Authors Note
Happy Friday lovely readers,
Omg how did this story hit over 10,000 views?! Thanks so much for all your likes and comments, they mean so much and I'm so glad you're enjoying the story so far!
Lara xx
Kimi's POV
Unlike the familiar setting of the infirmary I found myself in a training arena, overseeing the first year hero courses strengthening their skills ahead of the licensing exam. It felt strange in a way, the comforting familiarity of beds and bandages were replaced with boulders and target ranges. The stale smell of sweat and dust hung in the air as the teens trained and developed their signature moves.
"You sure you're okay to be back this soon Kita? I'm sure no one would hold it against you if you took a break?" Aizawa asked once again. It was one of the many things that had changed since my return from the League of Villians abduction. Aizawa had begun speaking to me far more than he previously had, always hovering like a worried mother. Probably because I was with Bakugou when he couldn't be, he truly does care about his students.
"I'm fine, really! Besides it's nice to be back, I can avoid unpacking when I'm here." I smile as he rolls his eyes at my procrastination. Keigo and I had managed to unpack most things but there were still a series of random boxes that we had stored in a cupboard with the promise that we'd get round to them eventually.
"Not the most logical thing but ... it's good to have you back Kita." He said, a trace of a smile playing on his lips.
"Hey! Mineta what do you think you're doing over there?!" He yelled before I could respond and marched off to reprimand the grape boy who had been trying to look up the skirt of one of the girls from 1B.
"Hey umm can we talk?" Grumbled a familiar voice. I looked around to see an embarrassed Bakugou shuffling back and forth on his feet awkwardly and avoiding eye contact. It was strange seeing him this uncomfortable. For someone with such a large personality, he clearly looked at odds with himself.
"Sure kiddo what's up?" I smiled trying to put him at ease only to have him glare at me following the nickname.
"I wanted to say ... thanks for back there. I-I would have gotten out by myself and I didn't need your help. But thanks I guess, I'm... I'm glad you didn't get hurt." He mumbled clearly not used to saying such things. In all honestly I'm sure he would have escaped by himself but I am glad he didn't have to go through it alone. Being in 1A has been difficult enough this year without being held captive by the League of Villians.
"I'm sure you would have. Look, I know that a lot has been said about you in the press but just so you know we all think it's bull." I whisper trying to avoid the other students hearing, a fact I'm sure Bakugou would not be happy about. The press had painted him as having a villainous personality, some even suggesting he went with the League willingly. His lip twitched holding back a smile before it turned into the familiar cocky smirk I had seen at the sports festival.
"Didn't think you'd be allowed to use that language doc but yeah I know and ... thanks." He said before stalking off towards his red haired friend and practicing their special moves.
I'll never understand that kid. He never once showed any sign of fear towards the members of the League and he acts like such an angry little shit. But when I watched him cry for me when we both thought I was about to die, when I see the resilience in his eyes, he has a deeper layer to him. That indomitable spirit and perseverance to become the best, I am genuinely starting to believe he'll make it to number one.
Before I could even take in what he said my phone began to blast, Kirishima and Kaminari dancing along to the Attack on Titan theme song before Bakugou hit them on the back of their heads.
"Excuse me." I mimed at Aizawa before leaving the training grounds to take the call. My heart sank a little looking at the caller ID. Kenji.
"Hey Kenji how's it going?" I asked with fake enthusiasm. The blasting crescendo of an unknown classical composition echoed through my phone before Kenji himself responded.
"I need you to come in next Saturday." He said bluntly.
"I'm going in tomorrow though?" I asked slightly intrigued, it's not like Kenji to forget anything related to his precious blood samples, he's always so prepared.
"Yes, but this isn't for blood samples. The results of your salvia samples were encouraging. I'd like to obtain a tissue sample."
"And by tissue sample I presume you don't need me to just blow my nose? How will you extract it and will it leave a scar?" I asked my initial sarcasm turning to genuine concern. I had become accustom to giving blood samples but this was clearly more serious.
"I only need a small extract. We can take it from the skin around your underarm so it won't be noticable. There won't be a scar, at least not a big one. But this could be ground breaking Kita." Kenji said his tone serious, almost daring me to refuse.
All I have ever wanted to do was help people, if a tiny scar on my underarm is what it takes, I'd count that as a small sacrifice.
"Okay Kenji I'll come in on Saturday, the same time as tomorrow?" I ask only to have him agree and hang up quickly, clearly bored of the conversation already.
Well, this weekend should be fun.
Dabi's POV
We had spent the past few days wallowing in self pity at the loss of All for One, Bakugou and more importantly Kimi. Having had enough of watching Shigaraki scratch at his neck and disintegrate random objects in anger like a sad love sick puppy, I found myself retreating from the others. They were held together in some sort of grieving mess and yet here I was torn between despair at losing Kimi and being thankful that she was away from Shigaraki.
I'm such a bastard. No better than ... my father. I want something to happen so I push it onto other people. I drag them into situations they don't want and ignore their own wishes. When the hell did I become so selfish?
I found myself in one of the dusty car parks at the back of the industrial building we now called home. The battered tarmac looking ancient and cold. I felt myself sink to the ground, pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my coat closer around me, the tall ceilings and lack of insulation made the hollow space an ice box but it was still better than being in the other room with the rest of the League.
I pulled out Kimi's locket and ran my numb fingers over it. This locket once represented all the love I had for someone that was mine but now it had become a sad reminder of everything I'd lost. The cold metal had hung like an anchor around my chest for months, a constant reminder of how much I had messed up.
"Hey I like your necklace, pretty girly though. Hey necklaces are gender neutral!" Twice's voice bellowed behind my back causing me to jump slightly, one hand closing around the locket and shielding it from his sight.
"What do you want?" I asked gruffly standing up from the cold tarmac and returning the locket to it's prison beneath my shirt.
"I'm going out to recruit new members, wanna come? We could form a budding bromance! I still hate your burnt face!" Twice said with a bounce in his step.
"No thanks." I mumbled out before retreating to another part of the crumbling building. Who in there right mind would want to join the League now?
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