Cure (ShinTake)

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(A/N: re-upload cause there were some missing parts.)

Shinichiro isn't normal. At least he thought himself.

There's something lurking within him, something dark, impulsive, whispering and taunting him to do as what they told

He thought he was insane. But they've been with him since forever. He honestly doesn't know what to do.

He doesn't want to be labeled as a crazy person and have his siblings fearing him, having his reputation destroyed and so he decided to hide it to the best of his abilities

He hid it away, buried it to the deepest and darkest part within him. He hid his terrifying strength, and put on a mask for everyone.

Sano Shinichiro is far from normal. He knows it himself, but he wants to live like a sane person.

Everything he worked for shattered when his beloved brother, Manjirou, died.

The impulse he had desperately tried to bury resurfaced, and he was so tired and mad that he no longer cared

In an instant, his title as the weak crybaby commander of the biggest gang in history dissapeared. He was suddenly known and feared as the monster who took down the most notorious gangs in the area by himself

The mask shattered

Shinichiro no longer cared. He just let himself move according to the impulse. His most important persons are gone

There's nothing left for him to live for.

And then, by some miracle, he went back in time

It was strange. It was confusing. It felt like a dream.

But it's not. It's definitely not. He can still vividly remember the cold rain, the warm blood on his face, his bloodied knuckles. Everything was so clear as if it just happened a moment ago

And then, barely registering the events, he found himself holding onto his younger brother, heart thumping loudly. He.. managed to save him

He actually saved Manjirou!!

He bawled, wailed even, while Manjirou stands confused but made no effort to break away from his brothers tight hug

Shinichiro no longer cared what happened. As long as Manjirou is safe, as long as Emma is still here, its fine

He's planning to disband Black Dragon. He's going to be busy in the near future anyways.

It was peaceful. Everyone is alive and happy.

Shinichiro tried his best to bury his actions in the past. At night, he always woke up in the middle of the night, sweating buckets and heartbeat palpitating like crazy. His past actions made him scared of himself. He's scared of his own abilities, at how far he'll go if he loses himself completely to his impulse

When he remembered how he beat someone to death, he couldn't help but throw up.

His mask is slipping. That's why he avoided his friends like a plague, because they are the only one who knew him so well and they'll immediately know something is wrong.

It was so painful. Everyday, he's starting to hate living.

He can't sleep, as the thought of possibly harming his beloved persons in the future haunts him. He can't digest food properly, not when the image of the bodies he had beaten to death still flashes before his eyes.

'Would everything stop if he dies?'

The thought continuesly rings to his mind, and as time passes and nothing could help with his thoughts, he's starting to agree with the voices

Mikey is alive and healthy. Emma never left. His grandpa is still alive.

There's nothing left for him to do. Living has gone painful each day, even sleeping can't help him escape from his reality.

His family, friends, his passion, is not enough for him to continue suffering in this hell he built himself.

No one could cure his curse.

And so, when he saw the wrench that is headed straight to his head, he was glad

He'll finally die. He would no longer hear the voices, the impulse, the guilt that's eating him away.

He's finally free

He braced himself for the impact, and yet, after a few minutes, there was nothing

He opened his eyes that was screwed shut, wondering why he felt no impact or pain

His blurry eyes then focused after a moment, and then, he noticed a figure that was never there before

With the light from the moon that shines through the windows, Shinichiro can vaguely see a person, smaller than him, facing his back to him

He has black raven hair, but they look blue under the light. His figure is so small and thin, Shinichiro is basically towering over him

There was silence besides the small puffs of breaths from the three-- no, four people in the room

"Woah, that was close." The stranger finally said something. His voice was light, almost like a teasing tone, but they wobbled as if he's drunk

"You should be careful swinging this around. You might kill someone." The stranger states then flicked the wrench aside, Shinichiro's eyes following the movement and he can't help but notice the small blood in the wrench

"Who are you?" He finally decided to stay something, keisuke is still shocked behind him

He cautiously moved to shield keisuke away when the stranger moved, turning towards them

And then, Shinichiro was met with the brightest blue eyes he had ever seen in his life. They're like the sea. Like sparkling sapphires.

"Shinichiro-san right? Woah.. you're really tall! I wonder if you're the same height as Draken-kun?"

" know draken?" Keisuke voices out meekly from behind him, still trembling and confused

"You can say. He doesn't know me tho!" The stranger smiled cheekily

"Anyways!" He suddenly pulled someone from beside him, Shinichiro recognized the boy as kazutora, one of Mikey's close friends

The boy doesn't look good. His eyes are wide in horror, as if he's traumatized by something.

"I..i-i--!!" Kazutora wants to say something, the stranger must've noticed too but he just pats the stammering boy's head, as if comforting him

He turned back towards Shinichiro, unmindful of the liquid that drips down his face.

"My name is Hanagaki Takemichi! Nice to meet you all!"

Blood continued to pour from the open wound, and the next moment, Shinichiro is running towards him desperately

The man, Takemichi, took a blow on his head and didn't even let out a single noise.

Shinichiro only noticed the wound too late when the man wobbled on his step, and then his body just moved on its own

"Takemichi!" He managed to catch the falling man, noticing how small he looks in his arms and how he can literally feel the bones in his arms

"Keisuke!! Call the ambulance!!!"


It was a disaster. Kazutora was almost arrested if Shinichiro hadn't intervened. They let him go without a strong warning though.

He explained the situation to Keisuke's mom who was worried and anxious, and had to spend 30 minutes comforting her while Keisuke was taken for further questioning which isn't necessary in the first place

The duo then apologize after, with tears and snot on their faces. Shinichiro couldn't say no to them, they aren't completely at fault because he could've dodged if he wanted too

That moment, he was really prepared to die

They agreed to keep this a secret from Mikey, and then he accompanied Kazutora home

It was almost 3:00 am when Shinichiro came back to the hospital, tired as hell.

He opened the door,staring straight at the man on the bed as he approached closer, taking a seat besides the unconscious man

He stared at the man's calm and peaceful face. He's probably the prettiest man Shinichiro had ever seen in his life

But he worries how scrawny and thin he is. Was he eating well? How does he know Shinichiro in the first place? Why is he so familiar with Keisuke, Kazutora and heck, even Draken?

Shinichiro buried his face into his palm, hissing as his head started to ache with all the questions left unanswered

Who the hell is Hanagaki Takemichi?

"You're a time leaper no?" A whisper snapped him out of his thoughts

Shinichiro snapped his head to the direction of the once unconscious man, and immediately assisted him as he tried to sit up

And then, the question registered in his mind.

"...what?" Shinichiro repeated, dumbfounded

"I know you're a time leaper. Your eyes gave it away." Takemichi nonchalantly stated, giving a pretty but exhausted smile at his way. He seems to never get tired of smiling.

Shinichiro pursed his lips, before he answered, "...I'll assume you're a time leaper too?"

"You got it right!"

"How old are you then?"

Takemichi looked down on his body, thinking deeply about something. Shinichiro can't believe this man actually forgot his own age

"In my original timeline, I was 26. But when I went back 15 years later, I should've been younger but I'm in my early twenties." Takemichi murmured, loud enough for Shinichiro to hear

"I should be the same age as your younger brother right now. But strangely I'm in my adult body. I'm guessing I'm currently 20? 21? I don't know??"

"You know Manjirou?"

Takemichi nodded. "Izana-kun and Emma-chan too."

Even Izana? How come this stranger knows a lot about his siblings? Shinichiro stared at him cautiously. Takemichi realized and laughed.

'Damn.. his voice is as beautiful as him too--'

"Shinichiro-kun, why did you stop earlier?" The question caught the said man off guard

"What do you mean?"

"I know that you noticed the wrench in time. And yet you didn't do anything about it. Why is that?" Takemichi is now looking at him with a small smile

There's no pity in his eyes. As if he understands him.

Shinichiro let himself drown in those eyes, and opened his mouth as he replied honestly, "I wanted to die."

Takemichi nodded in understanding, "I'm guessing you're tired of it all."

"..yeah..", His voice sounded weak and Shinichiro hated it when he was weak. It shows that he can't protect anyone.

But in front of Hanagaki, it feels like it's okay to be vulnerable around him.

"Shinichiro-san.." Warm hands suddenly engulfed him, and then he found himself pressed on Hanagaki

The warmth of Hanagaki's body is so comforting, his soft body was so comfortable to lean in too. Shinichiro already feels tears welling up in his eyes, but he refused to cry embarrassingly and so he burried his face on the smaller man's shoulders

"What's with this random hugging session?" His voice was muffled and hoarsed but Takemichi heard him well and laughed

"I figured that you needed it." Shinichiro hummed in response, his arms snaking on Takemichi's lithe waist as he pulled him closer. Takemichi seems to not mind at all.

"It's okay to cry. It's just us anyway."

Those words were enough to have Shinichiro biting his lips to prevent any sounds from escaping his mouth as he cries. Takemichi smiled lightly as he played with the man's black locks, he loves how soft and silky they are, in contrast to his curly and unruly hair.

They stayed together like that for what feels like eternity, but they didn't care.

They both needed it. They are the same. Only the both of them could understand each other's pain.

For the first time in a while, Shinichiro no longer feels alone.


Shinichiro is embarrassed.

After all that crying, he and Takemichi finally decided to talk properly

No, he's not embarrassed about how he cried earlier. He's embarrassed for wanting to die, when clearly, Takemichi suffered more than him.

Takemichi shared his knowledge about the future, how everything went down and how it mostly involved Shinichiro's death in the past. Shinichiro realized just how much pain he would've inflicted on his younger siblings if he died right then.

It was pathetic of him. But Takemichi assured him that he's not at fault and he understands his situation.

He's glad Takemichi was there and snapped him out of it.

They began planning for their next actions. It's not over yet.

They started with introducing Takemichi again to Mikey and the others

After Takemichi was discharged a few weeks later (Shinichiro and him spent a lot of time getting to know each other more and now they are great friends), Shinichiro brought him home.

Mikey was on the dojo and Emma was making drinks for the others when Shinichiro walked in, holding a very pretty man smaller than him (Takemichi barely reached his shoulders which is so adorable)

This immediately caught Mikey and Emma's attention. Which is good.

Not until the little brats opened their mouths.

"Woahh~ shin-nii, you finally scored a date?" Shinichiro is tempted to throw him

"Shin-nii, he's so pretty!! Is he your lover?!" Emma gushed, Shinichiro was considering bolting out of the place but Takemichi laughed. He knelt down to math Emma's height and patted her head, smiling widely

"Thank you for the compliment Emma-chan! But I have to say, you're prettier than me!!" Emma's eyes shined, and then she latched onto the man's leg

"Hey!! I want one too!!" Mikey pouted and then he's also attached onto Takemichi's side

"Pretty mister, what's your name?!"

"I'm Hanagaki Takemichi! I'm Shinichiro-san's friend! Nice to meet you two!" Takemichi replied cheerfully

"Hmph, Shin-nii, I'm stealing him from you!" Mikey stuck out his Tounge to his seething older brother


"I'll marry  michi-san in the future!!"

"Emma too?! What about ken?!"

"I'll marry them both!"


That day, the sano household was livelier than usual. All because of the presence of one Hanagaki Takemichi.


An hour or so passed and Takemichi was comfortable around the kids the doors dramatically opened and then came in Mikey's friends

"Mikey--- huh?!" It was no other than young Baji keisuke of course

"What???" A young boy which Takemichi realized was kazutora peek from Keisuke's shoulder, his eyes widening in realization when he saw him. Takemichi waved at him with a smile, the kid meekly waving back while his face flushed red.

"Hmm? Why are you idiots standing there like that--" A tall young boy then made his presence, he must be Draken-kun, Takemichi thought

"Excuse us and nice to meet you, mister." A lavender haired boy, which must be Takashi, bowed politely

Takemichi smiled, his heart felt warm to see them again. They looked really adorable when they were kids!!

"Nice to meet you too!! I'm Hanagaki Takemichi, I hope we get along well!"
The kids were silent for a minute, mouth agape.

Takemichi wondered if he came off strongly, and was about to say something again when Mikey suddenly butt in

"If you don't treat him well..." Mikey muttered threateningly, eyes turning to slits, it sent shivers down his spine.

"Umm Mikey-kun it's alright--" Takemichi offered some excuses but then he felt a large warm hand on his head

"Acckk!! Nii-san?!" Shinichiro came from behind and punched Mikey lightly on the head while his other hand is patting Takemitchy

He just came out of his garage after tinkering a bit with Mikey's bike, and arrived on time as he heard Mikey say those words

Takemichi stared at the man, his tall figure was actually eye catching, he's kind of jealous. He's lean but he possessed the right amount of muscles--takemichi averted his eyes when he realized he was staring a bit too long at the way the other's arms flexed--- and his charisma.. there's just something about Sano Shinichiro that draws Takemichi in. Anyone in.

He seriously can't believe how this man managed to get rejected 20 times.

Shinichiro is not only a kind and caring person, but he's attractive and cool as well. He's a good man and probably a good boyfriend too!

Wait, why is he concerned if Shinichiro is a good boyfriend or not? Takemichi thought for a bit before he shrugged it off. His mind sometimes wonders to the most random things.

"That's not how you treat your friends ya know." Shinichiro affectionately rubbed his head harshly, grinning as Mikey pushed him away

"Make yourself home. And I'm taking Takemichi for a bit."

That snapped the said man out of his deep thoughts.

"Ehh?" Takemichi was suddenly hoisted to his feet, as Shinichiro held his wrist and practically dragged him out

Shinichiro grinned devilishly as he heard Mikey scream at him, while Takemichi remained confused.

After the two went out, the kids immediately bombarded Mikey with questions regarding the pretty man

"He's so pretty what's his name?!"

"I really thought he was a girl?!"

"Damnn is he your brother's boyfriend? He managed to pull a very pretty man like that?! I'm jealous!"

"He's not Shin-nii's boyfriend!! He's mine!!"

"Yeah, yeah, keep being delusional."

"Why you---!!!"

"He would look good in female clothing." Mitsuya wondered as he imagined the man in clothing he personally designed, blushing a bit.

Emma chuckled in her hands at the chaos that was caused by the pretty nii-san

She really hopes that Michi-san will be a part of their family in the future.


They went to meet Izana. Takemichi is still panting from the near death experience as he leaned to Shinichiro, the bastard who stayed blissfully oblivious to his shouts earlier about how they're going too fast.

Shinichiro only laughed at his misery as his arms were wrapped comfortably on his waist, supporting his weight without much effort. He ought to fatten him up.

After Takemichi calmed down, they entered the place where Izana is supposedly staying along with Kakucho.

He gulped, feeling strange yet excited again to meet kid Izana and kid Kakucho. But he's still pretty nervous.

Shinichiro must've noticed his discomfort and anxiety as he started rubbing his waist, providing comfort

And Takemichi realized that he's not alone, he has Shinichiro by his side, and so he smiled at the other

Takemichi knew from the start that it would be hard to talk with Izana.

He's cold, and he downright ignored his greeting and proceeded to talk to Shinichiro. That didn't hurt Takemichi but fueled his determination to get the young kid open up to him

Shinichiro was about to speak at Izana's disrespect to Takemichi but the other calmed him, saying it'll take Izana time and they are not rushing after all.

And so, it continued.

Shinichiro will take Takemichi with him thrice every week to visit Izana, and since then, Takemichi has been bothering Izana

Kakucho had fully warmed up to him after a week, but Izana still continued to shut him down whenever he talked to the young boy

Shinichiro was too busy running his motor shop and his gang. Yes, he didn't disband the gang and ended up continuing it.

He and Takemichi discussed it and it's true that they can avoid conflicts as long as Black Dragon remains as the ruling gang. With how large their numbers are and how powerful the members are, no one dared to challenge them except the arrogant ones.

It's been three weeks since Takemichi met Izana, and the boy is obviously getting fed up with his presence

It was strange because that guy keeps on coming despite how he treats him coldly. He doesn't need anyone else. He just needs Shinichiro and his servant.

So one day, Izana exploded.

"Stop acting like

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