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chapter twenty-eight ; hat trick


Wailing from the room across the hall pulled little six year old Natalie from her quiet dreams. Knowing she wasn't supposed to be up at this hour, she quietly slipped out of her bed and peeked her head out into the hallway before she made her way into baby Trevor's nursery. She walked up to the crib and rested her head in-between the bars, staring droopy eyed as the little baby cried. "Why are you sad? Be happy, Trevy," she cooed as she watched him. The little brunette tried playing with him to cheer him up, but none of it worked. "Stop crying," Natalie scolded as she plopped down on the stool.

Picking her head up, Natalie rushed downstairs when she remembered the boy's pacifier and milk bottle. When she had reached the bottom of the steps, she heard another person crying, but this one was soft and muffled sobs. "Mommy why are you crying? Are you crying because Trevy is crying?" the little brunette asked as she moved from her hiding place in the shadows.

Lana Reed lifted her head from her hands and rushed to her daughter, leaving behind the broken beer bottles her husband had smashed on the floor just before. "Sweetie I'm fine. Lets get Trevor to stop crying, okay?" her mother suggested as she guided her daughter away from the mess. Though she had managed to put both her children to bed that night, Lana hadn't managed to keep the glass out of Natalie's sight.

When Barry rubbed his thumb from where his hand rested on Natalie's leg, she was pulled from that memory, the first memory she could remember where she had seen the bad her father could do. Her head rested on the cool glass of the car window as the world outside rushed past. The fleeting images slowed and came to a stop, causing a curious Natalie to lift her head from its resting spot.

"Why are we stoping? Joe, what are we doing at my house? We have to go to James Jesse's lair," Natalie said as she leaned forward towards the front part of the car. Joe glanced at Barry through the rear-view mirror. "You're not going. It's not safe. Natalie, after what happened today, you're probably not..stable-"

"No, Joe. I'm going with you guys. I'm not some weak little girl," Natalie cut him off and looked at Barry for support. His green eyes dimmed and he shook his head, "Nobody thinks of you that way. Natalie, we don't know what he has in that place. If something goes wrong, I won't be in my right mind to get both you and Joe out of there. It's safer for all of us this way if only two of us go. If something happened to either of you I would never forgive myself."

Natalie stared into his pleading eyes before reluctantly nodding. "Fine. But you two better keep me posted. And bring me some food," she huffed to the amusement and relief of the two men. Joe chuckled as he started the car back up and Barry gave Natalie a kiss goodbye before she climbed out, "Sure thing, kiddo."

The first thing Natalie did when she got inside was take a long needed nap, and after that, snuggled up on the couch to watch some movies. Dragging the blanket with her, Natalie answered the door when the bell rang to Barry holding a bag from Big Belly Burger. "Got you some food like you asked but I can't stay long," Barry said as he walked in and headed to the couch. After locking the door, Natalie curled up next to him and spread the blanket across the both of them. "So what did you guys find at the creep's lair?" Natalie asked as she pulled the food out of the bag and began digging in.

Barry wrapped an arm around her and sighed, "Well first off I'm glad we didn't let you go. James Jesse had a bomb as a form of protection to what he was hiding..which was another bomb, that the copycat stole." Natalie finished chewing and swallowed her food before she spoke, "So the creepy kid in the mask has a bomb.. How big of a bomb?" Barry grimaced, "Jesse said, and I quote, 'Bye, bye Central City'".

"I knew that guy was a creep," Natalie joked while shaking her head. Barry silently agreed, his face blank but eyes full of so much pain. "Barry, I know today's been.. shitty, but you can't have little outbursts at S.T.A.R. Labs like this morning. It's too dangerous since we don't know who Wells really is or what part he plays in your mom's murder," Natalie said as she set down her food and focused solely on Barry. "You might be upset, but you have to save your anger. Save it, pack it away, and when we find out who he really is, then you use that to power you. We have to patient, like Joe said."

Barry stared into her eyes and nodded before leaning in for a soft kiss. Pulling away, Barry rested his forehead on Natalie's, "Thank you for keeping my feet on the ground. And about your dad-"

"No, we focus on him later. First, we focus on this Trickster. Then, we figure out Wells. My dad, he's last."

He hesitantly nodded his head but promised himself that he would make Natalie's safety one of his top priorities. "I have to meet the team at S.T.A.R. Labs, want a lift if you want to go?" Barry asked as he stood up and pulled on his coat. Natalie smiled to herself, "No, I think I'll walk. I need the fresh air anyways after today." Barry smiled and pulled her up, "C'mon, I'll walk you outside."

The two walked down the sidewalk, hand in hand in the night until they came to a fairly isolated area. "I'll see you soon, okay?" Barry said as he leaned down and kissed Natalie on the forehead. Natalie nodded, "Remember to try and stay calm!" she called out as he started to walk backwards, nodding before he raced off and leaving Natalie in a gust of wind. Fixing her hair and adjusting her bomber jacket, she started walking again. As she kicked at the loose gravel on the sidewalk, Natalie couldn't stop comparing their day to a Hat Trick. Three hits against them: the Trickster, Wells, and her dad.

When she eventually got to S.T.A.R. Labs, she saw Caitlin, Cisco, and Dr. Wells crowded around the computers in a panicked state. "Cait, what's going on? Where's Barry?" Natalie asked as stood behind her cousin. Not lifting her eyes off of the computer in front of her, Caitlin answered her cousin's question, "The copycat, he posted a video saying he had a bomb planted somewhere in the city. Barry's trying to find it."

Dr. Wells shook his head and looked at Natalie, "Can you try getting through to him? He's not listening to me. All of this, it's a trick. There's some bigger plan here. The bomb isn't where-"

"I found it." Barry's voice rang through the intercom, interrupting Dr. Wells plea. The camera on the emblem of Barry's suit displayed the image of the bomb crate the copycat featured in the video. Before Natalie could reach past Dr. Wells to get to the intercom button, Barry flipped open the lid of the crate making everyone at S.T.A.R. Labs flinch. The feed showed nothing in the crate when Barry looked inside and on the inside of the lid a message saying we've been tricked. "Uh oh", Cisco said when he saw another alarm go off and a flashing red light on the city map.

"Uh oh? What uh oh?" Natalie asked as she switched her attention to Cisco. "There's an explosion at Iron Heights," Cisco announced. Natalie looked at Dr. Wells sadly for more reasons than one, "You were right. This was all a diversion. The prison, it was the real target."

Dr. Wells cocked his head as they all sighed in disappointment, "James Jesse. He tricked us all." While the team at S.T.A.R. Labs heard Barry inform Joe it was a trick, Cisco hacked into the security footage at Iron Heights. Cueing up the video on the big screen, they all saw the explosion and the copycat helping James Jesse escape his cell. Clicking through the different cameras, Cisco tried looking for any other relevant video.

"Wait Cisco, go back one camera," Natalie demanded as she leaned against the desk. On the video, she saw four figures emerging from the dust of the blast, two of those had guns to their backs. "They took hostages," Dr. Wells voiced as he watched the video. "Mine and Barry' dads," Natalie muttered as Caitlin grabbed her hand.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Dr. Wells rub his mouth with his hand, "Natalie, we'll find them-"

"To be honest, right now I really don't care about what happens to my dad. Just.. We have to get Henry back," Natalie snapped. Caitlin seemed taken aback by her cousin's words and squeezed her hand, "Nat, you can't possibly mean that."

Natalie opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it when she saw Joe and Barry walk in, somber expressions on both of their faces. Grabbing Nat's hand, Barry pulled her into a hug, burying his head in the crook of her neck. Reaching up, Natalie wrapped her hands around Barry's back, running her hands up and down and slightly rocking back and forth, "It's gonna be okay. We're going to get your dad back."

"And yours too, Natalie," Cisco added as the rest of the team watched her comfort Barry. Natalie peeked over Barry's shoulder, "Like I already said Cisco, I really don't care.."

Joe looked at Natalie and sighed, knowing arguing with what she was saying wouldn't help anyone, "Axel Walker, he's been corresponding with James Jesse through snail mail for over a decade." Barry moved his head from her neck and moved to hug her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder, "I should have been there."

"We're going to find your dads, okay? No matter how you may feel towards them," Caitlin added as she placed a hand on Barry's back, looking pointedly at Natalie for the last part. Barry sighed in disbelief before looking at Dr. Wells, "I should have listened to you." He let go of Natalie and stormed out, heading to the pipeline with Joe following him.

"Can you guys cut all of the microphones and video?" Nat asked as she began to follow them, continuing only when Caitlin nodded. When Natalie got to them, she saw Barry curled up on the floor, his arms wrapped around his legs and his back facing her while Joe talked to him. She hung back, not wanting to interrupt them, her heart aching as she listened to Barry beat himself down for trusting Wells. As Barry broke down even more, Joe waved her over.

"I can't lose my dad, Joe," Barry cried as he buried his head in his knees and pulled his legs in closer to his body. Natalie rested a hand on his back as she walked around and crouched in front of him. "Barry. Barry, please look at me," Natalie pleaded softly. Barry lifted his head up, his face red and wet from crying. Natalie wiped the tears away with her thumb and cupped his cheek, "Listen to me, Barry. We are going to find him." Pressing the space between them, Natalie gave Barry a soft kiss, wet and salty from his tears before pulling him up and trailing Joe back up to the Cortex.

As they were walking back, Joe cleared his throat before he spoke, "Natalie, I know you think that you don't care what happens to your dad.."

"Look Joe, I don't really know what I'm feeling right now," Natalie explained as she held tightly on to Barry's hand. "I know I don't want him to die. But a small part of me can't help but feel if he was gone, then I wouldn't have to deal with the trouble that would follow once he's released. So I don't want to focus on him right now because I can't focus on one single thought." Joe simply nodded his head and didn't push any farther.

Barry hovered behind Cisco as he worked on the computer scanning the traffic cams when Joe got a call from Iris. He switched the phone into speaker mode and James Jesse's voice echoed out as he spoke and Joe sent Cisco to work on pinging Iris' phone. When the Trickster mentioned something coursing through the veins of those he was around, Caitlin immediately went to work looking up what it was. "Tri-Methyl Mercury 32 is a relatively fast acting poison," she announced gravely. Dr. Wells took this as his chance to intervene, "We can start synthesizing an antidote right now."

"She's at City Hall," Cisco announced once he finished his task. Natalie's eyes went wide in realization, "The mayor's having a fundraiser there tonight. Iris was invited to get some questions from him for an article." Barry looked at her and nodded his head. "Do not underestimate the Trickster," Dr. Wells warned Barry before he speedily changed into his suit and raced there.

The team heard Barry demand where Henry Allen and Garrett Reed were once he got to the event, only another problem rose. A notification on Barry's suit showed that someone had locked something around Barry's wrist. "Cisco, what is that?" Natalie demanded as she stare and pointed at it. Cisco shook his head and quieted her as James Jesse began to explain to Barry what it was.

"That's the bomb! A kinetic bomb actually and if you go below 600 miles per hour it'll explode. Same thing happens if you try to remove it. Ooh! It's active. Run, run, run, run run!" Jesse proclaimed gleefully, his voice ringing through the intercom at S.T.A.R. Labs. Natalie mouth dropped open in horror and turned to Cisco, "Is what Jesse said true?"

Cisco looked at the screens as the suit scanned the device and Barry called out to them, "He wasn't lying. That things linked to a speedometer and it will blow if you stop moving." Joe came up from behind and hugged Natalie as she felt her heart pump faster and faster in her chest. "I can't run forever!" Barry cried as he ran.

"There's gotta be a way to get it off him without damaging it," Caitlin said as she stared at Barry's vitals. Dr. Wells watched the screens, his mind going off somewhere else, "Barry do you see any walls nearby?" The team heard Barry question Dr. Wells before the man continued his thought. "Because I need you to run into one. Or more accurately, through one."

Natalie lifted her head up from Joe's chest and glared at Dr. Wells, "Are you crazy? You're going to get him killed!" Caitlin and Cisco mainly chorused in their disbelief as well but in a more calmer way. Wells ignored their doubts and focused solely on Barry, "If you vibrate at the natural frequency of air, your cells will be in a state of excitement that should allow you to phase through the wall, leaving the bomb behind."

"He runs really fast, Wells. Don't you think if he ran really fast into a wall he'd go poof?" Natalie demanded as she stepped around the desk so she could look Wells in the eye. Dr. Wells' face softened when he saw the worry on her face and spoke quietly, "Natalie, this is the only chance he has to get that bomb off of his wrist. Trust me." Natalie felt a lump form in her throat but slowly nodded and Dr. Wells continued to guide Barry.

"Listen to me, Barry. Breathe," Dr. Wells commanded calmly as Natalie watched the way he focused. "Breathe. Feel the air. Feel that wind on your face. Feel the ground on your feet, lifting you up, pushing you forward. And the lightening, Barry. Feel the lightening. Feel it's power. It's electricity, pumping through your veins. Crackling through you, traveling to every nerve in your body like a shock! You're no longer you now. You're part of something greater. Part of a speed force. It's yours. Now do it."

Natalie noticed Caitlin and Cisco's expressions as they listened to him, the way he worded everything, the way he closed his eyes as if reminiscing in something. The way his voice was hushed and powerful sent goose bumps down the back of her neck as she watched Dr. Wells focus. The team waited in silence when they heard some strange noises coming from Barry's ear piece. "Barry? Barry, what happened?" Natalie called out once the noises stopped and an explosion sounded.

"Ooh. That felt weird," Barry called out before he sped back to City Hall and they all sighed in relief. Natalie stared warily at Dr. Wells before she managed the courage to speak, "I'm sorry, for doubting you it's just-"

"Telling someone to run into a wall is not something you hear everyday. It's fine, Natalie. You were just worried about Barry's safety. Now we just need to find out where Henry and Garrett are,"Dr. Wells finished and Natalie nodded. There was the sound of rushing wind and yellow lightening as Barry grabbed the antidote Caitlin made and gasps through the intercom as he distributed it to everyone.

"Well that can't have been very sanitary," James remarked after Barry announced to the crowed they were alright. "Now where's Henry Allen and Garrett Reed. You're going to prison either way, James," Barry demanded. After Barry had gotten an address, Cisco relayed the directions to him.

"I have them both. They're both safe," Barry informed them, the relief clear in his voice. Natalie smiled at their success before speaking out, "Do not show Garrett who you are. Run him to the prison first, where he belongs." Barry followed her orders and ran back to his dad in the alleyway he had left him and took him to S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Half of this stuff didn't even exist when I was practicing," Henry stated in awe as he spun around taking in all of the equipment at the lab. Cisco smiled and walked up to him, "Don't worry, I'd be happy to explain all of it if you get out." Cisco froze when he realizes what he said, "I'm gonna shut up now."

Henry's smile made Natalie's heart warm up and she couldn't stop herself from running up to him and hugging him. "I'm sorry," she said, her words muffled from his clothes, "It just feels right." She heard Caitlin giggle from behind, "Mr. Allen? I guess it's in the family but I'm feeling the need to give you hug."

Holding on to Natalie with one arm, Henry pulled Caitlin in, "Absolutely. I will always accept a hug. But I don't understand the family thing." Natalie and Caitlin shared a look and laughed. "We're cousins, Henry."

After Caitlin pulled away, Henry walked with Natalie over to where Barry was admiring his suit in its case. "You gotta tell me, what does it feel like when you're running down the street like a bat out of hell?" Henry asked as he looked upon his son with pride. Barry let out a breath of a laugh, "There's no feeling like it."

Nodding his head with a smile on his face, Henry moved me beside Barry and stood back as he watched he two of us, "I'm so proud of you son. Now tell me what it's like to be in love." Barry looked down at Natalie, a genuine smile spreading across his face as he interlocked their fingers, "Even better."

Henry smiled and turned his attention to everyone in the room, calling them all heroes before he turned his attention to Dr. Wells. He personally thanked him for everything he's done for Barry, which Natalie could tell didn't sit well with him.

When he was done, Henry turned to Natalie, "I want to say that I am so happy Barry has found you." Looking down at the floor at all the attention, Natalie could feel her cheeks heat up, "Well I'm happy to have him in my life. You have an amazing son, Henry." Henry beamed at her before pulling her into a hug, "I wish we had more time to get to know each other." Natalie nodded her head as best as she could against his chest, "I do too." Henry planted a kiss on her forehead before going to Barry.

The two shared a hug, no words needed to be said before Joe and Henry left for Iron Heights. "Your father is an extraordinary man. You're lucky to have him," Dr. Wells noted. Natalie saw Barry's lips form into a thin line. "I'm lucky to have you too," Barry replied as he shook hands with Wells and put on a smile. Barry looked at Natalie and held out his hand, which she took as the two walked out together.

When they reached the main hall, Natalie noticed Barry's smile fade and she poked his side, "I'm proud of you back there. Who knew you were an amazing actor." Barry laughed

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