Parental Advice

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Dad called me again. Honestly, on Earth, the kids are the immature ones, but up here, good luck trying to get an adult to stay calm.

"So," he begins. "Did you get with him yet?"

"Gross. Should you really ask your own daughter that?" I made a repulsed expression I knew he couldn't see.

"One moment." There is a fluttering of a book in the background. "Okay the Bible says no."

"What are you doing with the bible?"

"Thana I'm reading."

"You're Satan."


"Does that stupid book even mention my question?"

"No. I just opened it and the word 'no' was at the top of the page. Do you really expect me to read this? It's so boring. I'd rather clean the house again. Besides, I did read it maybe two thosand years back so I'm good."

"You wanted to connect Heaven and Hell together. It was your idea."

"It was a bad one. Done ever follow in my footsteps."

"Okay. Thanks for the advice." I'm beginning to hang the phone up when he shrieks with delight. Very mature of him if I must say.

"Thana, they made a whole list of commandments in here and there's a whole set for me! Just for me! Me!"

There's a shriek from the other end of the line, kind of like if somebody turned on low quality speakers full volume and I -fortunately- miss the rest of what he says. It better have not been important. Who cares anyway.

He didnt seem to have heard anything, so I ignore it. "-And that was the last one. That's all my news, and I don't care much about yours so good luck to you. Have fun with the boy."

Satan is disgusting.

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