing eyes which he got from his omega father, Takemichi. He, no doubt, would present as an alpha as he's already showing alpha tendencies

"Where's your mother?" Kakucho then asked after a while, breaking the silence

"Hmm.. in the garden.. he's with papa though." Shinichiro answered after swallowing his food

The eldest twin gave him a knowing look, confirming his suspicion that Izana didn't really keep things under wraps. Even Shinichiro caught on the situation between his parents

Shinichiro is a smart kid. At the young age of 7, he's aware of his father's line of work, he has a vague idea of his parents relationship-- it seems one sided no matter how much his mother tried to reciprocate his father's affection at times. He still loves his parents a lot, and has fully accepted that he'll be the successor of bonten in the future.

Manjirou had remained oblivious to all of this though. Shinichiro and his mother shared the same thought that Manjirou must not find out the dark secrets of their family

"Okay, eat well kids.", He sat up and pats their heads, about to leave when  Shinichiro--- Kakucho still has trouble saying their names out loud-- suddenly grasped his hand, almost desperately

"...Mama is pregnant." Kakucho pursed his lips, attempting to appear normal as if the words didn't cause an inner turmoil in his mind. Shinichiro is staring at him.

His heart ached, but he still forced a comforting smile for the kids

"Thank you for telling me Shin." With a heavy heart, he turned to his heels and walked out of the kitchen

The mansion is wide so it's easy to get lost if it's your first time, but Kakucho knew the layout of the place like the back of his hand, and he had no trouble strutting around

He tried to regulate his breaths, he could feel his eyes sting but he never let those tears fall. He doesn't have the right to cry when he played a role to Takemichi's suffering

After a few minutes of walking, he finally arrived at Takemichi's favourite place if he wants peace. The garden.

Izana had purposely ordered his men to make it as wide as possible and to add any flowers and other decors that Takemichi loved. It was an act of love for the alpha. But it's different for the omega

And then... He saw him

He heard sweet hummings, and with every step, it gets louder and louder until it's all he could hear.

He stopped a few feet away, afraid to spooke the other by his presence

The sweet hummings then came to an end, the person has his eyes shut close peacefully while he rubs small circles on his visibly round stomach.

If Kakucho didn't know better, he would've thought that Takemichi is in bliss.

But no. He knows. It's the complete opposite. He knows and he couldn't help him in any way.

"Hmm? Kaku-chan?" The omega called sweetly after sensing his presence, a genuine smile on his face

But his eyes are blank and devoid of light. As if his soul gets sucked out of him and now, he's nothing but an empty shell.

"Izana-kun just left to play with Shin and Mikey. You didn't bumped into him?"


Takemichi then turned to his right, Kakucho following his gaze. He saw Izana, smiling and laughing happily with the boys as he taught them how to play basketball. Their sweet laughter is heard even with their distance. It was a beautiful sight to anyone who knows nothing

Kakucho can agree. Izana is a good father, but never a good person.

At least he treats Takemichi and the kids better, although Kakucho is not oblivious to the bruises and harsh hickeys on Takemichi's body after he and Izana had a fight. He was always the one who washed his exhausted body after all, while Izana left to calm himself down or he won't be able to control himself and end up killing his own omega

Takemichi smiled at the sight of his family, albeit bitterly. But his wonderful sons look so happy.. besides that monster. And Takemichi is not so heartless to take them away from their father

When Kakucho stayed quiet, Takemichi finally addressed the elephant in the room

"Oh, I'm pregnant with a baby girl. Izana wanted to name her Emma."

Kakucho bit his lips desperately until it bled, refusing to let out any noise

"... congratulations.. Takemichi."

The smile on Takemichi's face grew wider, a lone tear trailing down his beautiful pale face which he wiped out hastily as Izana is approaching their way, holding the boys in his arms

"Thank you, kaku-chan."

(A/N: lol long time no update. I just finished watching tr s3 and I'm kinda back with my tr obsession lol. I hope y'all enjoyed this!!)

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