[Next Morning]
After Lan Qiren has been thinking all night long, he decided to summon Lan Xichen to discuss about this matter. After some minute, Lan Xichen arrived. "You call me, uncle?" Lan Xichen ask his uncle while bowing respectful at him. "Come sit with me, Xichen. We need to discuss something important" Lan Qiren said and Lan Xichen give him a nodded and then he put the silent barrier to keep from outside to heard what they are discussing about.
As Lan Xichen sit down in front of his uncle, he ask "What are we gonna discussing about, uncle?" . Lan Qiren let out a sigh and rub his long beard with a frown on his forehead. Lan Xichen who notice how is his uncle action knows that there is something that make him worry like this and he needed to knows what is that is.
"I think Houzi Gongzi is not Baoshan Sanren son" Lan Qiren said and this make Lan Xichen widen his eyes. "What do you mean uncle?" Lan Xichen ask his uncle to understanding more what his uncle meaning is. And after that, Lan Qiren told him what happens and what Houzi and him talk about.
"So you mean... Houzi is the fake Sanren?" Lan Xichen ask his uncle and his uncle nodded while stroking his beard. "So what are we gonna do?" Lan Xichen ask his uncle with a little frown on his forehead. When his uncle was about to talk, someone has knocking the door. Lan Xichen look at his uncle for permission and his uncle let him so Lan Xichen put out the barrier and told the person to come in.
The Gusu student come in and give both of them the respectful bow before handling them the letter. "This letter was from The Great Immortal Master Baoshan Sanren sending for you" that student said and Lan Xichen look at Lan Qiren with a frown on his forehead, same goes with Lan Qiren. Lan Xichen take the letter and then dismissed that student.
Lan Xichen give his uncle the letter and Lan Qiren start to open the letter and read what inside the letter is. After done reading it, Lan Qiren frown even more. "What does she say uncle?" Lan Xichen ask his uncle and his uncle put down the letter and close his eyes for awhile and open it after some minute. Lan Qiren then he speak "This is Gusu rule that need to be remove like how our Late Clan Leader Lan told me yesterday" .
Lan Xichen eyes widen and start to stuttered, "S-s-so you me-me-mean Ho-Houzi Gongzi is-is-is fa-fa--" but before he can finish talking, his uncle suddenly smash his hand at the table that make Lan Xichen startled. "Enough with the stutter, talk properly!!" Lan Qiren said with anger. Lan Xichen tried to calm himself before start to speak again. "So you mean, Houzi Gongzi is fake Baoshan Sanren son?" Lan Xichen said, this time going smoothly.
Lan Qiren nodded and the room falls silent as they tried to thinks how to handle this kind of case. The day when by as they discussing about reducing the rules and also Houzi Sanren case.
[Ying Sanren P.O.V]
Ying Sanren was walking out from his room in the early morning before the class is started. He look around to make sure there is no one before he flied up to forest behind the Cloud Recesses to relaxing himself and also to take a fresh air in the morning. He sat down on the tree branches before pulling out his flute. He put the flute at his lips and begin to blow to the flute hole that creating a very beautiful melody out of it.
After playing with his flute... he put down his flute and smile towards the sky that are the sun already fully up the sky. "You know that sneaking is kinda a little bit crime, right Lan Zhan?" Ying Sanren suddenly said and then he looked straight towards Lan Zhan who is 3 trees away from him, hiding behind it with a sword beside him.
Lan Zhan step out from the tree and stare at Ying Sanren softly. "That's a beautiful song" Lan Zhan said and Ying Sanren just give him a smile. Ying Sanren get down from the tree and walk towards Lan Zhan. "It's calming song" Ying Sanren suddenly said and Lan Zhan give him a confuse look. "You want to know how i can knows what was you are thinking?" Ying Sanren ask Lan Zhan and Lan Zhan give him a slight nod.
"Your face could be poker but your eyes hold question and answers. I can know it from that" Ying Sanren told him and it was the truth... besides from reading minds...he can read people face and actions as right now he close his power of reading mind as he didn't want to interfered any people privacy or secret, he only use it towards the curtains people like a bad people.
After Lan Zhan heard that, he nodded in understatement but he again curious to why Ying Sanren was playing the music in the very early morning?, so he ask. "Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan call him and Ying Sanren answer him a 'hmm' at him while fidgeting his flute. "Why are playing in the very early morning?" Lan Zhan ask.
Ying Sanren gave his attention towards Lan Zhan again with a smirk. He walk slowly towards Lan Zhan but Lan Zhan back away but suddenly his body got froze while Ying Sanren still keep getting closer towards him with a smirk on his face. Lan Zhan was mentally panic as the smooth black long hairs getting closer to him. His heartbeat was beating very fast and sometimes he got this weird feeling at his stomach.
After that, Ying Sanren was already infront of Lan Zhan with his face was only inches away from Lan Zhan. Ying Sanren lean forward towards Lan Zhan left ear and softly whisper to him, "Because i want to calm every creature around here so that there's would be none troublesome and of course... i don't want any evil creature to attack you because only me can attack you.... mentally and.... physically" and then Ying Sanren back away with a still smirk plastered on his face.
Ying Sanren look at Lan Zhan who is now the very burning red ears before he walk away. While he was walk away a little bit far from Lan Zhan, he rise his hand and then flicked his fingers. That flick make Lan Zhan can move his body again and turn his head a little bit to look at Ying Sanren for the last time and then look at the front again before let out a frustrated huff. He then proceeds to walk back inside and get ready for the morning class.
[Skip After The Class]
Ying Sanren walk from the classroom while scratching himself. "Daammnnn... what a long day in the same position. After so many hours, now i can enjoy the outside world" Ying Sanren said and following by his other two friends and his beloved Shijie. "I was kinda surprise that Wei-xiong didn't make Master Lan angry at him today" Nie Huaisang whisper towards Jiang Cheng who is also agreed with him.
Ying Sanren who heard that just shrugged off and just walk away. While walking towards the mountain with Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng, he saw a Lan student was fixing the rule stone. Jiang Cheng who is curious what was going on, he go towards the Lan student to ask. While Ying Sanren just take out his fans and open it, he fanning himself with some little smirk on his face that went unnotice towards his two friends and also the Lan student.
"What's going on? is Master Lan add some rule?" Jiang Cheng ask him. The Lan student stop what he was doing and look at Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang who was wearing a curious face while Ying Sanren just look at him with no reaction on his face.
"No. Master Lan Qiren was reducing some rule actually" the Lan student said with a sigh like he kinda disappointed for reducing the rule but fuck that shit, Ying Sanren doesn't care and he just doing for good mankind as that bloody hell thousand of rule is a hell for anyone else. Even Ying Sanren won't survive with all that rule tho. "Why Master Lan reduce the rule? I thought he is the most stubborn person in the whole clan? Why reducing now? Who convinced him tho?" Nie Huaisang blabbering many questions towards the student and he just shrugged and continue doing his work.
The trio look at each other and just decide to walk away and thing about this later. So the trio walk towards the back mountain as usual where they always spend tims together with. When they arrive there, they saw the Wens siblings talking to each other. Jiang Cheng who doesn't like the Wens, he take out his sword and pointing at the siblings. "How dare you come here. Do you wish to die early?!" Jiang Cheng said in angry.
Ying Sanren frown at Jiang Cheng sudden behaviour. Ying Sanren put his hand at Jiang Cheng hand that was holding a sword. "Jiang Cheng, calm down" Ying Sanren told him. Jiang Cheng was thinking for a while before he sheathed his sword back with a huff. Ying Sanren smile and look at the siblings, "Good afternoon Wen Guniang, Wen Gongzi. I'm sorry for the sudden behavior of my friend, it won't happen again. I hope Wen Guniang and Wen Gongzi can forgive him" Ying Sanren said while cupping his hands and bow respectfully towards the siblings.
"Please drop the formal, Wei Gongzi. We didn't hold any grudge towards Jiang Gongzi at all. We knows that my clan is not so nice towards his family, so i understand why he react like that" Wen Qing said. Ying Sanren smile more towards them and said, "Thank you Wen Guniang for your kindness. If you don't mind..... i can protect you at any cost of my life whatsoever dangers surrounding you and your brother" Ying Sanren said and give a very most respectful bow towards them.
"You don't need to do tha-" Wen Qing tried to decline Wei Ying offer but got cut off by someone screaming loudly from distance. All of them rush over where the sound come from and figure out it was from inside the Cloud Recesses. The scream keep going, plus it was not from one person... but it was from many people. When all of them arrive there, the things that was attacking people is.............. a baby bear?. "What the fuck, it just only a little bear but you guys scream like there is a demon attacking you" Jiang Cheng said in angry and lastly he rolled his eyeballs.
Houzi was trying to kill the baby bear using his sword but he was swinging his sword with his eye close and the sword was just kinda got stabbed at the wall and the floor. The others students was just hugging each other while screaming when the baby bear was coming closer towards them. The trio just watching them struggling with the cute baby bear. Well Jiang Cheng just look at them with disbelief. "Are you guys serious?! It's just the little bear. Why you guys should scared at the baby bear." Jiang Cheng said and folding his arms while looked towards them with a frown.
"If you that brave, just come and get this monster away!!" one of tye students scream at him and continue hugging his friends tightly. With a huff, Jiang Cheng just straightly go towards the baby bear who seems like scared and panic, looking for his mother. Jiang Cheng kneeling infront of baby bear and give a smooth smile at him. With that, the baby bear kinda calming down and Jiang Cheng pick up the baby bear easily. He starts to pampering the baby bear with a gentle pat at the head.
As Jiang Cheng was handling the bear, Ying Sanren give his attention towards Houzi who is looking at the little bear that was peacefully resting on Jiang Cheng arms. "Stop looking Houzi. I need you to explain why there is a bear here?" Ying Sanren said. Houzi snap at Ying Sanren figure and give a hard look at him. "Houzi? did you just call my name casually?! HOW DARE YOU!!" Houzi scream at Ying Sanren.
Ying Sanren cupped both his hands and bow at him. "Wei Ying didn't dare, please forgive me. I just want to know what happen only" Ying Sanren said but after that, he smirk that went unnotice to no one. As Ying Sanren let down his hands, he secretly give a spell towards Houzi. After that he dismiss himself with his other two friends to go. "Hope you can enjoy your night" Ying Sanren mumble. Nie Huaisang who notice ask him, "What are you mumble about Wei-xiong?" with that, Jiang Cheng also look at Ying Sanren. "Nothing, i just said that I'm hungry. Can we go eat now?" Ying Sanren said and give a pout to them. Jiang Cheng heart mealt and agree with that.
The night has come and everyone was getting ready for the bed...well, beside Houzi. He just lying that he need to sleep early as he has some important business to do tomorrow. When he get inside his special room... he immediately cast the silent spell. He then start to chattering something in the meditate position. After some time, afterhe done chattering... there's a black smoke apparent infront of him and Houzi lips slowly make a smirk.
Houzi stand up, cupped both his hands and bow respectfully towards the black smoke. "Jian Houzi greet Empress Mother" Houzi greet his mother. "Zi'ar, did you do a great job?" Houzi Mother ask him. "It's good mother, everyone believes that I'm Baoshan Sanren son" Houzi report to his mother. "Good job Zi'ar, mother is so proud of you" his mother praise him, she smirk as she know that her plan will gonna succeed. Houzi smile proudly because of the praise and promise for himself that he will make his mother more proud in the future.
"What should we do now, Mother?" Houzi ask his mother. "For now, you just keep it like this first. When it's time to take an action, mother will tell you immediately" his mother said with a smirk same goes to Houzi. The black smoke disappeared and Houzi give a bow for the last time. He put away the silent spell and ready to go to the bed for more new days fun.
From the outside of Houzi room... up of tall tree, there is Ying Sanren that heard everything what Houzi and his mother talking about. "I didn't expect for you to be this evil. Alright, you asking for this... enjoy your night" Ying Sanren smirk and he shot the spell towards Houzi to double his spell from the earlier and then he goes back to his cottage.
It's almost midnight already and the spell start to effect Houzi. After some time.... Houzi start to get hallucination. Houzi start to feel hot so he struggling to fall asleep. With the struggle, he finally wake up with a grunt. Suddenly he heard a groans, he slowly look at the back where his window places is. When he completely look at his window, there he saw a very sharp teeth and a red glow eyes staring sharp at him. He scream and go towards his room door and try to open it but it won't open so he start to banging hard at his room door, screaming for someone help.
"AHHHHHH... HELP!!! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!!" Houzi scream at the top of his lung. When the beast was jumping towards him, Houzi close his eyes and cover his face using his arms. He waiting to feel the pain but there is nothing happend, and also there is quite too. 'Huh? What is going on? Why there is no sound at all??? Huhuhu... WHY THERE IS NO SOUND AT ALL?!!! IT SCARE ME EVEN MORE HUHUHU' Houzi said in his mind, but after a few minutes, he finally open his eyes slowly. When his eyes completely open, he gulp first before he slowly look at where the beast stay are.
Houzi eyes widen and stare at the figure back with completely shock. There was a figure with a white hair standing infront of him, back facing him. "You know that it was wrong to introduce yourself as my name and said that my mother is your mother with proud. I don't care if you faking your identity using my name but i kinda didn't like it when you using that name power to bullying other people and also an elder. You should be careful with what you act because I'm also come here too. Don't you forgotten about me coming to this school?" Ying Sanren said.
Houzi becoming more scared and come kneeling infront of Ying Sanren and start to begging for his forgiveness, "Please your Immortal, I'm sorry for what i have done. I realise my mistake, please forgive me your great Immortal. I promise i won't using any your identity anymore, so please forgive me" Houzi beg. Ying Sanren close his eyes and sigh, "You can use my name as much as you want but with one condition" Ying Sanren said.
Houzi hesitate first but he gathered his courage to ask Ying Sanren, "Wh-what is your condition?" Houzi stuttered a bit. Ying Sanren turn around his body towards Houzi but Houzi still can't see his face because Ying Sanren cover it with a cloth mask, "You cannot use my name power to make all people here or anyone to become your slave. If you break your rule, i will not let you go so easily. Remember, i will always monitoring you" Ying Sanren said before he faded in the thin air.
3040 words
Hello guys, I'm sorry for not updating for so very long time as because i was busy plus with my idea is kinda becoming so slow that i got the idea slowly. And thank you for this both my followers who is helping me to get an idea.
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