My anchor

My anchor

553 70 15

Após anos enfrentando os abusos da mãe, Maria Eduarda, ou Duda, chega ao seu limite. E se muda para um novo país com sua irmã, onde encontrará novos obstáculos.…



469 44 20

Após o desaparecimento de uma pessoa importante em suas vidas, duas mulheres se apaixonam em meio ao caos. Entre o luto, os segredos revelados, nasce um amor.…



709 106 24

Lauren Leal nasceu na Índia, mas passou sua infância no Brasil com suas irmãs, onde encontrou liberdade e felicidade. Porém, a vida de Lauren toma um rumo inesperado quando sua mãe se casa novamente e decide levá-la de volta para a Índia. Lá, Lauren se vê obrigada a se adaptar a uma cultura e a um futuro que jamais imaginou para si.…

Uma nova chance

Uma nova chance

1,428 99 30

Gabi luta contra a depressão enquanto tenta cuidar de seu filho, Antônio que sofre com leucemia, e da irmã mais nova, Priscila, com o apoio incondicional de Angelina. Apesar de carregar suas próprias dores, Angelina equilibra sua dedicação à amiga com os cuidados à irmãzinha Sabina, que enfrenta a luta diária contra a fibrose cística.Do outro lado, a família de Bia Zaneratto marcada por segredos do passado. Por ser mãe e ser a mais velha das irmãs, Antônia e as gêmeas, Lauren e Renata. Bia lida com a pressão de acabar " cuidando" de suas irmãs e sua filha, e de seu sobrinho. Gabriel que é o filho que Antônia não dá muita atenção.…

(ABO) [PangBoWen x LiuJiaLiang] Omega của tôi là cậu nhóc hay dỗi

(ABO) [PangBoWen x LiuJiaLiang] Omega của tôi là cậu nhóc hay dỗi

2,547 209 19


[PangBoWen x LiuJiaLiang] Bảo bối nhỏ là học bá siêu cấp đáng yêu

[PangBoWen x LiuJiaLiang] Bảo bối nhỏ là học bá siêu cấp đáng yêu

3,869 242 25


The landlord's young husband

The landlord's young husband

7,423 64 10

Chen Chuyang, the younger brother of the Chen family, is getting married, and the Liu family from the neighboring village has come to hire him.The Liu family is a big family in Liujia Village. When the marriage was first decided, the Chen family aroused the envy of the whole village. However, within a few days, the Mei family from the village came to persuade them, saying that the son of the Liu family had not yet gotten married when he was over 20 years old. There is a reason why Chuyang had a hard time after her marriage.Chen Chuyang didn't care at all after hearing the reasons mentioned by the Mei family!All he knew was that he had enough to eat and no warmth at home, and he was almost sold to a lame widower by his elder brother! He didn't care whether that person was engaged or had a sweetheart. He only knew that the Liu family gave him a lot of betrothal gifts, and the Liu family had lots of land, lots of food, and a good life!As long as the man didn't beat him or scold him, and kept him fed and clothed, he didn't care about anything.(Marriage first, love later, farming story, the road to wealth for a small landowner to become a big landowner.)Content tags: Having children, civilian life, pastoral farming story, Drama, Marriage first, love later,Chen Chuyang, Liu Qunfeng, Liu familyOthers: Marriage first, love later, the road to wealth, one-sentence summary: The small landowner'sidea of ​​how to get rich: get rich through hard work, and rely on yourself for a better tomorrowNOT MINE.MTL (no editing)NO VOTING…

Inspiração - Angelina Constantino

Inspiração - Angelina Constantino

478 41 11

Angelina Constantino, jogadora do Orlando Pride e estrela da Seleção Brasileira, divide um laço especial com sua irmã gêmea, Angeline, que tem infantilismo. Enquanto Angelina enfrenta desafios nos campos, Angeline, com sua inocência e pureza, ensina à irmã o verdadeiro valor do amor e da simplicidade.…

Shen Jiu is Tired

Shen Jiu is Tired

12,799 266 8



2,986 186 12

Soulmarks appear at the of 18. It is said that those who don't have a soulmark are the people who have done some heinous crimes in their past and that such a person brings bad luck to everyone around them. Life hates Shen Qing Qiu, he doesn't have a soulmark. He waited for years and this is the story of his acceptance.Liu Qingge had a soulmark but it was a really strange kind. What happens when Liu Qingge's soulmate goes missing and is no where to be find? Time is ticking... will he be too late?(I wasn't going to post this story here as it is already available on ao3 but I thought ma…

Through The Well

Through The Well

970 55 8

...Rejection hurts...That's what Shen Jiu felt when he was rejected by his soulmate. Liu Qingge, who did not give him a chance before severing the thread that connected them as fated partners....Getting rejected by a soulmate was agony...That's what Shen Jiu realized as he was Unofficially kicked out of his Sect, and was left to wander around Jianghu until his Sect summoned him back....Life was... weird...Shen Jiu learned after falling through a well, only to resurface in a strange modern world, with an exact copy of Liu Qingge (His Reincarnation no less!) who was convinced that Shen Jiu was either a demon, a fairy, or something in between....OrShen Jiu's adventures in the Modern World, as he got all the love and therapy he needed, all thanks to yours truly... The War God of the Modern Era!…

A Guide to Doomsday Preperation by Shen Jiu

A Guide to Doomsday Preperation by Shen Jiu

344 11 4

Shang Qinghua doesn't notice the paper stubbornly sticking to the underside of one of its brethren, accidentally putting it in the wrong stack. Oh well, what consequence could this carelessness have? It's not as if this small filing mistake would seriously affect the future...right?...Shen Jiu has always been a paranoid person. His life seems to have been just one continuous unlucky streak. So what happens when he gets a place of his own? A place he knows no one else can touch? What will happen to Shen Jiu, a person who runs on insecurity, when he knows safety is guaranteed?...Alternate summary: I give Shen Jiu an emotional support emergency bunker. Lol.(Uploaded from Archive Of Our Own)…

Forbidden Smoothie

Forbidden Smoothie

467 14 1

Since there's almost no good svsss stories, I'm donating one of my own here.Enjoy a nice tasty LiuJiu For #LiuJiuWeek2022…

MXTX Oneshots

MXTX Oneshots

33 0 5

Hallo my little loves this is tetramathin here! And today I'll be posting a draft abt liujiu from svsss so enjoy! 🤧❤️…

The Broken Promise

The Broken Promise

609 25 1

There was once a demon lord, who was extremely powerful and was feared by all, the name of this demon lord was Luo Binghe. But this is not his story.This is the story of two of Luo Binghe's unfavoured concubines, their names were Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge.Now will the two of them be able to find their happiness? Or will they have to forever live as one of Luo Binghe's many concubines?Written for LiuJiu week 2021Day 2Prompt : Harem Politics.(Picture for the cover is not mine.)…

Sweet Jealousy

Sweet Jealousy

82 1 1

Where Shen Jiu and Yue Qingyuan might be just a bit clingy....…

Re:Zero - Chiếm Hữu

Re:Zero - Chiếm Hữu

929 62 1

yêu của gã điên chỉ gói gọn trong hai chữ.[chiếm hữu] julius juukulius rất rất yêu natsuki subaru. đồng nghĩa với việc chiếm hữu tất cả mọi thứ của cậu. yêu đến mức chiếm lấy cậu cho mình vĩnh viễn.…

Klasės žudikas.

Klasės žudikas.

146 4 23

ČIA YRA MANO PIRMOJI PARAŠYTA KNYGA, TAČIAU YRA VISIŠKAI TAISOMA. PRAŠAU, RAŠYKITE KOMENTARUS, NES JIE MAN SVARBŪS. Dešimtokų klasėje pasirodo naujokas, visi laukia jo atėjimo, tačiau tą patį vakarą jis nužudomas. Klasės draugai Karolina Majers, Semas Manelis, Katerina Tremben ir Simas Krindelis priversti susidurti su šokiruojančia realybe: jų klasėje gali būti žudikas. Tačiau tai dar ne visos bėdos: atsirado dar dvi. Pirmoji. Nors naujokas dar net spėjo įsilieti į jų gyvenimą, jo praeitis, kupina patyčių ir intrigos, atsiskleidžia po nužudymo. Antroji. Netikėtai Karolina suvokia, kad viskas gali būti daug rimčiau. Kai prieš kelerius metus buvo Niujorke buvo sugautas serijinis žudikas Edis Marsonas, jis pasakė, kad turi vaiką, kuris jiems atkeršys. Niekas juo netikėjo. Bet viskas apsiverčia, kai paaiškėja, jog viskas yra tiesa.Karolina, išmani ir drąsi, imasi iniciatyvos išsiaiškinti tiesą, tačiau Semas, garsėjantis savo aštriu protu, ir Katerina, nuolat analizuojanti situacijas, ne visada sutaria dėl sprendimų. Tuo tarpu Simas, dažnai laikomas klasės juokdariu, slepia daugiau nei tik juokelius. Kiekvienas klasės draugas turi savo paslaptis, o pasitikėjimas vienas kitu greitai tirpsta. Ar jie sugebės išsiaiškinti, kas iš tiesų stovi už šio baisaus nusikaltimo, ar liks pasimetę tarp draugystės ir pasitikėjimo?,,Klasės žudikas" - tai įtempta detektyvinė istorija apie paslaptis, išdavystes ir kovą su patyčiomis, kuri privers ne tik herojus, bet ir skaitytojus apmąstyti, kas iš tiesų yra geras draugas, o kas gali tapti pavojumi.…