Chapter Thirty-One (31)

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Owens p.o.v

In two hours I will have my newly colored hair for twenty-four hours!

I like it lots, I indeed do. And Im so happy and cannot wait to show everybody!

My mom didnt take it as well as I thought she would of, shes been giving me 'The Eye' were she twitches one of her eyes, but I think she does it on purpose because it makes me smile.

I ate this morning, even though it was a piece of toast, my mom gave me money to, that briber.

But, I declined the ride offer she was going to give me. Charging up the stairs I ran into my room and threw off the clothes I was wearing now. Examining myself in the body mirror; my hips bones poking out a little from over my boxers, my arms and legs, are not that bad, but not perfect either.

Raising my arms, I could see the faint marks of my ribs on my skin.

Everything I wore today was all to big for me. It made me look like I have more meat on me then I actually do. Im like a meatless chicken, and nobody likes meatless chicken. I could snap so easily!

But Im not starving myself!  Im simply just not as hungry as I used to be. And think about how much calories you'd be eating.

Pushing the doors open to the school, nobody looked my way,


I walked to my locker, spinning the dial and slowly opening my lock. A sticky note fell down and swayed to the bottom, bending down I picked it up reading what it said, written in messy writing with a black sharpie.

Why'd you run away from me yesterday?

Hmm, whatever its OK, well meet again. Yes ?

I could feel my heart rattle my rib cage. Forcing the water-works that were going to set free. I collected everything I needed for the first three classes, slamming my locker door shut and went to Math.

'I like your hair' I read off a piece of paper and felt someone ruffle my hair.

Looking up with the best glare I could muster I met the eyes of Tamarah, phew. Smiling up at her she sat beside me pulling up a chair and playing with my hair.

'I got to go! Sorry' was the next thing she wrote, as the class started to fill up, students sitting in random desks. Sometimes I think Im the only one sitting in the right desk, people started to talk and still nobody looked at me, or acknowledge my existence.

When a textbook hit the back of my head, one name--or two popped up, Sean, and Jared.

They sat on either side of me, with smirks on their faces and started talking. Honestly, I couldnt even pick up a word they were saying. Taking a peak at Jared he was using his left hand, and scribbling on paper. Mushing it up in a ball, then throwing it right in my face.

I didnt touch it or anything, I just starred at it. What if it bites me?

Hands invade my sight of view and they open the paper then slam it back down, but doesnt leave my side. I scoot on my chair sitting on the edge, still not looking at the paper. I know they cant do anything now because were in a classroom and they would get in trouble but Sean did it before, right in front of the principle.

I stood up, and threw the paper off my desk, not before I seen 'Why'd you run away?', grabbing my stuff and flipping them off before I left the room. Ditching Math, you know, now that I think about it i barely go to class either.

Walking down the hall, I stop when I see Ben.

Waving my hand, I start to walk toward him. "Hey" he says, then his eyes latch onto my hair, pointing. 'Your hair?' he signed,

'I dyed it' I smiled, signing back.

'I like it' he nodded, ruffling my hair, throwing his arm over my shoulder. 'Hungry?' he askeds,

I shake my head, as we walk out the back school doors, walking over to a tree and sitting down under it. Todays pretty.

Tylers p.o.v

I kept my eyes open, watching the school doors for Owen. Everything that Tamarah said still hanging in my head, no matter how hard I wanted to forget.

I didnt see him, so maybe hes here already ? But I saw this new kid, well I think hes new.

Short, black hair, palish, and really skinny... But he wore baggy clothes. 

Switching my gaze, I looked at Shannon, who smiled at me, and trailed her hand down my chest. "Dont" I said, walking away from her, heading to class.

Looking down each hall looking for the friends I used to have. Not spotting none.



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