{ Oh mer gersh! Guess who isn't dead? Me! I am super duper sorry for the long time of not updating, I still have a lot going on in my life. I haven't had any inspiration to write, my parents are divorcing and I also got a job so I'm pretty busy. But if people actually want to to still read this mess of a story I will continue. Thank you for sticking with me through this story o_< Plus I have not had access to a computer in a while. Hehe. And yes I deleted the part where I added Jim Hawkins, I did so because I wanted to take the story in a new direction than where he would lead. If you guys are still out there I really appreciate your patience and I hope you will keep enjoying my story
Edit: Please go ahead and vote if you're still here or if you have time to give me some feed back, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you again!}
I feel harsh, tightly bound, and irritating bindings surrounding my freckled wrists. I slowly open my eyes and see the world in blurry black and white. I blink several times, attempting to focus on my surroundings. Everything is grainy and all my senses are muffled. I feel a chill around my body. I smell the overwhelming scent of lavender. I use the small amount of strength in my barely adolescent body and go to move my arms and legs only to find my inability to do so. Panic sets in, somehow I know what's going to happen. It's as though the stench of lavender has engulfed me in a sticky paste of dreading what I know to come. He'll run his large, course hands across the scabs and open wounds of my torso. Then he'll unbuckle his overalls. I hate that noise and I hate that smell. The smell of that plant is suffocating me....
A whole new smell enters my nose as I awake.
I feel sweat running down my chest. My heart is throbbing to an intensity I know all too well. I wheez and clutch myself. My eyes are raw from the salt that has fallen. It is in these times I feel hollow and unclean and I gaze into the empty loneliness of the world. Panic threatens to overtake my worthless and disgusting body.
This time I smell... warm vanilla and mint leaves.
I venture to open my swollen eyes and as they open I see before I feel his arms around me instead of my own.
"I'm here. I'm here now. You're safe now," Kristoff repeats to me in a hushed, soothing voice.
I cling to him as I convulse releasing a shower of fear and hopelessness from my body.
Slowly, I feel the dream's chains unravel and let me go into his arms.
They'll be back but for now I know I'm in his arms and he is real now, not the dream.
I let my mind go blank except for the soft, worn material wrapped around his arms and torso. I allow myself to add the smell of his skin to color my mind. And then I let my eyes open up to his dark chocolate eyes and feathery lashes.
"I am not alone," I repeat in my head.
"I am in a safe place now," I chant as my heart gradually comes to a normal rhythm.
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