Chapter 54 - Our new home looks like and Amazon warehouse

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Authors Note

This was the only image I could find on Pinterest of Hawks and Shoto but honestly as much as I hate Endeavour, his cat form is adorable, just look at that angry bundle of fluff! 🙈

Hawk's POV

The world always felt fresher on the weekend, as though the air itself started over anew and the misfortunes of the past week were no more. I lay horizontally hovering parallel with the kitchen cupboards of our new home, haphazardly placing in miss matched mugs that Kimi had acquired over the years from her family. We had decided to speed up the sale and move into the new house within weeks, a stressful but exciting circumstance but one which I wanted imprinted on my mind forever.

"And that is the last of them!" Kimi happily sighed placing down a small cardboard box and wiping the sweat from her forehead. Having gone less than a week without seeing her had left me ravenous for her presence and I had sworn to myself not to miss out on any of the little quirks of her personality anymore, smiling as she scrunched up her nose slightly. The kitchen was light and airy, faint golden beams filtering in through the un-curtained windows, making her skin look as though she were glowing. She had opted for high waisted jeans and one of my old checkered shirts, ignoring the gaping holes in the back for my wings which she said 'helped air filtration'. Her brown hair was tied up into a messy bun, curls slick with perspiration under the hot sun and heavy lifting. She looked otherworldly to me.

"Looks like we're officially moved in baby!" I cheered swooping down to pick her up and dance up around the messy kitchen, ignoring the piles of boxes beneath us.

"We look like we're living in an Amazon warehouse but yep, it's official!" She laughed looping her arms around my neck and looking up at me with those big violet eyes I love so much.

"This doesn't feel real." She said with a small sigh.

"As in you think we're living in a virtual reality simulator or you are so happy you must be dreaming?" I ask watching her genuinely consider both options.

"Well ... I mean, I am currently floating through a kitchen with my winged boyfriend so who am I to say this isn't a giant simulation? But at this moment I'd probably go with option two." She mused, the slight freckles on her nose looking like scattered stars across the blushing canvas of her cheeks.

"Well Miss Kita, I can think of a few ways to check if this is a dream or not." I smirked sliding my hands further down her body.

"Excuse you mister, we haven't even set the bed up yet so no funny business." She reprimanded lightly, her eyes crinkled with delight.

"We have a couch don't we?" I winked before throwing her over my shoulder and playfully slapping her butt for good measure, receiving a snort of laughter as we glided into the living room.


Kimi's POV

After Keigo and I finished ... being distracted, we started work on unpacking our belongings. Keigo was surprisingly low maintenance, having only brought with him a collection of clothes, training equipment, hygiene products, and a mysterious shoe box which he tried to dissuade me from looking through, though ultimately he gave in and showed me the contents of the box. It contained the ticket from when we went go-karting as well as some of the receipts from our coffee dates and various other sweet sentimental trinkets which resulted in me teasing and cuddling the embarrassed bird man.

I on the other hand had brought with me what looked like a sizable library. Old leather bound books stacked next to fresh faced paperbacks weighed down more boxes than I care to admit. Aside from the literary mountain, I had brought a small amount of clothes, music awards and medical supplies but had managed to either donate, dump or hand off to my mother any remaining possessions.

By mid-day we had finished up the kitchen and bathroom, put up the bed, and set up Peanut's space in the front room. Peanut, although initially not happy about moving had quickly become accustomed to the new home and reclined basking in the afternoon sun like a Greek goddess.

"I love you baby but why do you have so many books? How is it possible to read all of them?" Keigo asked flopping down onto the couch, his arms lazily hanging across my chest.

"I swear I tried to donate them but it feels wrong you know? The life in their pages intertwine with my own and it feels as though I'm throwing out a part of my own life when I get rid of them..." I say dreamily shutting my eyes before I snort out a laugh.

"That sounded way more philosophical than I intended!"

"Haha no worries my little scholar. I love it when you go full blown book worm, talk nerdy to me baby!" He said with a chuckle before we both groan as the doorbell rings.

"If that is the moving men with more books, tell them to find the local library!" Keigo called as I went to answer the door, sticking my tongue out at him in response to his comments.

"Hi Kimi. I'm not interrupting am I?" Came the polite voice of Shoto as soon as I opened the door. He stood on the step awkwardly clutching a flowering cactus, not too tightly to his chest.

"Of course not come in Sho!" I smile ushering him in and watching him struggle to take off his shoes whilst avoiding the sting of the cactus. Eventually he gave up and handed me the plant with a casual "for your new home" and took off his shoes properly. The plant although small was greatly appreciated. The pot it rested in was white with a red base, reminding me somewhat of the Canadian flag boy who had given it to me and the flowers growing out from it flared in my favourite shade of purple. Such a sweet smol bean!

"Hey Birdy, Shoto's here!" I called out to Keigo who had now perched up from his slumped state on the couch.

"Hey kid! You want some tea?" He asked getting up and heading towards our newly stocked kitchen, the only room in the house that was 100% normal.

"Yes please, Mr Hawks." Shoto bowed and I couldn't help but smirk.

"No need for the formalities here kid!" Keigo smiled trying to put the uptight teen at ease as the kettle began to boil.

"So what brings you here, apart from bringing us Shoto the second?" I asked placing the cactus down in the centre of the table.

"I was - Shoto the second?" Sho deadpanned making me snort.

"Well his pot does kind of look like you? You know red and white? No? Okay, so what's up Sho?" I asked again lightly before murmuring a thanks to Keigo for the tea.

"The hero licensing exam is coming up. I'm ... I'm not sure if I'm ready." Shoto muttered looking down at his hands awkwardly.

"You want me to-?" Keigo murmered indicating that he could leave and give us some space.

"No it's okay. You're the number two hero now that All Might's retired, you would probably know more about this than Kimi." Shoto said, rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Well thanks..." I muttered sipping at my tea in mock bitterness.

"I watched you in the sports festival, you're probably more prepared for the exam than I was at your age. I'm not going to sugar coat it. It's a harsh exam. It'll push your body and your mind and you should prepare as much as you can. But even if the worst comes to the worst and you fail, you can just pick yourself up and try again. That's what it means to be a hero. Besides most people repeat and there's nothing wrong with that. Just remember, if I have seen you in the sports festival so have the other schools. UA students are at a disadvantage because everyone knows the base of their quirks. But I'm sure you've perfected a lot of your skills since then too so don't doubt yourself kid." Keigo finished with a reassuring smile, patting Shoto on the back.

Shoto had not spoken nor looked away from Keigo as he spoke, absorbing every word and meaning. Maybe he was right, Keigo definitely knows more about this than me.

"You're right. I shouldn't doubt myself. Thank you Hawks." Shoto said with a small smile that made my heart melt. Aww my baby likes my Birdy!

"And as a thanks you can help us build some bookcases!" I grin watching Shoto sweatdrop.

"Bookcases ... as in plural?" He asked .

"I know kid, I know." Keigo sighed patting Shoto's shoulder in solidarity.

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