Chapter 44
It felt like weeks, months, years to the hybrid since Dani has been taken but the truth, it had only been a day and a few hours.
Samantha's thoughts were everywhere as well her bed covers that were once neatly done were were now all over her bedroom floor. Her once clean bathroom now had a broken mirror with glass scattered around the sink as well as the floor. Her bedroom walls had holes in them from the punches she left. The kitchen was completely ruined. The back door that lead to the backyard was torn apart. The chairs that surrounded the table on where they ate was all ripped apart.
Her house was a total disaster.
After her encounter with Victoria she didn't bother going back to Jacob or ask the Cullen's for help. She ignored the calls and text messages Jacob had been giving her the same went for everyone else. Right when the red headed vampire left her, she began to tear down the woods. All Samantha felt was regret. She regretted not killing Victoria when she had the chance. Right then and there she had her opportunity but she let it slip out of her reach.
A knock had awoken her up from her thoughts. "Sammy, it's Derek. Open the door plz." All she did was look at her desk that was blocking her bedroom door.
"Sammy please open the door." The doorknob began to jiggle.
"Samantha Veronica Uley, open this god damn door right now," Derek demanded.
"Open the fucking door Samantha!" He began to bang the door which caused her to grab her iPod that had her ear buds connected to them and plugged them in her ears while raising up the volume as high as it can go, in hopes that it would somewhat help her ease down her anger.
"Sammy," Derek shouted once again but it sounded like a mutter to her.
As she closed her eyes and enjoyed the music that was playing, she felt someone grab her by her ankles and pull her off of her bed. Once her bottom had come in contact with the ground, she took out the ear buds and glanced up at who pulled her off of the bed.
"What?" She asked Derek in an annoyed matter.
"I've called your name several times and you didn't open your door," he said with an irritated look in his eyes.
"Maybe it's because I don't listen to people that yell at me," She said, no tone traced her voice. This conversation was the least of her problems.
"Care to explain to me what the hell happened to your room or the house. It looked like hurricane harbor crashed the place," he began to walk towards her bathroom when he saw spots of blood on the floor.
"There's glass and blood on the sink and your bathroom floor. Sammy what happened?" He now sat down next to her. "You know you can tell me anything right?"
"Did something happen between you and Jacob?" He added on,"Did he hurt you? If the little son of a bit-"
"No this has nothing to do with Jacob Derek," She sighed as she ran a finger through her hands, ignoring the dry blood in her hand.
Will find her, Sia assured.
"It's Dani. Victoria sh-she took her," She murmured but stuttered as well.
"How long?" Derek asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
"A few hours ago," She said quietly.
"It's no use, she's gone," she whispered, her voice cracking towards the end.
Derek caught the sound of her voice cracking. He looked at her and he saw how torn apart she was. He hasn't seen that look on her for awhile. Last time he saw it, it was when he had first met her. She was broken back then but now she was someone completely different. "Don't give up Sammy. Will find her."
"It's too late. She's gone and I-I can't find any trace of her." Samantha got up from the floor and made her way towards the front of her bed.
"Why don't we ask the Cullen's for help. They can hel-" his words were cut off when he saw Samantha rip apart the desk and toss it as if it was a piece of paper.
"They're the reason why she's gone! They're the reason why she's not here!" She began to punch more holes in her wall and make her room look more disastrous then before.
"I should of stayed with her. I should of never trusted them with her!"
Derek did nothing but stay where he was at. The thought of Samantha lashing out on him gave him an awful feeling in his stomach. Out of the times he's been with her, he's never seen her like this. He's never seen her so angry before. He didn't know whether he should comfort her or go call for help seeing as how she could rip his head apart within half a second if he tried to take her on by himself.
His thoughts were interrupted when he saw Tyler, Steve as well as Frankie hold Samantha up against the wall. She thrashed around and tried to claw at them. "Let me go!" She growled with so much anger laced in her voice.
"Samantha you need to calm down," Dylan told her.
Derek's eyes widened when he saw a golden ring glide across Samantha's eyes but it quickly vanished away. He knew that if Tyler, Steve and Frankie didn't remove their hold on Samantha, she would blow. Derek knew what it meant from experience and it wasn't such a pleasant experience .
Samantha was letting Sia take control.
Before Derek could warn them, Samantha had pushed them off of her which sent them flying towards the nearest wall they could bump their backs to. Dylan quickly stepped into alpha mode in hopes that it would calm Samantha down but it only made the situation worse. From what Derek remembered Samantha telling him, hybrids don't take orders from anyone and if someone did order them, they would unleash hell on them.
But Samantha did the complete opposite.
Derek saw where her eyes drifted to,"Samantha wait!" But it was too late, she had already left the room and was already outside.
"Any ideas on where she would run off to?" Frankie asked Derek as he helped Tyler and Steve up from the ground.
Derek groaned when began to put two and two together,"We're going to need a lot of help."
Samantha ran as fast as she possibly can, trying to get as far away from her house as she can. She didn't care that it was dark outside, she just couldn't be there, at least not in the state she was in right now. The fact that she almost let Sia take control, sickened her. If Sia succeeded, Samantha didn't know what she would do down. Sia could of injured or killed Derek, Steve, Frankie, Tyler and Dylan.
I know I can be a heartless person but I'm not that heartless Samantha, Sia informed her.
Soon enough, Samantha found herself standing in front of a familiar house. She hoped that they would take her mind off of everything them at was going on around her. Ringing the doorbell, a minute passed by and Samantha mentally smacked herself. What the hell am I doing? He's probably not never here, She thought and began to turn around but stopped when she heard the door open.
"Sammy? What are you doing here? If you're looking for Bella, she's not here. She's with Jacob."
Samantha turned back around and sent Charlie a faint smile,"I actually came to see you."
Charlie looked taken back by her response but nonetheless responded back,"You okay kiddo? Are you on drugs or something? God dammit Samantha I've told you what drugs do to you."
Samantha let out a laugh,"I'm not on drugs Charlie. I can't just come and hang out with you?"
He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment,"Uh, yeah, sure you could.
Come on in." He stepped to the side to let her in then shut the door closed once she was inside.
"So, you're positive you haven't been taking any drugs?" He asks her which caused her to snicker.
"Charlie you ask me one more time I'm going to leave," she said trying to make a serious face but she couldn't help but laugh at herself.
She knew it was impossible for her to keep a straight face when Charlie was around. Which was one of the reasons why she came to Charlie instead of going to her brothers for some comfort or a distraction. It's different with Charlie. He wasn't like those strict, uptight guardians or adults. He was more of a lay back kind of guy. Hell, he tried giving Samantha the talk in a serious tone but failed when he noticed that she was trying her best to not laugh.
"So what were you up to before I got here?" Samantha asked as she grabbed herself a glass of water seeing as how her throat was dry from all the running she did. She was thankful that Charlie hadn't asked her about how she got here.
"Remember that one kid I told you about. The one that had gone missing a year ago." Samantha nodded her head and urged him to continue on,"Well their parents gave me a call and told me to stop the search."
"I just don't get how they could stop searching for their kid. I mean I know it's been a year but still-" Charlie stopped his rant when he heard shouting coming from outside. "Sammy, do you hear that or have I been drinking to much?"
Samantha chuckled then started to listen closely. "She's not sure what she wants!"
Jacob? What the hell is he doing here and why is he yelling? Samantha thought but then remembered Charlie telling her that Bella was out with Jacob.
"Let me give you a clue wait for her to say the words!"
Okay what the hell is going on? Samantha began to get up from her seat but Charlie was already darting towards outside.
"Hey, hey, easy guys easy. Let's take it down a notch," Samantha heard Charlie say which made her chuckle.
"What's going on?" Charlie asked which Samantha assumed it was towards Jacob and Edward seeing as how they were the only ones yelling. Samantha made her way towards the front door but stopped in her tracks once she heard Jacob speak up.
"I kissed Bella."
So ... That just happened *hides behind a bush*
Next chapter a lot of stuff is going down like really down but you guys I'm like freaking crying cuz DYLAN O'BRIEN IS IN THE FREAKING HOSPITAL !!! )): When my mom told me I literally started to go on social media to see what happened specifically and oh my gosh you guys my heart sank down to my feeling stomach. I could care less about the movie right now. The only thing that matters is Dylan xx
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