"Louis, where are we going?" Harry asked confused, knowing the security check wasn't anywhere near wherever they were heading.
"Trust me love," he looked over his shoulder to wink at his boyfriend.
Harry bit his lip, holding onto Nate's hand just a bit tighter as he adjusted his camera bags.
It felt like they were walking forever, the curly haired man only growing more nervous as they approached a security check with a single lane, one guard, and just them in sight.
"Hey, how are ya mate?" Louis smiled at the guard, placing his bags down on the belt, and reaching for the ones Harry had.
He allowed Louis to take them, having Nate follow the older lad through the detector before he did so himself.
As soon as they got past the small check point though Harry could see they really were the only ones there.
"Lou, what's going-"
"If you just follow me all your questions will be answered."
Harry huffed, taking Nate's hand again as his boyfriend marched through this deserted part of the airport.
Louis knew exactly where they were going, taking this route too many times to count. But he was happy Harry was walking a bit behind him, knowing there was no way he could hide his smile as they got closer to where they needed to go.
"Wait! Lou, you can't go out there!," he tried to stop him, seeing his hand reaching for a door that led outside.
Louis didn't say anything though, all he did was grin at the green eyed lad and push the door open before walking out and holding it for them.
"Well come on."
Harry looked around frantically, waiting for some guard to come running at them because they set an alarm off or something. But instead there was nothing. Just Louis looking at him amused and waving him outside.
He shuffled his feet slowly forward, Nate basically dragging him at this point as the 3 year old groaned to himself.
As soon as Harry was outside though he saw it. His eyes immediately widening and mouth falling open.
"That for us?!" Nate shrieked, running over to Louis and tugging on him excitedly.
"Sure is!" he said just as enthused as the toddler as he scooped him up.
"Louis no," Harry shook his head, "are you mental?! No, no way, not happening."
Louis laughed to himself, the look on Harry's face being more than worth it. "Oh it's happening."
Harry wanted to say something, anything, but absolutely nothing came out as he stared at the private plane in front of him.
"Louis it's too much," Harry stopped him, "we don't need this, I-I mean,I-"
"H it's not too much," Louis said softly as he wrapped his free arm around his boyfriend.I "I do this all the time, it's how I normally travel. It's quiet, Nate can run around, it's faster, just... Let me do this."
Harry wanted to say no, absolutely no. But again he found himself unable to form any type of sentence. All he could do was look down at the shorter man and wrap his arms around his middle.
"I love you," he barely whispered.
Louis smiled into his neck saying his own quiet "I love you's" before he felt lips connect to his.
Of course it was almost immediate though they felt little hands patting their chests.
"Let's go!" Nate jumped in Louis' arm, having no time for their kissing.
The older man didn't need to told again, giving the toddler one more squeeze before setting him down and reaching for their luggage.
Harry somehow managed to follow after his boyfriend and son, trying not to have a heart attack as he slowly boarded the plane. He looked around and nearly choked, but that was just before he heard an earth shattering scream.
"Lou!" Nate yelled at the top of his lungs, "This awesome! Oh my gosh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Louis got down to the 3 year old's height as he felt him tugging on him, immediately pulling him into his chest and kissing his head. "You're welcome buddy, love you," he smiled into his hair.
"Daddy say thank you! You being rude!" Nate scolded, wrapping his arms around the blue eyed man's neck and eyeing his father.
Harry opened and closed his mouth, Louis clearly enjoying this as he laughed to himself.
"I just-... Thank you Louis," he said, hoping his boyfriend saw how serious he was.
"No problem love," Louis grinned back at him, "now that the shock is over how about you two sit and relax."
Harry felt like that was the last thing he could do, but he nodded anyway, slowly making his way further onto the plane and really getting a good look around. Already he could see Nate zooming around, running from the couch to a chair and giggling to himself.
"I guess the shock isn't over," Louis teased as he walked up to Harry.
"Louis it's too much," he whispered as he shook his head.
"C'mere," Louis said softly, gently easing them to sit down, "this," he gestured around the plane, "is a completely normal thing for me. At least now I have company..."
Harry faltered for a second, looking back at his boyfriend and letting out a quiet breath as he nodded. "I don't think you know how much I love you."
It was so soft Louis almost missed it, but he heard those three magic words, and that was all he needed before connecting their lips.
"I love you too," he pulled away just enough to say, "but really, try to relax, enjoy the ride."
Harry nodded, letting out a deep breath and allowing himself to somewhat slump against the couch.
He watched as Nate was running around and touching basically everything, but when he glanced over at Louis to see if he minded the blue eyed man was just smiling to himself as he watched on.
It seemed most of the flight was them doing just that. The two wrapped around each other on the couch while Nate ran around or entertained himself coloring. They were grateful the 3 year old went down for his normal nap time, leaving them to enjoy the meat and cheese board, as well as the wine the flight attendant brought out for them.
Louis may have made it a point more than once that there was no other way to travel, but even at this point Harry couldn't object.
He most definitely tried to object when they got to their hotel though. If he thought the plane was too much then he was sadly mistaken when they pulled up and were shown to their room.
Again, Nate screamed at the top of his lungs and was unable to control himself before running through the rooms.
"Louis I swear to God..." Harry muttered, running his fingers through his hair and trying to breathe. "You can't- I mean- how-" he stuttered to himself, not even wanting to think about how much Louis spent and they barely arrived.
A/N https://www.booking.com/hotel/es/melia-hacienda-del-conde.en-gb.html?aid=356980&label=gog235jc-1DCAYYkgQoRjhmSAlYA2inAogBAZgBCbgBB8gBDdgBA-gBAfgBAogCAagCA7gCir3yiAbAAgHSAiQ3NGExYjVlYy1kMjQwLTRkYmUtYTdkYy0wOTJlN2Y3MzAwOTnYAgTgAgE&sid=d2d1a21fcfabde68aa2a9a1f5bf8ed4f&dest_id=777&dest_type=region&dist=0&group_adults=2&group_children=0&hapos=1&hpos=1&no_rooms=1&room1=A%2CA&sb_price_type=total&sr_order=class&srepoch=1629265574&srpvid=a69c2892bd72006a&type=total&ucfs=1&activeTab=photosGallery
"Harry c'mon," Louis tugged him into his chest, "I don't want you stressing, it's the last thing I want."
"How can I not stress when I see this?" he groaned into his boyfriend's hair, "I can't even imagine how much this cost and-"
"Harry," he stopped him, "I think you forget what I do for a living, ya know, voice of Disney," Louis joked, "don't think about it, just have fun."
Harry knew with everything they did on vacation he would think of money, he couldn't help it. But he also knew he couldn't ruin their vacation because of a worry he shouldn't have.
"I just... You have to know how much this means to me, I-..." Harry cut himself off, looking around the more than gorgeous villa and doing everything in his power to stay collected. "I never thought I could give my son the life he deserved let alone something like this..."
Louis looked back at him softly for a second, only taking a moment before he gently connected their lips.
"Harry you gave him everything," he barely whispered, "I just decided to tag along."
Harry couldn't help the small smile that came over him, knowing no matter what he said Louis wouldn't understand, and maybe he never would. But for right now he soaked in the feeling of the older man's arms wrapped around him and hearing his son shrieking with every room he ran into.
"Lou I wanna go to the beach!"
Louis groaned as he felt a little body jump on him, successfully making all the air leave his lungs. But thankfully it was only a second later Harry rolled over in bed and pulled Nate into his chest.
"Daddy, no cuddles," Nate complained, "I wanna go to the beach."
"Buddy we went to the beach all day yesterday, we're going on a new adventure today," Harry mumbled into his pillow.
At that the 3 year old's eyes lit up, immediately remembering their plans for the day.
"Volcanoes!" he screamed, successfully making both men fully wake up."Come on! Up,up!"
Harry sat up as he felt his son shaking him, the toddler clearly wanting to get started with their day.
"Yeah buddy, we're gonna go see the volcanoes," he said through a yawn, "how about you go pick out an outfit and Lou and I will get up."
Nate didn't need to be told twice before climbing off the bed and rushing out of the room.
Harry smiled to himself as he watched his boy. They've only been here for two days, but already he knew Nate was having the time of his life. They soaked up some sun at the beach, went swimming at the pool and Louis even sent him away for a spa treatment while the older man watched Nate. But going to see the volcanoes was something he was just as excited about as his son. He knew he would get some amazing shots, but more importantly than that he knew Nate would go wide eyed at seeing the volcanoes up close.
To go see them though that meant they had to get out of bed, and that was going to be a battle in itself.
"Lou," Harry said quietly, gently running his hand over the older man's skin.
All he heard was a groan as a response, Louis sinking impossibly further into the bed and pulling the covers over him.
"C'mon love," Harry chuckled, "I'll call room service for breakfast, but we gotta start the day before a certain little boy freaks out."
That got Louis to pick his head up and slowly flutter his eyes open. He was very aware of how demanding Nate could be and he didn't want that wrath.
"How are you even functioning right now?" he grumbled out, "last night ruined me."
Harry could only smirk at the thought of last night, him and Louis taking full advantage of the hot tub on their balcony once Nate was put down and stripping each other of their trunks.
"But if you're offering food I guess I'll get up to regain my strength," Louis said, stretching out on the bed, "Lord knows I'll need to for later tonight," he joked before connecting their lips quickly.
Harry rolled his eyes and smiled as he watched his boyfriend slowly shuffle out of bed and into the bathroom.
He made quick work of looking over the breakfast menu and ordering for them before checking on Nate in his room and seeing almost all of his clothes on the floor.
"Buddy what in the world?" Harry huffed, already reaching for the strewn about clothing.
"Daddy I gotta look my best at volcano," Nate said in a matter of fact tone.
Harry didn't even want to try to argue, instead helping his son as he picked up shirt after shirt and seeing if the 3 year old wanted it. But of course it was the last shirt he picked up that his son decided on. He helped him get dressed, Nate deeming that he looked good enough for the volcanoes and skipping out of the room.
Harry just rolled his eyes fondly as he followed after him, making his way to his and Louis' bedroom to check on the older lad.
When he walked into the room though he was pleasantly surprised to see him setting up breakfast on their balcony.
"There you are, was wondering what was taking so long," Louis said, as he got everything situated on the table.
"Sorry, Nate decided to throw his clothes everywhere in search of the perfect outfit," Harry quietly laughed.
"That boy of ours is gonna be the death of us, huh?" Louis chuckled himself before screaming for the toddler to come eat.
Harry was quiet for a second though, keeping his eyes on his boyfriend as he gathered some food for Nate.
"Our boy," he whispered, a slow smile creeping over him, "yeah he uh, he's a handful.
Louis wasn't even phased though as he nodded and grinned along.
It took Harry a second to sit down and load his own plate up with food. He watched on as Nate ran over to them and Louis scooped him up before planting a wet kiss on his cheek. And it was everything Harry loved rolled into a single moment.
A/N I know the volcanoes in Tenerife island are not like how I describe, but wanted something a little more picture worthy
"Love you need to hold mine or Louis' hand, no running around," Harry said, trying his hardest not to sound too stern, but there was no lying he was nervous.
Nate huffed but grabbed Louis' hand anyway, his father's arms full of his camera bags.
"Don't worry mate, we're gonna get up real close so you can see the volcanoes," Louis squeezed his hand as they walked.
"I want picture of me real close with canoe!" the 3 year old said excitedly.
"Really?" Harry asked with furrowed eyebrows as he looked down at his son.
"Yeah! I wanna show all my friends and aunt Gemma and nana!" he said, almost skipping seeing they were getting closer and closer.
Harry just kept his eyes on his son, feeling Louis' hand rubbing his back and he hoped the small smile he gave to the blue eyed lad translated into how grateful he was for encouraging Nate to be in front of the camera.
It wasn't long until they got to where they needed to be, Harry maybe doing a bit of research and finding out the best place to get pictures.
"Daddy look! Oh my gosh!" Nate screamed, letting go of the older man's hand and running up to the railing.
Louis was quick to hurry after him though, scooping him up and letting him get a better view.
Already Harry was getting his cameras out, attaching what lens he wanted to use first before standing a bit back from the two and started snapping pictures.
He was so grateful he had Louis to distract Nate while he got shot after shot, each one better than the last. Of course the toddler used to get annoyed with him when it was just them. Harry knew he got carried away with pictures and Nate would huff and puff before the camera became too much.
Not anymore though. With Louis, Nate was smiling and giggling into the older man's shoulder, pointing out the lava that flowed through rocks and gawking at the sights before him. It was everything Harry loved, in so many little moments, and he had to capture them all.
"C'mere H," Louis said, tugging on his boyfriend as he watched him change his lens for the fourth time. "Your turn to model lets go."
Harry had no objections as he was passed Nate, happily walking over to the railing and posing as Louis took shot after shot with his phone.
Just looking over the railing to the lava rocks that lead to the volcano was breathtaking, making a mental note to get a few more pictures before they leave.
After Louis got a few shots though he walked up to the two, making sure they were all in picture before snapping a few of the three of them.
"Here love, can you take some of daddy and I?" he asked, passing Nate his phone.
"Yes!" he cheered, eagerly taking it and backing a little ways away from them.
Louis grinned back at him before wrapping his arm around the younger lad and pulling him into his side.
"I get volcano too, no worry," Nate said, his little tongue sticking out the side of his mouth as he tried to concentrate.
At that the two only smiled more and couldn't help the laughs that escaped them at seeing how serious the toddler was.
Louis was sure Nate took dozens of photos, but the blue eyed man made sure to get at least one of him planting a kiss on his boyfriend, and getting his surprised reaction before melting into it.
After they got a few more pictures Harry was adamant to keep moving, knowing the further they walked the more beautiful it got.
As long Nate was in Louis' arms the toddler didn't mind, wanting to be carried around instead of walking.
Every so often Harry would walk behind them or on the side, getting in front of them a few times to take pictures. He couldn't get over how gorgeous everything here was and his two favorite boys were the perfect models.
The rest of their vacation was exactly what they all needed. Lazing around at the beach, nice dinners out and exploring parts of the island. Harry got too many pictures and he knew it would take forever to get through but he couldn't wait.
It was almost too soon when they had to head back home, like how when they arrived there was a private plane waiting for them but Harry knew better than to say anything at this point. He wasn't used to getting spoiled like this at all, Louis absolutely refused to let him pay for anything and Harry didn't even want to think about how much was spent while they were there.
He was grateful that he didn't get any calls from Sam on this trip though, that being somewhat one less thing he had to worry about.
But now they were back home, Harry knowing there would be a pile of work that Sam couldn't do himself waiting for him at the studio. It was definitely going to take some time to catch up.
"You okay love?" Louis asked softly as he took a seat on the bed.
"Yeah" Harry breathed out, "just a little stressed about work."
Louis nodded as he bit his lip, himself thinking about work. "Hey H, I uh, well I gotta talk to you about work."
Harry sat up slowly at Louis' tone, him almost sounding nervous. "Sure, go ahead."
The blue eyed man let out a quiet breath as he scratched the back of his neck. "You know I was working a lot before we went on the trip and I-... Well I have to go in like I was for a little while."
"Oh," Harry said softly, "How uhm, how long is a little while?"
"Maybe a week and a half, two weeks."
All Harry could do was nod, thinking back to before their trip and Louis was gone virtually all day. "I mean, I get it Lou..."
Louis chanced a glance over at him and let out a deep breath. "They're just trying to finish the movie, and once I'm done on my part I'm here, I'm yours."
"Love don't worry I'm not stressed about it, just miss you a bit that's all," Harry tried to calm him down.
"No, Harry I-..." he cut himself off as he shook his head, "I can't disappear like I
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