Ikuo POV
I finished the song as i placed the guitar back at where it was. I was about to hold my hand out for kanade to give me the hundred yen but i noticed some things when i turned around.
"Kanade?" I call him.
"Yeah?" He said while smirking.
"Make it a thousand yen for making me perform in front of them." I said as i smirk back at him.
"WHA- NOOOO!!! MY ALLOWANCE!!!" Kanade whined as he got down on the floor.
(Kanrisha: if you dont know what a dogeza is, it's technically what anime boys do when they beg for girls to do something or for something. Like forgiveness.)
"Hmm....ill let it be a hundred yen if you introduce ourselves to them end introduce them to me with their in game names. And by helping me grind levels in new world online." I required him.
"T-THANK YOU!!!" Kanade said as he stood up straight and patter his clothes to remove the dirt.
"Ill be back. Im just gonna run for a drink." I said.
"Okay?" Kanade said as i walked outside the door and ran as fast as i can.
Kanade POV
" Yep... that's Noho kun alright." Sally said as she sighed.
"Well, looks like we weren't wrong." Maple said.
"Anyway, im sorry for the show." I said as i bowed.
"Its kinda your fault for not telling him that we're here." Krom san said.
"Not my fault its the first time i knew he could play and sing." I said.
"Well, he did rather well." Mii said.
"I agree." Kasumi san said.
"Im back!!" Ikuo said as he closed the door.
"Already?!?! You were gone for like...one and a half minute!!!" Sally said.
"I guess maple tree is full of weird people" izu san said as she giggled.
"Hey!!" The other members of maple tree said except for mai and yui.
"Well...to be honest, that's quite true." Mai chan said.
"Well, noho kun did a certainly great job." Yui chan said.
"Stop with the performance and more of the introduction guys. We came here not to compliment me singing we came here for an offline meeting." Ikuo kun said.
Ikuo POV
"I'll go first! Im maple. Also known as kaede honjō!" The girl with black hair said.
"...wait...your that girl who kept bugging me at school!!!" I said as i pointed at her.
"Wait, your that guy?!?!" Kaede san said as she just realized.
"Seriously kaede...you need to learn to remember people. Anyway, im sally, or risa Shiramine." Sally said.
"You do know you dont have to tell me your names right???" I said as the others sweat drop at the two.
A few introductions later
"Alright. I guess its my turn then." I said as i stood up from my chair.
" My name is Noho in the game...but for you guys to know me better, i am named Ikuo (L/n)." I said as i introduced myself.
"Wait...you mean THE Ikuo (L/n) dude, your like...internet famous!!!" Krom san said
"Wait...i am??" I said dumbfounded.
"Well, your the guy who was recorded by the teacher at the rooftop while you were practicing at the tracks." Risa said.
"Wait, i was recorded?" I asked
"From what the teacher said...you would have reached the same pace as usain bolt." Risa added.
"Geez...i guess they didn't care about privacy.
"Ikuo!!!" The door suddenly opened as my pinkette of an aunt suddenly hugged me.
"I missed you!! The devs were so mean to me!!!" Aunt hiromi said.
"Aunt hiromi!! Stop hugging me! Its tight!" I said as i try pushing her away.
"Uhmm... who's she?" Mii asked.
"Oh...its the guildmaster of the kingdom of the flame emperor." Aunt hiromi said
"Well... she's the head of the devs me and kanade came with. She is technically the head of the kanagawa branch of new world online." I introduce my aunt.
"Hi my name is Hiromi. Nice to meet y'all." She said.
"Where's that damn chris aunt hiromi i wanna give him a piece of my mind." I said.
"Oh, they went back to the lab." Aunt hiromi said.
"Heh...serves that coward right." I said.
"Pfft...says the one who hid behind me." Aunt hiromi said. The others laughed.
"I-i didn't hide! I was getting a shield!!" I said.
"You'd use me as a human shield? Shall i tell your parents about this?" Aunt hiromi asked as i got quiet.
"That's what I thought." She said as we just continued to chat.
The day went by and we had to say goodbye to each other. The only ones left were me and mii.
"So...uhmm..." Mii tried to say something.
"You...need to go?" I asked her.
"Y-yea...." She said. Her prideful and proud self completely hidden from her true feelings.
"See ya...i guess." I said as she began walking away.
"Wanna hang out some time?" I ask her.
"Sure...id love to." Mii said as she continued to walk after
Being halted.
A few days later
I logged into new world online as i continued grinding levels. Currently i am at level 68 which was a couple of levels higher than maple. Maple was studying so i guess thats fine.
I was walking down the road of the town when i was pulled into the alleyway.
"Your Nohopuku am i right?" I hear a man say.
"Yes. I am." I said as i recompose my composure.
" I am Payne. You may know me, but head me out." Payne san said.
"What does the best player of New world online want with me??" I ask him.
"I am asking for help." He said.
".....heh...why should i help you?" I said.
"Is...there a problem??" Payne said.
"Yes...its a very huge problem to me. Everytime i am alone at the woods, gathering monster drops and getting new abilities, some of your men in the holy knight congregation kept beating me up for me to give the drops to them. And me, seeing as i can complain now, am wanting to take this chance." I said. The normal atmosphere that surrounds me was changed into a murderous aura.
"I challenge your members to a duel. If i win, they are getting kicked of your guild. No items with them, and no good armor for them." I said.
"And if they win?" Payne said.
"Oh, look its the punching bag hahahahha" i hear ten people laughing at me.
"If they win... they're getting everything i have." I said.
"What's this about boss? This pipsqueak wanna join? Were getting him beat up first. If he survives, he can join" one of them said as they all laughed.
" Thats some kind of arrogance you have. Very well noho kun. Ten verse one for you. You will get what you want." Payne said as i sent them the invitation.
Maple POV
" Phew...finally logged in" i said as i saw the others with a worried look.
"What's wrong?" I ask them.
"Well...noho kun is in a fight..." Mii said.
We wasted no time to press spectate.
Ikuo POV
"Heh...this is gonna be fun." One of them said he looked like the leader of the ten.
"Well...shall i start then??...." I said as i released out unknown aura for them but, its just my strength.
"[Storm Form]!!." I shouted as water began surrounding me.
Chapter End
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