Ying Sanren open his eyes and groan in annoyed, "Why they always give me a headache all the time?! When will i ever got to enjoy myself in human society. This the only chances that i got to enjoy but the problem always got in the way. Urgh i hate this" Ying Sanren complain as he throws himself on his bed. He tried to sleep but his sword start to shaking, he try to ignore it and get to sleep but his sword keep shaking but this time more rougher. Ying Sanren groan loudly and get up from his bed, "Suibian leave me alone!!" Ying Sanren yell at his sword.
Suibian shifted to his human body and kneel infront of his master. "I'm sorry Master for disturbing you, but i have something to tell you" Suibian said. Ying Sanren open one of his eyes and look at his sword spirit, "Make it quick then" Ying Sanren said followed by a groan after. "Master, Wen Ruohan start searching for Lan Yi. What should we do now?" Suibian report.
Ying Sanren stand up from his bed and stare at the wall with anger, "That bustard, WHAT DID HE WANT FROM MY AUNT!!!!" Ying Sanren shout in anger. After sometime, they both heard someone knocking the door from the outside of Ying Sanren cabin, "WEI WUXIAN!!! WHAT'S WRONG?? PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR. ARE YOU OKAY?!!!" Jiang Cheng shout in worried.
Ying Sanren look at Suibian who is also look at his master in fear, "Go back to your form now" Ying Sanren whisper yell at his spirit sword, and then Suibian shifted himself into a sword before his master go open his door for Jiang Cheng. "Jiang Cheng? Why are you here?" Ying Sanren ask him. Jiang Cheng ignore Ying Sanren question and shove him gently and look inside Ying Sanren room to see if there is someone else.
"Eh Jiang Cheng, what are you looking for?" Ying Sanren ask him. Jiang Cheng frown and looked at Ying Sanren, "Who was you talking before?" Jiang Cheng ask him. Ying Sanren give him a question look with a frown, "What do you mean?" Ying Sanren ask him. "Whatever, maybe it was just my imagination" Jiang Cheng said and brushed it off. Ying Sanren give a nod several time while looking at Jiang Cheng.
Ying Sanren then realised that why Jiang Cheng was here, "Ehhh, Jiang Cheng... why are you here at this hour?" Ying Sanren ask him. Jiang Cheng face becoming red and he also start to feel that his throat is drying so he keep gulping his saliva every 10 seconds. "I was...errrrr-" Jiang Cheng gulps again and this time Ying Sanren notice how nervous his friend was.
"A-cheng...wanna come in?" Ying Sanren gesture him to come in to talk inside. "Y-yeah, sure. Thank you" Jiang Cheng accept it and come in. As Ying Sanren close the door, Jiang Cheng start to nervous. 'This is it. I have to confess to him right now so no one can take him away' Jiang Cheng said in his mind.
Ying Sanren who is already aware what is going to happen but he had to keep it cool and trying to reject him without breaking off our friendship. Ying Sanren move his body towards Jiang Cheng and out his hands at Jiang Cheng shoulder, "Jiang Cheng wha-" before Ying Sanren can finish his sentence, Jiang Cheng cut his word off. "Wei Ying, i have something to confess to you" Jiang Cheng said and then he lock his eyes with Ying Sanren. Jiang Cheng eyes was full of hope and emotions hold deep over his eyes.
Ying Sanren gulp because with that eyes that Jiang Cheng give him make him hard to reject him as he knows that when he reject him, those eyes will shows pain. 'Oh well... I am soooo fuck up' was all Ying Sanren thought. "Errrr..... what is it A-cheng?" Ying Sanren ask him. Jiang Cheng fast turn red as tomato and suddenly he shout, "WEI YING I LIKE YO- NO I LOVE YOU. WILL YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND" Jiang Cheng shout that make Ying Sanren jump from the sudden high voice.
'Wow, that's another level brave and shock confession. I almost died because of heart attack' Ying Sanren said in his mind. 'But Master, you are Immortal. You can't die that easily?' suddenly Suibian voices in Ying Sanren mind. 'Shut up or else's i will only use Chenqing for 5 years' Ying Sanren threat his sword. 'I'm a fault Master, please forgive me' Suibian apologies.
Ying Sanren take a deep breath before talking, "Jiang Cheng, i never been in relationship before. Also i never thought about having relationship with a guy. I mean... what i mean is, this is new for me and its hard for me to give an answer plus i give all my responsibilities about my life partner to my parents. So that is why i doesn't think much about having relationship with anyone" Ying Sanren explain with him scratching his head because of nervous.
Jiang Cheng face change after he heard what Ying Sanren said. "Ouh, i see" all Jiang Cheng said before slowly walk away from Ying Sanren place. Ying Sanren tried to call him but no avail as he is in deep thought. 'I'm sorry Jiang Cheng. I have to apologise to him tomorrow. I don't want to lose our friendship' Ying Sanren thought.
[Morning Come]
Everyone was in the class, focusing what Master Lan Qiren teach but there is one student who is keep moving his head all around the class, searching for his close friend. Ying Sanren who is still not apologies to Jiang Cheng become anxious plus he didn't find him anywhere in the class.
Nie Huaisang who sit beside Ying Sanren notice how anxious his friends is so he wrote a letter for him. After writing it, he passed it to Ying Sanren who a little shock about it but still take it and open it secretly while Lan Qiren was busying teaching the class.
I can see you are anxious. Kindly
After reading it, Ying Sanren broke a little smile and look at his other friends that he also adore it too. Ying Sanren then put a barrier around him and Nie Huaisang so everyone else will saw him only focusing in study.
"I actually worried about Jiang Cheng" Ying Sanren suddenly voiced out that make Nie Huaisang jump a little. "Shhhhhh, lower you voice or else Master La-" Nie Huaisang said in lower voice but Ying Sanren cut him, "I put a barrier that no one will notice us being lagging in class, even heard what we talking about so there is no need to worried about" Ying Sanren said blankly. Nie Huaisang was too stunned to speak at the point after hearing what his friend explained.
"Why are you worried about Jiang-xiong???" Nie Huaisang ask him after he snap out from reality. "Last night he come to my cottage, and..... and... and he kinda...erŕrrr... kinda confess to me" Ying Sanren finally say it after a little bit of hesitate. Nie Huaisang afrer hearing that was kinda shock but after that he smirk and start to giggle, "Fufufu, i never thought that my only friends will gonna have some wedding in the future" Nie Huaisang tease him.
Ying Sanren who heard that start to blush, "O-oiy, i never said i a-a-accept him ye--" Ying Sanren tried to protest but got cut of by some Lan student shouting and run inside. "MASTER!! MASTER!!" The Lan student shout, "Don't shout!" Master Lan remind him but the student just report it in hurry. "Ma-master, Ying-Gongzi is forcing Jiang-Gongzi into a fight. Please Master, please stop them before one of them died" he said and that's make Ying Sanren heart drop. "LIKE WHAT THAT CHILD WANT?!" Ying Sanren said in anger before dashing out from the class, ignoring Master Lan calls him.
When Ying Sanren arrive at where Jiang Cheng and that monkey fight, there he saw a very bad injured Jiang Cheng. At that scene make him boiled so he goes infront of Jiang Cheng and glare towards that fake Ying Sanren infront of him. Houzi stop glaring towards Jiang Cheng and give a smirk after knowing who it was standing infront of him is. "Well well well, what we have here. A full package of beauty standing infront of me with that cute little glare" Houzi said and laugh after that.
"Save your flirting word child, or else you will regret it" Ying Sanren threatened him and give him death glare after that. Houzi hearing that start to laugh very laud over what Ying Sanren said to him. "Or else what? You can't even beat me up as I AM BAOSHAN SANREN SON after all" He said to him. Ying Sanren who had enough with his bullshit start to let out a very dangerous aura. "Ouh you think you will be that bold to face with a real Baoshan Sanren son? Aren't you afraid that the real Baoshan Sanren son will condemn you after knowing what did you did while using his name?" Ying Sanren speak in his mind.
Houzi who kinda shock that , the boy infront of him just speak in his mind. Like it's a very hard to mastered that skill, just who is this boy exactly?. "Who am i exactly?, Trust me, if i reveal who i really am.... you will regret for every sins you make. Ouh and this skill of course its hard to mastered it, but if its you ,i bet it's a piece of cake because you have an audacity to take Sanren name after all. Right? Jian Houzi?!" Ying Sanren said and smirk as he can see how pale his face is and how big his eyes is after hearing what i call him.
Houzi back away from Ying Sanren with fear display on his face, while Ying Sanren just giving him an evil smile at him. Houzi point towards Ying Sanren and he stuttered, "Ho-ho-how d-d-did you knows THAT?!" Houzi scream at the last sentence. As for Ying Sanren, instead giving him an answer to Houzi question, he just give one last evil smirk before helping Jiang Cheng who already passed out while Ying Sanren and Houzi battling with word.
[Night Has Come]
Jiang Cheng slowly regain his consciousness and then he stand up but as he stand up, he suddenly got dizzy so he massage his head. Ying Sanren who just finish making medicine for his friend get out from the kitchen and there he saw his friend wake up and massaging his head with a pained face display on. Ying Sanren rushed towards Jiang Cheng and put down the medicine at the table beside the bed and sit down infront of Jiang Cheng.
"A-cheng!? Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere???" Ying Sanren blurt out many questions towards Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng open his eyes immediately when he heard a voice that is very familiar towards him. He slowly look at the person who is already sit infront of him with a worried face. "We-Wei Wuxian?!!" Jiang Cheng called him. "Yes, it's me. Please tell where are you hurt?" Ying Sanre said and tried to find the injured over his body afraid there's will be left out.
When Ying Sanren was touching him every part of his body... he kinda got thinking about how he will do it with Ying Sanren in this bed, right now. Ying Sanren who was checking his friend body afraid there's will be any scratch left out stop his action after he heard what Jiang Cheng thought. As Ying Sanren still hearing what Jiang Cheng thought about him, suddenly Suibian called on him.
"Master, Zhou Gongzi is already got the first Ying Iron pieces and they are heading to next location. What should we do Master?. They will gonna go after Master Lan Yi after collecting all other Ying Iron Pieces" Subian said to Ying Sanren. Ying Sanren eyes widen a bit after hearing that. "Subian, go tell A-Zu that i need to meet him" Ying Sanren said to his spirit sword in serious, "Yes Master" Subian reply and then he disappear in a thin air.
2077 Words
I'm sorry for late update...i have been so busy when i getting older...please give me a break..huhuhu 🥲🥲🥲
Anyway...did you enjoy it???...I'm sorry its not very long chapter...i tried to make it long...but my idea is just finish..
And from now on...i will be in slow update...bcz i need to focus on my business class too...and make my business come true...i target...i will start my business at the end of this year...so yeah..wish me luck and i hope you understand it.
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