Kimi's POV
My heart was still pounding out of my chest as my back rested against my closed apartment door. Hawks really is something else. That date went better than expected, even if it didn't end in a kiss goodnight (not that my ramen breath is complaining).
I took a deep breath to calm myself and froze in place. The lingering smell of smoke hung in the air. The only problem. I don't smoke. I grabbed an umbrella that sat in a stand beside my door and ventured further into my dark apartment.
I have seen my fair share of horror movies and I know that what I am doing is completely stupid. If you think someone is in your home you don't walk around in the dark trying to find them. You don't use an umbrella as a means of defending yourself. You also don't trip over your carpet and let out a loud unladylike string of curses, but that is exactly what I did.
"Urgh" I mumble rubbing my head and listening for any sign of movement. But the world around me was silent. Maybe I left the oven on or something? I move to the kitchen slightly more relaxed now that a serial killer didn't jump out upon hearing my loud cursing. Turning on the kitchen light, I was met with a perfectly kept kitchen, with the oven securely off. Where the hell is that smell coming from? Is the smell of smoke a sign of a health problem, or maybe a ghost or- No. I am not freaking myself out before I go to sleep.
"Guess not?" I muttered to myself beginning to check on the rest of the appartment to ensure that a deaf murderer was not lurking about my home. Part of me wanted to call Hawks back and get him to check the apartment, but a larger part of me didn't want to appear needy. It's times like these I wish I had a fighting quirk. The most I could do to an intruder was make sure he didn't hurt himself during the break in. I mean I could always create a force field to protect myself but only if he attacked my hands. Damn, this is exactly why I could never be a real hero.
After inspecting my apartment I finally checked my room, only to stop abruptly upon entering the room. The air was cold and my breath left my body in small wisps. My window was wide open and the translucent white curtains danced slightly in the faint breeze. I may have forgotten to lock my window but I most certainly didn't leave it open that wide. I cautiously walked to the window and closed it, looking out at the darkened street below. The same trees that lined the park parallel to my apartment, lined the street below the window, causing dark shadows to stretch out across the dimly lit road. If someone were standing amongst the tree line it would be impossible to see them from here. Yet they would be able to see me perfectly. The thought made me shiver and close my curtains somewhat too abruptly. No one is in my house, but that doesn't mean they weren't watching it. I made sure to lock all windows and doors, having taken another search through my house before finally going to sleep. The happy thoughts of my date with Hawks lost in a sea of worry that lingered with the scent of smoke.
*** Time Skip to morning ***
I woke up in a panic upon hearing my phone buzz and noticing that it was 9:25am. 'I am sooo late!' I mentally scream, running to the bathroom to get ready for work. Upon leaving my room however I was screeched at by Peanut.
"Oh hi, thanks for checking in ... I'm still a piece of garbage!" He screeched and I felt bad.
"Sorry baby! I know I ignored you but I'm late for work and it's ... the weekend ... I don't have work..." I trailed off as Peanut gave me a judgemental side eye.
I felt myself sink into my couch and release a heavy sigh before looking at my phone to see who had disturbed my sleep in the first place. Upon looking at my phone I let out a small squeak. It was Hawks!
Papa Bird 🐓
Morning Babybird! I was just thinking about last night. I had a great time. Hope you started ordering yourself some red wings! 😘
Kimi ⭐
Morning Hawks! I had a lot of fun too! But it'll take more than that to get me buying red wings! 🤣
Papa Bird 🐓
Challenge accepted cutie! Though you are picking the date next week so I look forward to seeing what you come up with 😎
Kimi ⭐
Just you wait and see! I'll blow you away BirdBoi! 💪
Papa Bird 🐓
Haha I like the sound of that 😏
Kimi ⭐
Staaaaap 🙈
Papa Bird 🐓
You won't be saying that next week! 😏
Kimi ⭐
Papa Bird 🐓
I love it when you scream my name 😏
Kimi ⭐
Why are you like this? 😑
Papa Bird 🐓
Okay Babybird, I'm just kidding! *cough* sort of *cough* I can't wait for next week 😘
Kimi ⭐
Me either, I'll text you when I figure out what we're doing! 😊
Papa Bird 🐓
Sounds good cutie xx
I stare down at the conversation and can't help the wide grin that stretches across my face. Normally flirty guys put me on edge. I'm awkward and generally inexperienced when it come to love, given my one and only ex boyfriend. But Hawks makes me feel safe. His flirting isn't uncomfortable or pushy, it's lighthearted and honestly just a lovable part of his personality. Though he couldn't be any more different than Touya. Whenever Touya tried to flirt with me, he would start sweating, stuttering and blush like crazy. It was adorable and something that I could tease him endlessly about.
Stop. I am not going to keep comparing Hawks to Touya. Touya isn't coming back. 'You can't write your future when you are constantly reading your last chapter' my tumblr subconscious ranted.
"Okay baby let's get you some breakfast!" I cheerfully exclaim over my shoulder at Peanut.
Although his name is Peanut, my feathered baby doesn't actually care for Peanuts. He used to love them but now has a far more sophisticated palate. I chop up a banana and add walnuts into his dish but as I get close to him I notice something that makes me pause. He had dried blood on his beak.
"Oh my God! Baby are you okay?! What happened?"I ask placing the dish on the table and delicately taking him out of his cage, cradling him against my chest as I examine his beak.
He struggled to get out of my hands having seen the food sitting beside us but I managed to get a clear view of his beak. It didn't seem damaged but it clearly had dried blood around the tip. He didn't seem hurt but where the hell did that blood come from?
I gently placed him on the table beside the dish and watched him tuck in. Between the smell of smoke, the open window and now Peanut's beak, something was seriously wrong. I glanced at the ground and my panic escalated. Small specks of blood were scattered across the pale wooden floor stretching from Peanut's cage to my bedroom. Any suspicions I had that someone was in my apartment last night had been confirmed. Ahhh what do I do?! Do I call the police? I don't think anythings been taken? Should I call Hawks? Then again we've only been on one date, it's a bit too soon to have him be my emergency contact!
So like any 20-something I called the only person who can help...
"Mom! Morning, sure you can add dad to the call ... yeah I'm good. Well not really.. umm so I think someone broke into my apartment last night." I speak through my phone in a somewhat feeble attempt to sound calm.
"Oh my God! Kimiko! Are you okay? Are you hurt? What about Peanut? Please tell me my grandsons okay! Did you call the police? I'm coming over!" My mom began to panic as I could hear her grabbing her car keys from the other end of the phone. So much for remaining calm.
"Is that my Kimi-Boo? Hi sweetheart!" I heard my dad call through the phone. I knew he was currently in Shanghai so mother must have successfully connected him to the call half way through the conversation.
"She's been burgled! Oh tell me they didn't take Peanut?!" My mom cried, clearly hysterical at this point.
"Mom its-"
"Burgled?! What's happened to our little girl? I told you she shouldn't have moved out, it was too soon! Are you hurt?!" My dad howled sounding terrified.
"Mom, dad, I'm okay. Peanut's okay. Nothing was taken, but mom I'd really like you to be here." I mumble the last part feeling a little embarrassed at how childish I sounded.
"Of course sweetheart! I'll be there in half an hour and Kiko I'll video call you once I'm there! Keep the doors locked until I get there!" Mom practically shouted at me before hanging up without a goodbye.
Well ... that went as well as could be expected.
"At least someone is calm" I say looking at Peanut who was happily munching on a walnut.
Following a tense 30 minutes the silence was broken by the screech of tires and shouts of "Don't worry Peanut grandmas coming!"
I felt myself deadpan. Nice to know she has her priorities straight.
I opened my door before my mom could bust it down and nearly fell to the ground as I was bear hugged by my mother.
"Umm ... hi" I say awkwardly patting her back as she sobbed into my neck.
"Oh there he is!" She shouts, pulling away and cradling Peanut in her arms like a new born.
"Shhh it's okay granny's here. You must have been terrified, you poor thing!" She sobs as Peanut nuzzles his head into her arms affectionately.
"It's an avocadooo...thanks" he chirped happily having gain my mom's attention.
"Told you he was okay mom!" I smile watching the two cuddle. I swear she loves him more than me.
"The apartment looks the same what made you think someone broke in? Wait hold that thought! I'll call your father he is probably trying to book a flight back to Japan as we speak." My mom gushed pulling out her phone, still cradling Peanut lovingly. I love my parents so much, but I can clearly see that my over-thinking predisposition is genetic. My dad answered the video call within seconds, his face far too close to the camera as his eyes dart around the screen expecting to see a travesty but instead was met with myself, mom and Peanut seemingly fine.
"Hi daddy!" I grin trying to make him calm down.
"Kimi-boo are you okay? Has the house been ransacked? Did you have to defend yourself against a group of troublesome juveniles?!" He panicked, all the while my mom was softly cooing to Peanut and rocking him to sleep. Jeez my family are strange.
"I'm fine, really! I smelt smoke when I came home last night. I didn't find anyone in the apartment. But the window was open and this morning I noticed dried blood on Peanuts beak and on the floor in the living room." I say feeling much calmer in comparison to my nearly hyperventilating father. His cool businessman persona clearly forgotten.
"Did they hurt my baby boy?!" My mom exclaimed suddenly examining Peanut's beak, much to his annoyance.
"No mom, he's fine. But I think he must have pecked them or something." I say watching her visibly relax at my words.
"Oh such a brave boy! You saved mommy from the nasty robbers" she cooed at him.
"Well I'm not exactly sure if they were robbers. They didn't take anything. At least nothing that I've noticed?" I mumble, gazing around the room at my electronics.
"I'll call the police just in case. I see the blood is still there. Don't you worry sweetie, mommy will get this sorted!" She smiled stroking my cheek affectionately. I feel childish right now but I'm so thankful that my parents are as supportive as they are.
Following a few hours of the police showing up at my apartment, taking samples of the blood and asking me an excessive amount of questions, they left. My mother also left, though not before giving me a lecture about leaving my window open when I leave my home. However, she did seem less angry after finding out that I had started dating, having spent years trying to help me move on from "that Todoroki boy" previously known as "Touya dear" before his vanishing act.
Once they were gone, my home seemed eerily quiet, including a sleepy Peanut who was pretty tired having been played with by my mother for hours. 'Finally, my normal weekend can begin' I thought as I made instant ramen and grabbed my boxset of Deathnote.
Author Note
Hey lovely readers! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I've made a commitment to post once a week so you can now expect story updates every Friday/Saturday! I was also thinking of adding in a Halloween/Christmas special not connected to the main story line, let me know if this is something you'd like to see! Xoxo
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