Okay I'm not actually disappearing but I may not do many requests anymore? Like.. soon I will but for a while I may just post random stuff. Honestly I have no clue. But here's some random stuff.
(The pictures are mine)
You waited at the table for around 2 minutes until Kevin appeared. You smiled.
"Kevin! So glad you could make it!" You said, putting your hand up for a high five. He slapped it and sat down opposite you.
"The pleasure's mine. Anyways, you wanna eat?"
Your smile widened and you nodded.
"I'd love to, I'm starving!"
You opened the menu and started scanning the options.
'Michiko's special: Japanese style Pork Cutlets $5
Stir fried beef $6
Beef noodles $7
Fried rice with beef $6'
You stopped at fried rice with beef. It sounded appetising at the moment. You looked up to ask Kevin whether he had found anything he wanted to eat when you realised he was staring at Emma on the other side of the room.
"Kevin?" You waved your hand in front of his face. It had no effect and he stood up and made his way over. He grabbed Emma, slung her over his back like a rucksack and made a beeline to the door. You stood up, confused.
He looked over to you.
"Sorry, but, we'll be on our way."
Emma tried to wiggle her way out of his grip.
"W-we? Hold on, you mean you not w—"
He left the room, leaving you confused and Emily wondering where Emma went.
Aesop sits down quietly opposite you. You smile warmly.
"Hello Aesop! So glad you could make it." You say. He smiles awkwardly. You look at his costume. The Call of the Abyss outfit suits him well.
"Nice costume."
He looks down at his outfit, seemingly not remembering the fact that he was wearing this costume. His cheeks redden slightly.
"T-thanks. You're not too shabby yourself." He whispers. Your smile widens.
You spend the rest of the dinner making awkward small talk and eating in silence. Over all, though, the dinner was enjoyable and you two agree to keep in touch with one another.
You're waiting at your table when Jack and Michiko sit down in front of you. You look up at them in confusion. This is.. your table, right?
"Hey Michiko"
"Hey Jack"
You look at the both of them, unsure of what's happening. This... feels weird. Maybe you shouldn't be here. But, this is your table!
"If you were a triangle, you'd be acute one" Jack whispers huskily.
Michiko giggles.
"Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?" Michiko whispers back. There's a seductive tone in her voice. Jack chuckles lowly.
"No, but I scraped my knees crawling out of Hell to find you"
You decide to leave, despite the fact that this is your table. You take out your phone.
"Sorry Joseph, some things came up. Can't do the dinner" you text as you leave the room.
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