To the beach! Part 3

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The sun crept over the horizon and slid slender fingers of light over the land and sea. It shone through multiple windows and onto a few people's faces, causing them to awake from their blissful slumber.
"Ughh" Martha groaned, rubbing away the sleep from her eyes as she sat up. She peered through the window from her bed and saw that it was daytime.
She reached over to Naib's bed which was right next to hers and gently shook him.
"Time to wake up, we have a whole day at the beach.." she whispered loudly. Naib threw the blankets over his head and groaned. Martha gently shook him again, but with more force.
"I'm tired.. five more minutes..." he mumbled from under the covers. Martha sighed and stood up, grabbing her gun off the bedside table. She held her finger on the trigger, pointed it at the lump called Naib and threw the blankets onto the floor. He sat up and opened his mouth to snap at her but froze when his eyes landed on the gun aimed at his head.
"Up. Now." Martha hissed. Naib laughed awkwardly and put up his arms.
"I-I'm up" he stuttered out, sweat beads forming on his forehead. Martha smiled sweetly and placed the gun back on to the table, Naib silently sighed in relief. She turned to two more lumps on the beds across the room and walked over to them, no longer caring if she was loud or not. With a huff of impatience, Martha lifted Kreacher off his bed (with some difficulty) and threw him at William. Both males shrieked in alarm as they fell to the floor tangled in blankets and limbs.
"Get off me you fat pile of sh—"
"You get off you football turd!"
"I'm not on you!"
"Yes you are! I can barely breathe so fu—"
Martha sighed as Naib chuckled in the background. She pulled Kreacher off William and tossed him onto the floor next to him. The two males scrambled out of their blanket cocoons and glared at Martha.
"What was that for!?" William yelled, waving his arms angrily. Martha opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by Kreacher.
"Kreacher was having a nice dream about Emm— h-having a nice dream! And you ruined it!" Kreacher shouted, waving his fists in the air and trying to hide his beet red face for almost blurting out his dream about his favourite gardener. William laughed and slapped Kreacher on the back.
"You know she doesn't like you, dude!" He teased. Kreacher blushed deeper in embarrassment and anger.
"S-shut up you football freak!" He yelled back. "What about you and your crush? The mec—"
William quickly punched Kreacher in the face with a tint of pink on his cheeks.
"SHUT UP" He screeched loudly. Kreacher punched William in the face in retaliation.
"YOU SHUT UP" He yelled back. Martha sighed and grabbed the gun again, as well as a spare one. Naib silently gulped as she held both guns and aimed them at William and Kreacher's heads.
"This is too early for a fight, stop and get changed." Martha instructed sternly. The two males stopped bickering and looked at the guns.
Martha sighed and put both guns away.
"I swear to god, I'm the only mature one in this group" she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. At once all boys yelled in protest. Martha giggled quietly but quickly changed her face to a poker face.
"I'm going to get changed, you guys should get changed too"
She then grabbed her bag and left, slamming the door behind her.
Emma was the first one awake. She hopped out of bed and threw the covers onto the wooden floor. She then proceeded to jump around all the beds yelling happily about her plans for the day. This was very effective in waking up her cabin mates.
Emily sat up groaned softly.
"Emma? Why are you awake so early?" Emily asked groggily. Emma giggled and hopped from leg to leg in place.
"I'm up early so that we have more time to spend on the beach!" She explained happily, her eyes shining in delight. In this moment, she really looked like a young girl again. Emily let out a soft sigh and stretched. She carefully got out of bed and grabbed her bag.
"I'll leave everyone else to you for now, I'm getting changed" Emily said before quietly closing the door. Emma nodded and turned to the other two girls.
"Helena! Margeretha!" She yelled loudly, "WAKE UP!! WE HAVE A WHOLE DAY AHE—"
Margeretha quickly rolled out of bed and out her hand on Emma's mouth.
"T-thank you Emma, we're up..." she quickly said with a dry voice. Emma smiled and pulled Margeretha's hand off.
"That's good! I'm going to get changed now!" She exclaimed joyfully, grabbing her bag and tumbling out the door.
"That girl is so energetic..." Helena groaned, smothering her face into her pillow. Margeretha could only nod dumbly in response for she was too tired.
The sun shone brightly onto her eyes. Directly onto her eyeballs. Just her fücking eyeballs.
Tracy sat up with a growl and rubbed her eyes.
"Stupid sun.." She grumbled under her breath as she stood up and stretched. The floorboards creaked loudly when she placed her feet onto them, causing her cabin mates to awake. Kurt lazily rolled out of bed and tumbled into his pile of books.
Yes, he did make a pile of books.
He sighed in content and sat up, fully awake and energised. Tracy stared at him, dumbfounded.
Those books must have some super powers, I swear to god.
He yawned and stretched as he stood up.
"Good morning, Miss.Reznik, I'm going to get changed" he yawned on his way out, his bag in one hand and a book in the other. Tracy nodded and turned to the remaining two people that were half awake: Vera and Kevin. As she looked at the two, she remembered the scenes that had unfolded the day before. As she remembered, she came up with a plan. This plan was so genius that she started to smile. A creepy, large, maniac smile. With light footsteps and caution, she crept towards Kevin and gently started to pry him off the bed. As he slid to the floorboards, Tracy yelled "KEVIN, VERA NEEDS YOUR ASSISTANCE! SHE NEEDS YOUR MANLY MUSCLES!"
Kevin immediately woke up, right as his head slammed into the floor. Vera, too, awoke and started to sit up when Kevin flung himself at the poor perfumer. She opened her eyes and screeched when she realised it was the cowboy who was atop her. With dazzling speed, she pushed Kevin to the floor beside her, grabbed her bag and sprinted out the door to the women's changing rooms. Tracy internally smirked to herself as Kevin moped on the wooden floor.
Mission successful.
Fiona woke up when the sun started to peek over the horizon. She sat up and rubbed away the sleep from her eyes. She changed into her usual getup before taking her bag and her holy key outside to the seaside.
The waves went in and out; like slow, calm breaths. Like a steady heartbeat. It was calm and a bit cold, if she was honest. She took off her sandals, out down her bag and placed a foot into the water. It was freezing cold, it sent shivers all the way through her body. Nevertheless, she continued on with a determined face. She placed both feet into the water and gave herself time to adjust. Then, she waded into the sea until the water reached just below her dress (idk what it's called. A robe?).
She steadied her heartbeat and evened out her breaths. Fiona closed her eyes and held the holy key in front of her heart. She stayed like that, calm and in peace. She stayed until she couldn't feel the cold water or wind. She stayed until she couldn't feel the sun on her face. She was in total peace. A smile graced her lips and she continued to meditate.
On the shore behind her was Eli, the seer. He was confused and groggy. His owl was perched comfortably on his shoulder, snoozing away.
Wanting to know what she was doing, he took off his shoes and started to wade out to her. He stomped into the cold water and let out a yelp.
"Damn! That's cold!"
Fiona opened her eyes and turned around.
He looked up and waved.
"What's up, Fiona?" He grinned and then placed another foot into the water. The result was no different. He hissed and shivered. Fiona smiled gently and waded over to him. She held out a hand and he grabbed it.
"Stay calm, even out your breaths and the god of water will help you"
Eli stifled a chuckle and did as he was told.
I do believe in some gods but this isn't gonna help me feel war—
All of a sudden, he heard water shift around him. Using his owl, he saw that the water had parted around them, leaving them dry in the sea.
"Wh-What the—?" He stuttered out, confused and amazed. Fiona giggled lightly.
"Gods are real, Eli. You just have to believe"
Eli smiled and continued to look at the miracle.
"Yeah... you're right"
They continued to hold hands and look at the wonder until they saw people start to pour into the changing rooms.
"We should get changed, let's go" Fiona said softly, pulling Eli back to shore. He nodded, still speechless at what just happened.
The hunters got changed into what they were wearing when they arrived and the survivors are wearing the things in the picture at the very top (you know, that thing above the title? Yeah..)

Once everyone had finished changing, they all met up where they had met each other (hunters and survivors).
"Ahem," Emma cleared her throat, catching everyone's attention. "We're all free to do whatever today, just as long it's at the beach. We're not allowed to go past the fence over there," Emma pointed at a long fence that started behind the changing rooms and went into the sea, stopping at a line of rocks. "The last beach house, which is where Michiko and Jack stay so they'll keep watch," Jack and Michiko smiled unsettlingly and all the survivors shivered involuntarily. "And the long row of rocks out in the sea. Apart from that you're free to do whatever! We'll call you guys for lunch and dinner, have fun!"
All the survivors and hunters joined together in a large group and hurried to the shore where they then split off into seperate groups.

Joseph turned on his camera and started to take photos of all the survivors and hunters having fun. He was smiling and getting all the hunters and survivors to pose when Smiley accidentally splashed a few droplets of water onto his camera. With a gasp of anger and surprise, Joseph quickly drew back his camera and wiped it furiously. He the turned to glare at Smiley, who was playing with the Forward and Thief. He marched up angrily to them while shielding his camera in case they ruined it even more.
"SMILEY!" He yelled, catching the Joker's attention. He turned around and laughed.
"Hey Joseph! Wanna join us?" He offered, waving around a balloon rocket. Joseph huffed.
"Don't make me laugh! Like I'd like to join with you buffoons!" He twirled his hair delicately in one hand. "You splashed some water on my camera! Do you know what would've happened if I wasn't further into the shore?"
Smiley laughed and waved him off.
"Chill out, Joseph! It's just a couple droplets!"
Joseph growled.
"Just... a few droplets.. you absolute barbarian.." he hissed, grabbing something from his bag. Smiley looked over curiously. Joseph drew out a balloon sword and held it out determinedly in front of him with his eyes shining.
"I challenge thee to a balloon duel!" He yelled with his chest puffed out. Smiley grinned.
"I accept, hahahahaha!"
A small crowd gathered as the two hunters battled with floaty weapons.

"Who wants to play hide and seek?" Michiko exclaimed happily. Emma turned around and put up her hand, bouncing up and down.
"Me! Me!" She yelled joyfully. Michiko let out a squeal of delight and looked around for more people to join. Helena walked up and tugged lightly on her jacket. Michiko looked down and smiled sweetly. She crouched to be at Helena's level.
"Hello dear, would you like to play?" She asked softly. Helena nodded shyly and Michiko's smile widened. She returned to her full height and continued to look for more volunteers.
Helena stayed close by her as she yelled loudly.
She reminds me... of mum.
"I'd like to join!" Kreacher yelled, emerging from the crowd.
Kreacher will have a chance to impress Emma!
"I'll play too" Emily said, walking over to Emma's side. Emma smiled at her with such joy that Kreacher started coughing.
That doctor..! I'll show her that I'm more worthy of Emma's love!
He composed himself and continued to sneak glares and glances at the two ladies.
When enough people had joined, the Geisha started the game.

Martha sighed as she sunk further into her chair. In her hand was a glass of apple juice filled with little ice clues.
This is relaxing...
She started to close her eyes when she felt a soft tap on her shoulder. She looked up and connected gazes with Naib.
"Hello Naib"
"Hi Martha, you wanna come exploring with William, Kurt and I?"
Martha tilted her head in curiosity.
"Exploring? Where?"
Naib leaned in closer to her ear and she could feel his warm breath spread over her ear and cheek as he spoke.
"Past the borders"
Her eyes widened and she sat up straight.
"Are you crazy? That's a death wish, not an adventure!" She whispered back.
"But aren't you curious? What's beyond the border?" He leaned in closer. "Don't you wanna know?"
Martha fidgeted in her seat. Yes, she very much wanted to know, but it was against the rules! How could she go against the owner of the manor?!
But... if he never found out, she wouldn't get in trouble... right?
She let out a sigh of frustration.
Naib chuckled.
"You wanna go, don't you? I know you too well.." he teased. Martha closed her eyes and contemplated it a bit more before shaking her head. Naib pouted but smiled when he heard her answer.
"Fine, let's go exploring."
"You're coming?"
Martha opened her eyes and stared at his with a smile.

This is the longest chapter I've written. I'm trying to update this series as often as I can. I hope you guys enjoy this one. Next one shot is a fem!reader x soul weaver, so stay tuned! :D

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