Kimi's POV
The weekend flew by and thoughts of the break-in began to fade. As usual I was running to UA, having missed the earlier train and not having the convenience of a winged hero nearby. However, I am pleased to say I made it to UA in time and after treating several small injuries the day seemed to drag in.
"You know that invisible girl in 1A, how will we treat her if she ever gets injured? I mean we can't exactly see her," I say thinking out loud and watching Recovery Girl stare at me as though I had three heads. Which, come to think of it, in a world filled with quirks isn't the strangest thing.
"Why do you think of these things dearie? ... Though I suppose my quirk doesn't require me to see the injury so I don't think it would be that problematic ... so long as we know where abouts she is." She mumbles turning the idea over in her head. I couldn't help but laugh slightly at this even though in reality it would be pretty serious.
As I was about to reply a shrill beeping noise echoed through the room. Recovery Girl pulled out a phone that she kept in the inside pocket of her lab coat with a worried look that only intensified as she answered and listened to the caller.
"Oh dear Lord. Is he in a bad condition? ... Are the children okay? ... Good. We'll start to prepare everything for when you get here. Be quick, I can't imagine what state he has gotten himself into after this... See you soon. Goodbye." Recovery Girl looked genuinely shocked as she gazed at me with saucer like eyes.
"Villians attacked the USJ. They managed to cut off all communication with the school..." she said in a hushed voice as though trying to understand it herself more so than me.
"Oh my God, is everyone okay? How is that even possible? UA have the best security in Japan!" I ask as she begins to clear the area focused on a single infirmary bed.
"The children are fine. Just scratches. But All Might is in bad shape. You may have to treat him dearie. I fear my quirk will use up too much of his stamina." She says fluffing a pillow and preparing a medical bag with bandages and disinfectant.
My heart sank slightly. I didn't know much about heroes, but even I knew of All Might. He is a symbol of peace. An unshakable pillar of society that makes us feel safe in a world where people could quite possibly possess the power to kill you on the spot. He is an infallible protector. But with all that it is hard to remember that he is just a man. I have seen him in his weakened state before and it still makes my head spin a little. Being part of the medical staff at UA it was deemed necessary that I should know about his 'Small Might' form and I have to admit, he is much easier to get on with in his smaller form. He shifts from an intimidating super being to just a regular guy, granted a little skeletal, but still a regular guy.
Within minutes All Might came stumbling through the infirmary doors in his weakened form, blood soaking his now baggy hero costume and dripping down his triangular jaw.
"Toshinori, I swear! I tell you not to overdo it and you come here looking like you've been fighting a gorilla!" Recovery Girl scolded him, whilst helping him remove the top of his hero costume.
"It was more of a bird than a gorilla, but I didn't really have much of a choice." All Might said lightly trying to lighten the mood, which failed when more blood burst out of his mouth.
"Kimi I need you to start healing his side, that's the most sensitive area. After that move on to anywhere that looks bruised and bloodied." Recovery Girl spoke professionally gathering gauze and disinfectant for the smaller cuts.
"Will do!" I smiled moving up to All Might and placing my hands on his stitches and bloodied stomach, watching the area glow with a faint violet light.
"So you were fighting an over grown chicken?" I said trying to distract him from the pain he must be in.
"Yeah, you would have loved it!" He chuckles coughing slightly at the end of his sentence. I watched the skin around his stomach mend itself and the inflammation fade. The familiar tired sensation creeping into my bones.
"We may have to put some desolvable stitches into this you know. It'll stop the stitches from being pulled so easily." I smile moving away from his side to start healing a wound on his left temple.
"That sounds good, thanks Kimi. I don't think I'll ever get used to how odd your quirk feels, but it's much better now," he smiled moving his torso slightly at the warm tingling sensation in his stomach.
"This head wound is pretty deep All Might ... you're lucky you have a thick skull," I say with a cheeky grin as he rolls his eyes with a slight laugh.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm already going to get lectured by Recovery Girl, I don't need you to join in too kid." He smiled as his head wound healed. I began healing some of his smaller wounds but after my body started to sway with fatigue I stopped.
"Okay, that's about all I can do without fainting so it'll have to do for now. But I want you in tomorrow to get those stitches looked at!" I said in a professional manner.
"Yes ma'am!" All Might smiles with a salute as he gets up from his seat only to be stopped by Recovery Girl applying bandages to his arm whilst lecturing him on safety.
"I'm going to go grab an energy drink to refresh myself a bit! Would either of you like anything?" I asked making my way to the door slowly.
"No thank you dear" Recovery Girl smiled at me sweetly before her voice turned threatening once again as she scolded All Might who looked almost as drained as I felt.
Walking through the corridors of UA, feeling stranger than usual. The typically busy halls were deserted, with students being sent home following the attack. If villains could break into the USJ they would be more than capable of breaking into UA itself and seeing what they did to All Might, who knows what they could do to the students. The very thought made my hair stand on end as I approached the vending machine in the small courtyard on the west side of the building.
The machine didn't have a lot of unhealthy options, much to my disappointment. However, it did have a bright blue sports drink that I had grown fond of and would often buy after I used my quirk and couldn't just take a nap. I inserted my money and punched in the code waiting to receive my sugary saviour. However, the universe wanted to punish me and I watched in despair as the drink hung firmly to the metal hook.
"Urgh why?! What did I do to deserve such cruelty?!" I say out loud dramatically hitting the side of the machine in frustration.
"K-Kimi?" A voice spoke just over my shoulder which resulted in me jumping up and hitting the back of my head against the strangers jaw.
"Oww sorry! I didn't think anyone was here - Amajiki" I say rubbing my head and smiling weakly at the nervous third year.
"It's fine, I-I didn't hurt your head did I?" he asks with wide eyes.
"No, no I'm fine! Don't worry about it! It was my fault I thought everyone was home by now and then the machine deprived me of my sugar rush" I smile sending a playful glare over my shoulder at the vending machine.
"Oh well...Umm I can h-help with that," Amajiki stutted as he transformed one of his arms into a tentacle, slipping it into the machine and retrieving my drink.
"Here you go," he said handing me the bottle still wrapped in his tentacle arm.
"That's amazing Amajiki, thank you so much!" I smile grasping the bottle and taking a large gulp of the sugary goodness.
"By the way why are you still here? I thought all students were told they can go home after everything that happened in the USJ?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, still taking smaller sips of my energy drink. Upon hearing my question Amajiki's eyes widened and he began pulling at his collar awkwardly, avoiding my gaze.
"W-we were... but I-I wanted to make sure you were okay..." he trailed off, a pink blush covering his cheeks and nose.
"Aww Amajiki, that's so sweet!" I smile pulling him into a loose hug. I swear this kid is too precious for this world! Amajiki's face exploded in a scarlett blush as he gently wrapped his arms around me still shaking slightly.
"Tamaki." He whispered softly.
"Huh?" I asked pulling away from the hug and tilting my head slightly.
"You... you can call me Tamaki" he mumbled trying hard not to make eye contact.
"Okay Tamaki! Well I should probably get back to the infirmary and you should head home before your parents start to worry!" I say ruffling his hair with a smile.
"Yeah, I'll-I'll see you around Kimi. Get home safe!" Tamaki said offering a small smile back.
I was feeling a lot more energised on my way back to the infirmary and the deserted corridors no longer felt menacing. The feeling of comfort sinking back into my body and putting me at ease.
As I rounded the corner I spotted a worried Broccoli pacing in front of the infirmary door and muttering to himself.
"Hey Midoriya, knew I'd be seeing you again. Though I hoped it wouldn't be this soon, were you one of the students at the USJ?" I asked watching him jump and turn his head sharply in my direction, clearly not expecting anyone to be wandering the UA corridors.
"Miss K- I mean Kimiko!" He exclaimed as I sent him a playful glare.
"Yeah, I was at the USJ..." he muttered looking at the infirmary door again. His fists were clenched tightly and his eyes swirled with a mixture of sorrow and determination.
"You're not hurt are you? I thought you kids made it out okay!" I ask rushing towards him slightly panicked.
"No, no I'm fine really! I just wanted to see All Might... he was pretty badly injured in the attack" he exclaimed mumbling the last part and gazing back at the door like a sad puppy.
"Don't worry kid! I treated him myself, that's why I needed the sport drink" I say shaking the bottle in my hand slightly "he'll be completely fine, he just needs to rest for a bit. I can see if he is ready for a visitor if you want?" I ask not wanting him to walk in when All Might would most likely still be in his weakened form.
"Oh yes please. Thank you Kimiko!" He exclaims bowing multiple times making me let out a light chuckle.
"No problem, wait here kiddo" I smile walking into the infirmary and closing the door incase he catches a glimpse of 'Small Might'.
"Hey All Might, you have a visitor! He didn't bring flowers but he looks pretty worried about you. I think he's one of your students? Midoriya?" I say watching him sigh softly.
"I knew he'd come, send him in. It's okay if he sees me in my weakened form, he has seen me like this before." He replies with a faint smile at my shocked face. This kid knew about All Might's secret? I knew he was one to watch!
"Okay but you are so spilling the tea on that kid tomorrow Mr!" I say lightly watching Recovery Girl treating what looks to be a mummy in another bed. I quickly poke my head out the door and usher Midoriya in watching him rush to All Might and instantly burst into tears.
I then meander over to Recovery Girl with a quizzical look.
"Umm Recovery Girl... who is this?" I ask gesturing to the, most likely unconscious person wrapped completely in bandages.
"Aizawa. He came in a few minutes after All Might in terrible condition. But he should make a full recovery. He fought the villains by himself until the rest of the staff showed up... any longer and I don't want to think of what would have happened." She sighed placing a final kiss between the bandages on his right temple.
I gasped at the thought of Eraserhead fighting a group of villains solo. I know he is skilled in combat but when pitted against multiple foes who may have physical-type quirks, it was clear to see why he was in his current condition.
"Is there anything I can do?" I ask, my eyes glued to the unconscious pro-hero.
"Go home and get some rest. You can help treat him in the morning dearie. It's been a long day and I don't want you over exhorting yourself. I've lectured Toshinori about it and I don't mind telling you off as well!" She said as she patted me on the back.
"You don't have to tell me twice! I'll see you tomorrow, have a lovely evening, take care!" I smile making my way towards the door and starting the long journey home.
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