"Lou it's work, it's okay, out of anyone in the world I get it," he tried to assure him, "just do your work, Nate and I will always be here when you get back, it's okay."
Harry knew Louis was terrified that if he worked too much he would get fed up with him, but this was his job, and Harry more than understood.
"I think we should have a talk with Nate," he said quietly, "I'll probably be at the studio to catch up and I know he'll have a fit if we don't explain."
Louis looked at him for a moment, hating that he even had to do this, but nodded anyway.
They waited until breakfast the next day since Nate was already tucked in bed. Knowing as soon as they sat him down and told him what was going to happen there would be protesting, but it had to be done.
"Hey buddy, Louis and I have to talk to you about something," Harry said once they were all settled at the table with their food.
Nate nodded, not picking his head up from his plate and scooping food into his mouth.
"Well uh... Louis and I, well we're gonna be at work a little more and you'll be with Aunt Gemma for a bit while we're at work," he explained carefully, finally making the toddler pick his head up.
"What?" Nate asked quietly, "But- but no-"
"Love we'll still have breakfast and dinner together, it's just for a little," Harry tried to calm him down at seeing tears threaten to spill.
Nate tried to hold himself together as he glanced over to Louis, the older man looking like this was just as painful.
"N-no, I don't wanna," he shook his head and rubbed his tear stained cheeks. "I go with Lou Lou to work and h-help Niall, I good, I promise."
Harry's heart broke as he heard him nearly begging and when he looked to Louis he didn't seem to be in any better shape
"This is work sweetheart, Louis can't play with you while he's working and Niall is working," he explained softly, "It's only for a little bit, it's okay."
"Why don't you show Aunt Gemma all those pictures you took, tell her about our adventures," Louis tried to offer him a smile, finally finding his voice.
Nate didn't do anything but quietly sob into his hands and hang his head.
"Buddy we love you so much and you know we wanna spend all our time with you," Harry said as he got up from his chair and pulled his boy into his chest. "But sometimes we gotta be adults and go to work, but trust me, we'd rather be with you."
The 3 year old found it in himself to nod against his daddy, wrapping his arms around his neck and holding onto him like he was leaving any second. And Harry held on just as tight, making sure to give him enough kisses to last a lifetime. He only stopped because he felt a hand on his back and saw Louis asking for Nate.
Of course the toddler went right into his arms, hugging him just like he did his daddy. And Louis was grateful Harry was able to calm him down for the most part and he hoped he was some form of help.
Luckily they were able to get Nate relaxed enough to where he could eat his breakfast, and they tried their absolute hardest to diffuse the heaviness in the room. But their happy faces only lasted so long before Louis had to leave for work and Harry had to drop Nate off at daycare.
They hoped because it was the first day of a new schedule that Nate wouldn't have a full blown tantrum saying goodbye. And they were pleasantly surprised when Louis needed to leave.
He hugged the older man as tightly as he could and sniffled into his shoulder, letting Louis press kiss after kiss into his hair.
Harry could just watch on with sad eyes, knowing after the three of them being together all the time this was a hard change. He knew his son had gotten used to him being around and not working nearly as much as he used to, and Harry wants to keep that up. But sometimes this had to be done and he hoped Nate knew that this wouldn't be a regular thing again. And when Harry had walked into the daycare with the 3 year old on his hip he told him that time and time again.
Just like he had with Louis he hugged his father with all his strength and sniffled out his "I love you's". And Harry said it five times over back to him before sending him off to find his aunt Gemma and tell her all about their adventures.
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