Fem!reader x soul weaver

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I sighed as I rested my head on my hand. My teammates were taking forever to get ready!
What were they even talking about..?
"Ew, her? I hate her!" Servais spat as he leaned back in his chair. I looked up and tuned into the conversation.
"I know right? Who'd like her anyway?" Kreacher laughed. "She's disgusting, always putting webs everywhere! Anywhere!"
I tilted my head curiously. Webs..? I don't think I've played with this hunter yet...
"It takes forever to get those webs out your clothes," Vera added, shaking her head slightly, "I had to wash mine three times before all the webs were gone." All the survivors blanched in unison. I decided to speak up.
"Who are you guys talking about?" I asked curiously. They all turned towards me. Servais answered me.
"The soul weaver, you don't know her?" I shook my head.
"You're so lucky! She's absolutely disgusting!" I turned towards Vera.
"Why is she gross?" I asked again.
Vera turned slightly pale as she answered.
"The soul weaver is a spider" she closed her eyes and shivered at the memory that popped into her mind. I tilted my head again.
"She's a spider?" I smiled softly, "I... actually like spiders."
Vera's eyes widened in shock and the other survivors stared in disbelief. She instantly glared at me and moved her chair away from me.
"You like spiders? That's disgusting! Don't expect me to help you!" She spat, looking away and crossing her arms. The thief and magician started to whisper to each other loudly.
"She probably touches them all the time" Kreacher told Servais and he nodded.
"I hope she dies first"
I sighed and rested my head on the table. I shouldn't have said anything...

Finally, we were let into the map. I could finally get away from their harsh comments about me. I ran into the hospital building and started working on the cipher that was downstairs. Unfortunately, the thief came inside the same room. He stopped in the door way and glared at me for a brief moment before clearing his throat.
"Uh, could you move to the side? I don't want to touch you" he mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear. I stopped typing on the keyboard with a sigh and moved to my left. He then walked slowly to the other side and started working on the cipher.
What a douche.
All of a sudden, I felt my heart start to speed up and I stopped. I looked around cautiously but I couldn't see anyone. Where is the hunter?
My heart was beating more rapidly, the hunter was somewhere near me. I just didn't know where..!
I spotted some movement in the corner of my eye and I quickly turned around to see a large spider/woman mutant. My eyes widened.
"It's... her." I breathed out in disbelief.
The soul weaver.
She was beautiful! She wore a little mask on her face which made her look a bit like a bird and she had little web dolls hanging off her abdomen. All I could do was stare in wonder at the hunter as she ran towards me. The thief finally looked up and screeched when he saw her.
"NOT YOU!" He yelled. He immediately hurled himself out the window and started running. That's when I remembered that she was the hunter.
Oh no, I should start running. She's gonn—
She brushed past me and ran after the thief, who was quite far away. As she climbed out the window, I stared after her in confusion.
She... she didn't hit me.
I snapped back to reality and turned back to the cipher. I had to focus on decoding.

I finished the cipher and the light shone above me. There was 1 remaining.
I ran about the map, looking for a cipher machine to start working on.
Ah, over there!
I darted over into the old shack and saw that the perfumer was almost done with it. When I entered the building, however, Vera saw me and screeched, missing a calibration. I hushed her with a glare which she gladly returned.
"What are you doing here?! Get away from me!" She shrieked loudly, stamping her foot on the ground.
"Stop! The hunter will hear you!"
She growled at me and continued to complain and stamp her feet angrily.
"I don't care! I want the hunter to kill you first!"
I opened my mouth but she continued.
"You're disgusting! You like spiders! You're horrible! Gross and disgusting! Just! Like! Her!"
I didn't answer, instead, I stared past her shoulder to the Soul Weaver who was standing still, her arm raised in the air. Vera huffed.
"Why aren't you looking at me? What's so—" she looked behind her and screeched again.
"WHY ARE YOU HERE! DISGUSTING MISTAKE OF A HUNTER!" She yelled, running behind me and holding me out like a shield.
"You like spiders, yeah? Then go up to her!"
I didn't move, I just locked gazes with the hunter. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours before she moved slowly towards me.
She didn't hit me last time...
She crept closer, her arm still raised and ready to attack.
She won't hit me...
She was coming closer, I could feel the shadow of her arm above me.
She won't hit me...
I trust her.
She threw her arm down and hit the perfumer behind me without even brushing my head. The perfumer choked behind me and ran away, out of the building and towards a few pallets. The soul weaver dashed after her, leaving me standing still in the shack.
I couldn't move or think. Everything was blank.
I like her. I want to be her friend.
I smiled and ran towards the cipher which was almost done. With a sigh of satisfaction, I pressed the last button. A loud horn echoed throughout the map and my smile widened.
I ran towards the closest exit gate and started to enter the code. My heart started to beat faster again, but I payed no attention to it until I heard a yell behind me.
I turned around as I entered the last digit of the code to see the magician desperately trying to kite her. He noticed that the gate was open and he sprinted towards it. The thief and perfumer ran past me and into the gate as well. All three left and I was the last survivor. The soul weaver walked up to me and I smiled brightly at her. We stayed in a comfortable salience before I spoke up.
"You know, I think I like you. Do you think we could be friends?"
The soul weaver looked up at me and I could see a tiny smile on her face.
"That'd be nice, I've never met any survivor that likes spiders." She replied. I laughed and scratched the back of my head.
"Yeah, not many people like them, but spiders are cute."
She hummed happily in response.
Another moment of silence passed. All of a sudden, she turned around to her abdomen and plucked one of the web dolls and held it out to me.
"I hope we can play again, here's something to remember me by for the meantime."
I held the doll gently in my hands and smiled wider.
"Thank you... I also hope that we can meet again."
I started to walk out of the gate. Before I left, I turned back and smiled brightly again.
As I exited the map I heard a faint whisper.
"See you soon..."

Okay! I finished another request! This was requested by Jinglebells_123 , I hope that this was to your liking! The next chapter will be another request! A fem!reader x forward requested by Mikicryu , so stay tuned for that. After that, there will be another To the beach! Chapter and then another request, a child!reader x smiley requested by Siniora-Chan .
Thank you so much for reading, your kind words keep me motivated!
Stay tuned and I hope to update soon!
(Sorry, just came back to wattpad after a short break. Had to fix some errors, I'm working on everything so please stay tuned!)

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