Quick Note: to the person who requested this, my sincere apologies if this story ain't good and if it took so long. Also sorry to all the people waiting for their requests, I am working on them!
Anyways enjoy!
Lucky leaned back in his chair, bored of waiting for Naib to show up. Everyone else seemed bored too.
"Ugh." Vera sighed, looking up from her nails. "Where is that fool?"
Freddy shrugged and let out an exasperated sigh. "Who knows? Maybe he has slept in again." He slammed his map onto the table and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Should someone go and wake him up?"
Vera sighed. "I'll go." she stood up, her chair screeching as she pushed it out and back in again. "If he's not in his room, I'm going to get a replacement." Her heels clicked against the tiled floor as she exited the room. Freddy sighed again and leaned his head on the palm of his hand. An awkward silence enveloped them. Lucky fidgeted nervously in his seat, the quietness gnawing at him.
"So.. Freddy," He murmured. Freddy looked at him, indifference filling his eyes.
"What?" He snapped. Lucky gulped silently.
"Who do you think the hunter is?"
Freddy closed his eyes in thought. The silence surrounded them again until Freddy opened his eyes.
"Wu Chang."
Lucky perked up at the name.
"Why do you think that?" he asked, excitement evident in his voice. He blushed in embarrassment and cleared his throat. "I mean, why do you think it's Wu Chang? He's been in a lot of matches recently."
Freddy raised an eyebrow at his actions but shrugged it off. Lucky internally sighed in relief.
"That's precisely why I think it's Wu Chang. He hadn't been in many matches before, and now I think he's going to have a streak of them before resting again." Freddy pronounced, his eyes closing again.
Another sigh escaped his lips. "What in the world is taking them so long?"
Lucky shrugged, his mind drifting back to the hunter. He wasn't sure why Wu Chang interested him so much. He only knew that he did. He had heard of rumors about them. One popular one was that the Black Guard died from drowning under the bridge whilst waiting for the White Guard to return. Every time Lucky heard that he felt a pain in his heart. How sad it must've been when the White Guard found out.
"Sorry for making you guys wait." a gruff voice spoke, snapping Lucky out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw Naib standing in the doorway next to an inflamed Vera. Freddy became irritated at the sight of him.
"What took you so long? We're about 15 minutes late for our match!" Freddy barked, standing up and causing his seat to fall backward. Naib raised his hands in defense.
"Sorry, sorry. Forgot we had a match." He grumbled, seemingly unaffected by the tension in the room. Vera huffed.
"This idiot was sleeping in the garden!" she ridiculed, slapping him on the shoulder. Naib didn't flinch. Instead, he yawned.
Lucky stood up. "Come on guys, let's just go to the match. We don't want to be any later than we already are."
Freddy and Vera huffed in unison before walking past him. Naib didn't say anything, nor did he spare a glance at him. Instead, he followed the two, brushing past Lucky. He sighed and dwadled after them.
Lucky awoke to the sound of glass breaking. He groaned and blinked, trying to clear his vision. He was lying down inside a dark-colored church. He rolled over and pushed himself off of the dusty, red carpet and got to work on the cipher in front of him.
The light above him shone brightly, signaling that the cipher was done. A bell rang out, accompanied by a pained scream. Vera had been hit. Lucky ignored her and ran out of the church to find another cipher. He wasn't a rescuer, so he didn't have to concern himself with that. If he did, he'd let the team down. As he ran around, searching for another cipher, his heart started beating frantically. He urgently looked around. His eyes caught onto a long, black braid.
'Wu Chang!' he thought happily. He stopped and shook his head. 'No! I shouldn't be thinking like that! Gotta focus on decoding!' He ran until his heart calmed down and continued working on ciphers.
The match ended in a draw. Vera and him and survived, however, Naib and Freddy were sent back to the manor. No one spoke to each other afterward. Everyone went their separate ways. Lucky returned to his room and fell onto the bed with an exhalation.
'One day, I'll talk to him.'
Lucky had been in countless tiring matches, all of which had been with Wu Chang. It made him happy, however, he had grown tired of playing.
The horn sounded, echoing throughout the churchyard. Lucky ran towards the exit gate, his feet thumping heavily on the ground. With each step he took, he felt more and more tired. He desperately wanted to sleep. He wanted to collapse onto the ground and lay there forever. He finished opening the gate and he ran inside. He stopped at the threshold which would take him back to the manor. He stood there, pondering and debating with himself. Deciding to stay, he turned around and sat down.
I chased the three survivors out of the gate and sighed. I was tired of playing so many matches. I just wanted to rest. Black Guard whispered to me from the umbrella.
"Want me to take over?"
I smiled. "Yes, please."
I aimed the umbrella towards the other gate. There was just one more survivor who seemed to be waiting at the other gate. I sent the umbrella flying across the map and let myself get absorbed into the umbrella.
I opened my eyes and connected gazes with the survivor who had been in almost all of our matches: Lucky Guy.
He was sat cross-legged in the gate, looking expectantly at me. I casually walked over, expecting him to run away, but he didn't. Instead, he stayed sitting still until I was right in front of him.
"Hey! You're the Black Guard, right? Nice to meet you." He said, smiling broadly. I stayed silent. No one had ever tried to talk to us, or just me in this case. He continued to look up at me, his eyes expecting a response. I opened my mouth to say something--anything--but the only thing that came out was a hiss. He was shocked at first, but then he burst out laughing. I looked at him, puzzled.
"What a strange response!" He smiled gleefully. I felt the corners of my lips twitch up. His happiness was contagious. White cooed at me from the umbrella.
"Are you starting to smile~?" he hummed. I growled and forced a frown upon my face. He chuckled.
"If you're so upset, why don't I take over?"
I tightened my grip on the umbrella and I could tell that it hurt him, just a little bit.
"Shut up, White," I muttered lowly. Lucky looked at the umbrella.
"Is White in there?" he asked. I hesitated before nodding slowly. The survivor adjusted his glasses and grinned.
"Really? That's so cool!" He exclaimed, reaching his hand out to poke the umbrella. Out of habit, I drew it back. I didn't let others touch White and White did the same for me. Lucky stopped and retracted his hand.
"Ah!" He looked away guiltily. "Sorry! I didn't know.."
White let out an angry huff from the umbrella.
"Must you be so mean?" White asked. "Lucky seems very interested in us."
I shrugged.
"So what?" I grumbled, obviously annoyed. White sighed.
"Sorry Black, I'm taking over."
I felt the familiar sensation of being sucked into the umbrella.
"H-Hey! Wait--"
I re-emerged from the ground and flipped my hair back, looking down onto Lucky. He was looking up at me with adoring eyes.
'How cute!!'
"White Guard!" he cried out in delight. "Did you come to see me?"
I smiled gently. I'd never seen someone look at me with such affection.
"Indeed. Tell me, why did you wait to see us?" I asked mildly. Lucky paused before smiling again. He looked up at me and I felt my heart stop.
"Well, I just did!" He looked back at the ground and fiddled with his thumbs. "I've just always been interested in you guys.."
Black and I were silent. I knew that Black was as shocked as me.
"That.." I started. I wasn't sure how to continue.
"Ah! That probably sounds weird! I haven't been stalking you guys or anything! It's just-"
I crouched down and patted him benevolently on the head. He stopped speaking and looked up at me, his eyes glittering again. I smiled.
"It's okay. I'm-no, we're flattered." He beamed up at me.
"Yes. We've never had someone say that. It's... so nice to hear."
Tears started to form in the corner in his eyes and he hugged me tightly. I stayed still, stunned as Black yelled at me from the umbrella. Slowly, I squeezed him back.
After a while, I reluctantly let him go.
"It's time for you to leave. Your friends must be worried," I said softly. He frowned and I laughed.
"Don't worry, next match we have together Black will come out to greet you personally."
"Oi! What do you think you're doing?" Black growled. I smirked as I watched Lucky leave.
"If you don't want to meet him, I'll cancel it."
"...Fine. I'll meet him."
I smiled and made my way back to the hunter's quarters.
'Until next time, Lucky.'
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