Requested by lemonsojuu
If Blackpink caught you lying😳
• First she would belive you
• Your lie probably something stupid
• after 5 minutes she would know
• Would smirk knowing you lied
• Tried to go with it
• Later on she would say that you lied
• Would be "angry" with you
• Would imedently know that your lying
• Would hug your waist and ask you "are you lieing"
• You would laugh and she would squeeze you cheeks
• Would pout after
• You would be saying sorry but she wouldn't give in
• after a minute she would give in and give you a kiss
• Wonder why you lied.
• Would be confused if you telling the truth or lieing.
• Would believe you at first
• Think through out the day
• If your acting funny then she would know and start being pouty
• Would not give you hugs and kisses through out the day
• Would give kisses for the next day
• You would be saying sorry and she would forgive you instantly
• Asking you "Really?"
• Would think if your messing with her or not
• Members would know something is up with Lisa
• When you meet her again she asks if its true
• When she know you lied she would be confused
• "ahhhhh~ why did you lie"
• In the end she would forgive you and give you kisses
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net