Chapter 45
Hurt and betrayal is what Samantha felt.
She felt as if knives were being stabbed into her chest multiple times while she was being lit on fire. Samantha knew before her arrival that he had grown feelings for the Swan girl. What she didn't know was that he still had feelings for her. She assumed that they had vanished as soon as he imprinted on her or asked her out but I guess not.
Instead of heading out the door, Samantha stayed where she was at and continued on listening. "And she broke her hand by punching my face," she heard Jacob say.
Did she at least give you a bruise or something? Samantha thought then heard someone snicker right after.
Get the hell out of my head Cullen, She thought to him.
Not my fault your walls aren't up, he thought back.
Sammy, you know how I said we should chloroform Bella and throw her in a lake? Sia asked causing Samantha to jump at her voice. After she regrouped herself Samantha answered back with a yeah.
How about we chloroform Jacob and throw him in a lake instead? Sia suggested.
Samantha rolled her eyes then decided to move from her spot. Stepping onto the porch, all eyes were now gazing to her direction. She ignored Jacobs stare as for Bella and Edward she simply gave them a wav before walking to where Charlie stood at. "Sorry if I'm interrupting something but Charlie you think you can give me a ride back?" Samantha asks.
"I'll give you a ride home," Jacob offered which Samantha quickly declined.
"Since Jacob offered, he can take you home," Charlie's words sent awful chills down her spine. She did not want to be in the same car as Jacob let alone be near him. Instantly, she sent Edward a look of help which he returned with a little nod.
"Actually Charlie, Jacob, I was going to take Samantha home," Edward told them causing Samantha to let out a sigh of relief in her head.
"I don't think that's a great id-" Jacob was interrupted when Samantha interfered.
"Thanks Edward. Bye Charlie," she gave him a kiss to his cheek then grabbed Edward by his wrist slightly shoving Bella with her shoulder in the way then walked to where his car was at.
Don't say anything because Jacob can still hear us, she thought to him which he responded with a nod.
As soon as they drove off, Samantha, not really caring that Edward was driving, wrapped her arms around him,"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She finished her thank you's by planting a small kiss to his cheek before sitting back down in her seat. "You Edward Cullen are a life saver."
He shook his head but nonetheless smiled at her,"No problem Sammy. I'm sorry about Ja-" she cut him off by raising a finger at him to stop.
"It's not your fault he's a hormonal jackass of a teenager," she told him which earned a laugh from him.
It grew quiet in the car, leaving Samantha to drown in her thoughts. You would think after hearing your boyfriend saying he kissed another girl was all that you could think about but not in Samantha's case. All she could think about was Dani. She wondered if she was okay? She didn't want to think that Dani was gone. Samantha knew she wasn't.
"I'm sorry," Edward blurted out causing Samantha to sigh, already knowing what he was apologizing for.
"I should be mad but I can't. It's not your fault. It's mine more then anything. I-I could of looked inside Victoria's head and try to find out where Dani was but I couldn't. I could of killed her to end all our worries but I didn't. I could of-" Edward interjected by placing a hand on top of Samantha's when he noticed that they were shaking.
"Don't beat yourself up for it Sammy. It was my fault more than yours. I was the one that sent her off without any protection," he confronted. When Derek told him that Dani was taken all he felt was a her but not towards Dani towards himself. He was angry that he didn't go with Dani so that she can get to Samantha safely.
"What are we going to do?" Samantha asks. What was the plan? Were they just going to gather both their families and send them out to go find Dani.
"Will think of something," he said not really knowing what else to say to her.
Samantha sighs before leaning her head on the window,"I just hope she's okay."
The young teenager's eyes squinted open only to have them shut when she saw something bright on her face. Once she adjusted to the light, she reopened her eyes and looked around trying to figure out where she was at. After looking at her surroundings she came to the conclusion that she was in a junk yard or some type of abandoned warehouse. Her eyes widened when she realized that her wrists as well as ankles we're tied up in chains. Dani looked around trying to see if anyone else was around her. "Anybody here!" She shouted but got nothing in response but only an echo of her voice.
"Finally you're up."
Dani left her head down, not wanting to believe that she was here but when she glanced up and saw the fiery red hair, Dani knew she wasn't dreaming. "W-where's Sammy?" She managed to ask while tugging the chains. Dani wanted to know if she was okay. She wanted to know if Samantha was not injured or anything. Despite the fact that Samantha was a hybrid, a powerful, strong supernatural creature, Victoria had lived and fought longer then her.
All Victoria did was smirk,"Don't worry about it. Are you comfortable?"
Dani narrowed her eyes in confusion wondering what she meant but then a second if thing she understood. "Yeah because being hanged and having chains on your ankles and wrists is very comforting," she said sarcastically.
Victoria's smirk widened,"Well get comfortable sweetie. You're going to be here for a while."
Dani's eyes enlarged once more when she saw what Victoria had in her hand. "Wha-what are you doing?" Dani was trying her best to free herself but the more she moved the more her wrists and ankles sting. She didn't know what was on the chains, all she knew was that it stung like a bitch.
"What I'm going to do with you is what Samantha had gone through for the past eight years. Let's just hope you make it out alive like she did."
"I hate parties," Samantha groaned as she stared at the seniors, that had graduated not too long ago, drinking their asses off.
It had been a few days since the whole Jacob incident. And in those days that passed by, Samantha was trying her best to ignore the phone calls and texts Jacob had left. Samantha knew she would have to talk to him about it but she just wanted some time to think of what she was going to say to him. She didn't want to say things that just came to her head without thinking it through.
Anywho, aside from her relationship problems, Edward decided to invite her to their graduation party even though she wasn't one of the graduates but he still offered her the invitation in hopes that it would take her mind off of things. She just hoped that Jacob doesn't show up remembering about Edward telling her that Bella invited him but after what went down with the two, she wasn't so sure he would come.
"That's funny coming from someone who use to go to parties every night," Derek chuckled.
Samantha scoffed,"Which is why I don't like parties anymore. I rather spend my nights in bed eating junk food then going out and having to deal with a huge headache the next morning."
Derek gave her a smug grin,"I don't know last party you went to you gotta admit you had a blast."
"Shut up Derek ," She muttered while looking down at her shoes as she hide her face from him, not wanting Derek to see the blush that formed on her cheeks.
He laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder,"Come on. Let's go find the others."
Since Samantha came, she didn't want to be alone so she brought along Derek as well as Jennifer and Frankie. Not because they were her friends but if you put the two together they're very entertaining to watch.
As the two turned around, Samantha's eyes widened when she saw a pair of familiar brown eyes glance her way. Derek followed Samantha's gaze which made clench his jaw when he noticed who it was. When Samantha had told Derek about the whole Bella and Jacob situation, he was disgusted and pissed. He wanted to storm out of the house and go look for Jacob but Samantha stopped him from doing so.
Before Samantha could walk away, Jacob was already calling her. She winced at the sound of his voice. She didn't want to deal with him right now especially with people around them but she had know choice but to.
"Hey," he greeted once he got to her.
All she did was simply wave her hand awkwardly at him then glance to where Embry and Quil stood. She sent them a small smile which they returned. "Can we talk?" Jacob asked her.
"Sure," she then urged him to continue on.
"In private."
Derek spoke up,"Whatever you need to tell her you can say it in front of us. There's nothing to hide. We all already know what it is you need to talk to her about."
Samantha saw Jacob's hands form into fists. "I-it's fine Derek," she assured him which made him give her a look saying, are you serious?
"I'll be fine," she patted his shoulder then both her and Jacob walked outside seeing as how it was loud and crowed inside.
"I'm sorry Sammy," he took a step closer causing Samantha to take one back.
"Kay," she simply said not really having anything else to say to him.
He looked taken back,"Kay? That's it? All you have to say is Kay?"
Samantha raised an eyebrow,"O-kay? If you were looking for forgiveness then good luck with that because I'm not giving it to you. Now are we done? I'd like to go inside."
Jacob hadn't said anything back which made Samantha start walking back to the house only to have Jacob grab a hold of wrist making her stop. She gave him an irritated look,"What Jacob?"
"D-don't go," he managed to say. He knew he messed up bad but having her walk away as if he meant nothing to her, broke him in the inside. "I-I don't know what else to say. Just please give me another chance. I promise I won't screw it up."
Samantha mimicked the look Derek gave her when she said yes to Jacob on talking with him. "Instead of apologizing to me how about you apologize to Bella. I'm not the one with the broken wrist."
But you are the one with the broken heart, Sia spoke but then stopped when she felt Samantha's annoyance.
I'll shut up, she muttered then stayed quiet after that.
Without saying another word, Samantha got out of Jacob's hold then walked back inside the house. In an instant she was met by Derek who had been giving her a glare that she recognized. Sighing, she said,"Look I know what I did was stupid but I was going to have to face him sooner or later Der."
He ran a finger through his hair,"I was hoping it would be later but I guess sooner works."
Laughing, she rested her head on his shoulder,"Why does he make me feel like this Der? I don't know why I feel like I'm the bad guy in this situation."
Derek saw how miserable she looked. He knew it wasn't her fault. None of it was her fault. "You know what. I'm going to get you a drink and you're going to drink it and you're going to love it. Tonight, just ignore all the terrible things that are going on and deal with it tomorrow."
Grabbing the drink from his hand, Samantha raised her cup in a salute then began to chug it down. "Let's drink."
After five cups of alcohol beverage as well as three glasses of shots later, Samantha was surprisingly exhausted.
"Already tired? Come on Sammy I know you can do better then that," Derek teased, taking a seat beside her.
"How the hell can I not drink like I did before," she breathed out.
"Someone's getting old," he snickered then winced when he felt her slap his arm. "I'm kidding Sammy."
Before she could say anything, Jennifer and Frankie pulled the two up from their seat and began to tug them towards a room. "Where the hell are you guys taking us?" Samantha's question was soon answered when she got inside the room and saw the Cullen's as well as Jacob and his friends all in a circle.
"What's going on?" Derek asked them once he noticed Samantha wasn't going to speak.
"We have a problem," Jennifer said gaining Samantha's full attention.
"A vampire problem," Frankie added.
Wanting to get to the point, Edward added more to Frankie's and Jennifer's words in a more better format. "The scent in Bella's room, they took a blouse that belonged to her. The disappearances of people in Seattle." Putting the information she was receiving, she began to connect the dots.
"Someone's creating an army."
Well damn ....
Was going to put this chapter up tomorrow but I decided why not put it up today lol What is Victoria doing to Dani ?! Why is Jacob being an ass ?! Why can't Sammy have some fun time for herself? Why the hell do we have to wait for The 100 to come back on in March 31 ?! Lmao, what do you guys think of the new book cover ??
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