chapter twenty-seven ; daddy issues
Seeing the somber moods on Joe and Barry's faces earlier in the morning, Natalie designated herself to cheer them up, given everything that was going on with Dr. Wells. And feeling especially in a helpful mood, she had even decided to cheer up Eddie, who she thought looked rather glum at his desk when she passed by him on her way out of the station. Natalie swung by Jitters and got coffee for the four of them and a few muffins for them as well.
"Some coffee for you," Natalie announced as she removed a cup from the holder and set it on Eddie's desk. "And a muffin, take your pick from the bag," she said as she held out the bag of treats.
"Aww, thanks Natalie," Eddie replied as he riffled through the bag and pulled out a blueberry muffin. With the satisfaction of making someone's day a little bit better, Natalie smiled in welcoming and turned around to head upstairs to Barry's lab.
Before she could be on her way, she felt a hand wrap around her wrist and prevent her from leaving. Turning back around, Eddie stepped closer to Natalie and lowered his voice, "How is Barry doing..with his Lightening Psychosis and all?"
Biting the inside of her cheek to keep from giggling, Natalie gave Eddie a small smile, "He's just dandy." Satisfied with that answer, Eddie let her go and Natalie made her way upstairs with the treats.
"Coffee and muffins for some of Central City's finest men," she proclaimed as she set down the holder and bag on the desk near the two and grabbed her own cup.
While Joe mumbled a thanks, Natalie's lips lingered on the brim of the cup as she followed Barry's gaze to the board in front of them. Now, along with all of the information of Nora Allen's murder, everything they knew about Harrison Wells was pinned up as well.
As Joe, Natalie, and Barry started to group together all of their information on Wells, which wasn't a lot, Barry had become more and more depressed. It was clear his frustration and the betrayal he was feeling at the moment.
"We're gonna figure it out, Barry," Natalie reassured as she rubbed Barry's back. He nodded slowly and wrapped an arm around her waist as he removed his coffee from the holder. "It's like I said, Bare, he's been patient. And we have to be patient too," Joe sighed.
The three sat there, staring at the board before Joe cleared his throat, "Well, there was something else I'd like to talk to you about, Bare. And you too Natalie."
"Wait, me? I didn't do anything," Nat said as she pointed at herself, earning a small chuckle from Barry.
"Don't think I haven't noticed your absence at the house some nights, Barry. Any idea where he could have been, Natalie?" Joe asked, raising an eyebrow and a sly grin on his face.
Natalie opened her mouth and closed it several times as Barry choked on his coffee, but several explosions diverted the attention from the two of them to the city. Stepping up to the window, the three saw smoke rising from a park.
"Go, Bare. Do good. Stay safe. We'll meet you at S.T.A.R. Labs," Natalie said as she pulled Barry in for a quick kiss. Barry nodded and ran off, leaving Joe and Natalie behind in a gust of wind.
"Don't think this conversation is over, young missy," Joe teased as he led the way out of the lab and down to the parking lot.
"Ooh.. Talking in the third person is never a good sign," Cisco pointed out as everyone at S.T.A.R. Labs watched the video the park bomber had posted. The man, who called himself the Trickster, had the camera focused on him as he turned in a circle, providing a view of Central City in the background, and spit out every word carefully.
Natalie nodded in agreement as she stared at the screen, "Yup. It's always the crazies that do it."
Caitlin scoffed and nodded her head at Cisco, "You're just mad because he named himself." Natalie put her hand up to give Caitlin a high-five on that one, looking at her cousin in pride.
Joe looked at the three sitting at the computers and shook his head, "Actually he didn't. Twenty years ago, Central City was hit by a series of terrorist attacks. One man, he killed at least ten civilians, two cops, and that guy called himself the Trickster."
Cisco's fingers flew across the keyboard as he looked up the man Joe spoke of. Natalie burst out laughing as she leaned over her chair's arm and looked at the news report Cisco had pulled up, "Woah, someone was rocking the unitard." He brought it up to one of the main screens so everyone could see.
"James Jesse?" Caitlin said as she read the report of the man getting arrested.
"So where is Mr. Jesse now?" Dr. Wells asked as he wheeled to sit between Cisco and Natalie. Natalie eyed Barry as she saw his jaw clench when he noticed Wells' movement.
"He's serving several life sentences at Iron Heights," Joe informed as Barry watched Wells carefully, not liking his proximity near Natalie. Joe continued, "He was just about the most dangerous thing Central City had ever seen."
Barry stared coldly at the screen, "You mean until the particle accelerator blew up." Natalie got up and walked to Barry, aware of all of the eyes on her.
"You need to calm down, Bare. Now really isn't the time to take your anger out on people," Natalie warned as she rubbed his arm. The muscle in Barry's jaw twitched as he stared into her eyes and quickly nodded.
Joe quickly looked at the two of them before turning to Dr. Wells, Caitlin, and Cisco, who all looked baffled at Barry's comment. "Barry, Natalie, and I will go see James Jesse at Iron Heights. See if he can give us anything that can help us catch this copycat," Joe recovered as Natalie gave Barry a small push to leave.
While Cisco left to analyze the video, Dr. Wells stopped Joe and Natalie before they could leave, "Is Barry alright? He seems..cranky"
Natalie glanced at Joe before giving Dr. Wells a fake smile, "He's just mad because I made him watch The Vow instead of Real Steel like he wanted. And because I left the fan on when we went to bed and all of these other little things. I'd just give him time to pout, he'll come around."
"I've never seen this part of the prison before," Barry commented as the three followed a prison guard down a long and eerie hallway. Natalie grabbed Barry's hands, a little creeped out at where they were and the fact that her dad was somewhere in the building.
"We had to have a special cell built for James Jesse about five years ago. A criminal psychologist set up weekly visits with him and James talked the shrink into committing suicide," the guard said as he turned around when they reached the door.
Natalie squeezed Barry's hand a little harder, "And you're letting us go in there with him?"
"Here. You're gonna need these," the guard said, ignoring Natalie's question as he handed her a bag of red licorice sticks.
"Um..okay.. These aren't for us are they," she said as she took the bag and glanced at Natalie who looked just as confused. Barry shrugged and took the bag, shoving them in his back pocket.
Natalie and Barry followed Joe as he stepped into the room. Behind a glass barrier, a man sat in a chair, his face hidden in the shadows as Joe and Barry took a seat, Barry pulling Natalie onto his lap so they could all sit. "I'm Detective Joe West and this is Barry Allen and Natalie Reed. We're here to ask you a few questions," Joe announced as he stared warily at the man.
James Jesse laughed a low grumble, "I can smell them in your pocket." Natalie glanced at Barry and pulled them out as she stepped up cautiously to the glass, taking the file in Barry's hands as well and placing them in the small compartment that would put them on James' side.
Natalie watched James Jesse as he continued to sit in the shadows, making comments and snapping angrily as Barry and Joe explained what had happened with the copycat. With Natalie flinching every so often as James Jesse snapped at the fact someone was trying to be him, Barry held onto her tightly as she sat back in his lap.
"Whoever he is, he must have found my lair. I ask only one thing. When you find this gimmick-grabber, this pathetic wannabe, fake! Make sure your safety's off," James Jesse exclaimed as he waved around a licorice stick and ripped a piece off with his teeth, laughing maniacally as the three hurried out of the room.
As they were walking back up the hall, another guard came down to stop them, "I'm sorry. Are you Natalie Reed?" Natalie glanced at Joe and Barry before turning back to the guard, "Yes.."
"Your dad is.. If you would just see him-"
"I'm not seeing that man," Natalie snapped as Barry grabbed her hand trying to calm her down.
The guard's eyes widened at her anger, "But ma'am, he's causing a bit of a disruption. He's been yelling for you and maybe if you saw him, it would help..calm him down. If you saw him we would have to stop by his cell, no one is going to risk moving him to the visitor's room."
Natalie swayed side to side, not sure what to say and not knowing whether or not she wanted to go. She knew how she felt about her dad, but there were so many things she wanted to get out and the presence of Barry and Joe were making it harder for her to decide.
The guard glanced at Joe and Barry. "If you talk to him, even for a little bit I can let you see Henry Allen too. Their cells are in the same hall. Please, just try to talk to him. I'm new here and they decide to stick me on that hall," he pleaded.
Natalie stared down at the floor, avoiding Barry and Joe's gazes. If she saw her dad then Barry would get to see his. But if she didn't, he wouldn't get to see Henry. "Fine," she said as she slipped out of Barry's grasp and followed the guard as he ran down the hall.
"Natalie, wait! You don't have to see your dad just for me," Barry called out as he and Joe followed after. Natalie shook her head, "No it's okay. And there are a few things I need to get out."
The guard paused before a closed door, "It's gonna get a bit loud." When he opened their door, all four of them flinched as they heard screaming and yells erupting from the cells. "My dad caused this?" Natalie mumbled as she stared in disbelief around her.
"This is madness! I'm sorry for you, kid," Joe said as he looked at the guard with pity.
"We haven't been able to calm them down since he got here!" the guard yelled over the noise. He pointed down the hall of cells, "Both of your dads are down there. Henry Allen's will be first."
Natalie nodded and headed down as Barry and Joe trailed behind her. "How are we going to do this?" Barry yelled as some of the prisoners started to make comments at their arrival.
"Do what?" Natalie yelled back as she paused and turned around. "Meet each other's dads," Barry shouted. Natalie turned and looked at Barry dumbfounded before she started walking back down, slowing down as Barry grabbed her hand. Joe walked ahead of them and stopped, letting Henry know Barry was there.
Barry walked up first, letting go of Natalie's hand as she stood back. "Hey dad," Barry said with a smile as he walked up to the cell, wrapping his hands around the bars.
"Hey slugger," Natalie heard Henry say and saw him walk up to the bar and clasp his hands over Barry's. She saw the tears in their eyes as they were able to touch each other for the first time in years. Natalie was pulled into the moment, tearing up herself watching the two and wiping her eyes when Henry noticed her, "And who's this?"
Natalie took that as her cue and walked up and stuck her hand in the cell, "Natalie Reed, sir. It's a pleasure to finally meet you and I'm sorry it had to happen like this."
Henry smiled sadly as he gave her hand a shake and held her hand in his, placing his other on top and clasping it, "So this is the famous Natalie that my son has told me about. I finally get to meet the young lady who puts that smile on his face and light in his eyes. You are quite a beautiful young woman."
Natalie looked down and blushed as Barry looked between the two in awe, "Thank you, Mr. Allen."
"Please, call me Henry."
Natalie nodded and looked at Barry, unsure of what to say given the reason they were allowed in the hall.
Joe put a hand on Barry's shoulder as he watched the scene before him, glancing around the hall amid the screams and cries of the other prisoners. Barry looked around in concern before he looked back at his dad, "Dad, has it always been like this?"
Henry nodded and sighed, "Ever since this one prisoner was transferred here, he's been yelling and screaming his head off. He's been riling everybody up."
Natalie sighed, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Al- Henry. But I should probably go do what I was sent her to do. Henry, the way you may hear me in the next few moments I would like to apologize for. That crazy old man is my dad, and he actually deserves to be here, unlike you."
Henry smiled at the last part and squeezed her hand before she parted from the three men. Barry was about to start after her before Joe and his dad held him back. "This is her business son. From what you told me about what happened between the two of them, she needs to do this by herself," Henry said as Barry watched Natalie.
Natalie took deep breaths as she took the steps forward, glancing at each passing cell for someone who looked vaguely familiar. She had not seen the man since she was 9 years old. Fortunately, she didn't have to ask around.
"I knew you'd come crawling back to me," a man said in a low but loud grumble . His voice made the others in the hall quiet down. Everyone focused on the man in the cell and the woman standing before him. Natalie didn't say a word, only stared at him, taking in his appearance. His hair had remained sandy blonde and his eyes had a mad frenzy in them. He had tattoos that peaked out from under his prison garb.
"15 years is too long my Natalie bug," Garrett Reed said as he stood up from his bed and slowly but confidently walked up to the cell bars, wrapping his hands tightly around them and pushing about against them.
"Don't call me that," Natalie spat as she stared him down.
Her dad tutted at her as he stuck his head between the bars. "You look so much like your mother, Lana. Except you have my eyes," he noted as he glanced up and down at her taking in the new appearance of his daughter. Natalie averted his gaze and glanced at the floor. "How is she, your mother? That bitch is probably still waiting for my commands."
At the insult of her mom, Natalie whipped her head up and quickly jumped at the bars, "Don't you dare talk about her like that."
Garrett leaned back and laughed in response, "Oh so little Natalie has my bite! You know what you need, darling? You need me. And that's all gonna be fixed when I get out of here soon."
Natalie glared at him as he walked around in his cell. "We'll be together again my little bug. Just you and me. I can tell you haven't gotten rid of that scum you call a boyfriend. I could hear you talking with him. And was that his dad? In prison? Probably like father like son."
"Shut up! You are such a coward, you know that? You ran away from your family, your responsibilities. Called being a drug dealer a reliable job. Cheating on your wife. You're a delusional piece of shit," Natalie yelled, venom laced in her words.
Garrett clicked his tongue and cocked his head before he jumped on the bars to meet his daughter's face. "You will not talk to me like that you little bitch!"
At that, both Barry and Joe ran up to Natalie's side as Garrett started to get out of control. "So this is him..hmm? You'll be gone soon kid. She's mine and only mine. You don't deserve her."
"And what would you know?" Natalie shouted, her face reddening in anger. "You were never there, daddy. You know nothing about me." Barry held her arm as she took a step forward towards the cell. Joe glanced nervously between Garrett and Natalie.
Garrett studied the three of them and laughed maniacally, "I know everything I heard from Trevor. He was always the better kid. When I get out of here, we're gonna be a family again. Tell Caitlin I'm sorry about her wedding plans. Wasn't like I was gonna be able to attend anyway!"
Barry's nostrils flared at the comment about Caitlin, "Shut the hell up!" Joe pushed Barry back before he could do anything else.
"Ooh your dog has a bite! Better leave him in the dog house, Natalie bug. Cause once I'm back, he's staying outside," her dad remarked.
"You may be getting out of here soon, but I am going to make sure you end up right back were you belong. You stay away from me, from my friends, from Trevor, Chris, and mom. And you stay away from Caitlin and Barry," Natalie demanded as she spat out every word.
Garrett scoffed, "Nothing is gonna keep us apart, babe. Do you see what I can do in just this tiny cell?" As the words escaped his mouth, the hall yet again erupted on demand. Garrett closed his eyes and took in the noise.
"Shut them up," Natalie demanded, "Make them quiet down. And they better stay that way for the rest of your days in here."
Garrett cracked open an eye and eyed his daughter. "Well you heard her. Shut up!" he shouted and the hall went quiet. Garrett stepped forward yet again, "I am going to find you. You'll be mine again. And if that tool is still around, I'll get rid of him myself," he warned as he pointed at Barry.
Natalie growled at him, "If you try to hurt Barry I swear to god I will be locked up in jail for your murder." Garrett beamed at the comment and cupped his hands over his mouth. "Go to hell," Natalie spat as she walked away and Joe and Barry followed.
Obviously, Garrett didn't like that and started to scream at her as he pulled at the bars, "Hey! Get back here you fucking bitch! I'm going to find you. I swear to god I am going to find you! I'll kill him. I'll kill everyone so that we can be together again as a family! I'm gonna find you!"
Natalie avoided both Barry and Joe's gaze as she slid in to the backseat of the car. Joe glanced every so often in the rear view mirror as Barry sat beside her and rubbed her leg. No one spoke about what had happened, but her dad's threats still rang in their ears. But they couldn't focus on that right now. They had to focus on the new Trickster.
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