Kristoff's POV

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{hey guys... so a lot has happened to me over my absence and a lot has changed me. But I finally found my will to write again. For a while now I thought I was no good as a writer and I thought writing these stories was pointless anymore because I'll never be truly talented. But I realized after reading comments on both my stories that I don't care if I'm not the best, the most creative, or the most talented. I do this because words on a page bring such joy to me. I write because thoughts and stories and words feel like a security blanket and bring me warmth and comfort. So I'll continue even if all my wonderful readers have moved on, I'll still be here. Even if no one new reads my stories or cares, I'll still be here. So if you would continue to read my things I'd be grateful but if not, I don't mind. These stories are more for me than anyone else, I just hope I can entertain along with my selfish intent. Thank you everyone for reading :) }

It's been about a week since Hans' last episode. I haven't known him, who he actually is, for a long a time, but I know these episodes are terrible for him to go through. I honestly don't know how he ever went through this alone, but I never want him to have to again. All I can do is wrap his delicate body and mind in my arms, tell him he's safe here and curse the bastard who did this to him. He sobs until his voice is raw and his eyes puff and redden, it breaks my heart to see him this way. Since he opened up to me, I've had his room be moved next to mine so I can tell when he has night terrors and I can hear when he's crying in his sleep.

I walk the 5 feet between our rooms and I tap the door which is rarely locked.
"Hey, Hans, are you awake yet?" I ask even though I just heard him start crying.
I hear feet dragging to the door, tired feet. Hans opens the door with tears coming down his freckled face and hands combing through his red bed head. His big sea foam green eyes look up at me.
Through the tears he smiles, "How is it that every time I weep like a child, you come to my rescue?"
"I'm just magic like that I guess," I say as I wipe his tears. I glance at his soft, freckled pink lips. No Kristoff, we say no! Hans has been through so much and when he's ready, he'll come to you.

Hans is sitting on his bed looking at me as I get lost in my own thoughts and desires. I flash a half smile and close the door behind myself.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"I ask as I pull up a stool to the bed. I've been more cautious about his boundaries, if he wants me to hold him, I'm there, if he wants me just to listen, he has my ears. They're pretty big so at least they're good for something.
Hans shakes his head and moves to the edge of the bed.
"Kristoff... do you remember the night we kissed?" He asks as he just barely glances at my lips and back to my eyes.
How could I forget.
His lips were sweet.
His hair was silk between my fingers.
His mouth was warm and sugary like nectar.
"Uh hm.. y-yeah I recall something like that.." I say trailing off and turning my beet red face away from his eyes.
"D-did I do something to make you not want me in that way?" Hans says biting his lip.
I feel a hand touch my arm. I look back over and find Hans so close.
So close I can see the sweat from the nightmare still glistening on his skin.
"Hans. I went too fast that night and I don't want to push you. You never need to feel like you have to do something, at least with me," I say as I stand up and pat his head. I need to stay a safe distance from him and the bed.
"I-I... I want you to kiss me again... please.." Hans says with a deep red covering his cheeks.

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