Chapter Thirty (30)

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Owens p.o.v

I woke up with a huge head-ache, and I was wrapped in a blanket that I have never seen before, and I know it wasnt mine.

I swung my legs over the bed, and waddled to the bathroom, seriously, I wasnt excited for today.

I walked down the school hall, watching everybody around me; I was walking to English. The class I had with Tyler.

I wasnt that far away from class when I saw Sean, Jared and Tanner, walking in my direction. Avoiding contact, so I walked closer with the lockers, Dont do anything, dont do anything, dont do anything. I repeated in my head, but. To late, Jared pushed me up against a locker, and groped me,


I bended over, cupping my poor self, and huddled towards the lockers. Rocking back and forth in the fetal position, trying to make the pain go away.

I looked up through teary eyes, just to see Tyler and Shannon walk by. My heart squeezed, and I went to the bathroom, ditching English.

I stared at myself in the mirror, pushing my hair out of my face, I want to change, I dont want to look the same, I want to be done with this whole part of my life, and switch to a new book. One were Im not weak, I want to be different.

When the bathroom door flung open, I quickly tried to escape, but ended up getting pulled back by the back of my shirt. Putting my hand up in defense, I covered my face, but who ever it was didnt hit me, they groped me, and started to rub me through my pants. 

Sexual harassment?

Going by my natural instincts, I flailed my hands every were. Hitting punching and kicking. But it still didnt stop them... Him, I opened my eyes and stood up wanting to run away. Only they grabbed my ankle and pulled me back down. Touching me some more, and more and more.

It was Jared that was touching me. And I wanted to die.

He bit his lip, just watching me, watching me struggle under his touch, his disgusting, pedophile touch.

The bathroom door opened again, but instead of someone I didnt trust, it was the other way around. It was Ben. Thank the lord, he glared at Jared, and tackled him to the floor, throwing punches at him randomly, yelling and banging his head every were.

He ended up only giving him a busted lip, even though it looked like it was much more, he rushed toward me, pulling me into a hug, and then I noticed I was crying.

He pulled me up into a sitting position, 'Im sorry' I signed, 'Im sorry,  Im sorry'

'Are you OK?' he signed, I shook my head, of course Im not Ok. I just got violated. He hugged me again, and this time I didnt let go of him.

I stood in the bathroom with the hair dye chemical in my hand, making sure each strand was covered. I looked at the instructions laying on the sink, drops of black dye covering up the instructions.

7. Massage through hair.

8. Wait 25 minutes, then rinse.

Doing exactly that I massaged the dye into my scalp, I bought the dye right after school. And nobody, not even my mom knows, I made the decision of buying it when for like the twenty thousandths time, I saw Tyler and the girl swap spit outside the school, it hurt, obviously, so that cut the last tie, and thats how I made my decision. Nobody will notice me, Ill be invisible once again.


When I was in the bathroom, I thought that it was the best way, best way of what?

Best way of a new me.

Peeling the gloves off my hands I threw them in the trash, inspecting my head, I had small blotches of black covering my forehead, and some on my neck. I stayed in the bathroom, just inspecting my hair. The color started to take over my hair, the ends first turning black. And slowly the roots. 

I have never died my hair before, and its so nerve racking, what if it doesnt turn out good, going to school with white hair. Greaaaaaaat. 

I stood in the shower, the dye was in my hair exactly twenty-five minutes, non the more, non the less. I was watching the black water trail down the drain. I conditioned it, getting out all the extra dye.

I wonder how everybody will react, its not that much of a change—in their eyes, but its pretty big for me.

Grabbing my razor from the holder it was resting on, I glided it across my wrist, for being bullied.

Again, for falling in love,

Again, for being weak,

Again, for opening up,

Again, again, again, again, and again, for being me...

I turned off the shower when I started to get a drowsy feeling, dont want to die in a shower.

Even thought I tried killing myself in the tub like a month ago.

Wrapping a towel around my waist, and wiping the moisture off the mirror, I smiled, a pretty big smile.

My hair was now a midnight black, making my eyes stand out more behind the wet black locks than they originally did with my brown hair. I dried myself off, putting on gray sweat pants, and a big long sleeved shirt, blow drying my hair till it came out nice and dry.

I sprayed it a bit, combing everything out, and wildly shaking it, then jerking my head to the side, making my hair fall into place.

Smiling at the best creation in man kind, I walked out of the bathroom, and down the stairs were my mom sat on the couch sipping some tea.Eyes bulging out of her head, when she seen mine. She rushed up and started to inspect my scalp. 'Owen!'  she signed, eyes big.

I watched as she put her hands on her hips, and I pouted, 'You could of at least said you liked it' I signed back poking my tongue out of the corner of my mouth.

'But you had such beautiful hair, baby' she now pouted, stroking my hair,

'I had hair, that had memories I dont want to remember,' I deadpanned, starring at her. 'I just wanted to change, I want to go back to being invisible, and to not being seen' I explained.

Hurt, clearly flashed in her eyes, but she nodded and sat back down on the couch. 'Go eat, please' she smiled at me, eyes begging.

Shaking my head, declining, I went back up to my room, pulling out a photo book with the letters on the front spelling 'First Date'

Opening the book up, my eyes got wet, the first picture was of me and Tyler kissing. my throat did this funky thing, so I covered my mouth, letting all the pictures become wet with my tears.

Tylers p.o.v

I stood outside the school, watching closely for Owen. Ive basically lost all my close friends, none of them talk to me other than Joe and Shannon.

Ever since I left Owen, none of them even looked my way in the halls. And if they did they would send me dirty looks and what not. But I did deserve them.

I walked right by, with Shannon, when Jared groped him randomly out of the blue. And it bugged me even more when Owen didnt show up for English, he sat right in front of me, right in front of me dammit!

"I got to go," I muttered as I saw a black haired boy give Ben a big hug, and everybody else a little wave. Jealousy boiled deep inside me, as I saw him give Ben a small kiss on the cheek as well.

"But babe, I have no ride home" Shannon puppy dog faced me. I gave her a flat look and looked at Joe,

"He'll give you a ride, right buddy?" I asked padding his back.

Earning me a 'wtf' look. "Thanks" I breathed. Getting into my Jeep and driving home.

"Tyler, come here!" My mom yelled as I slammed the door, like I do usually.

"What" I rudely asked.

I stepped inside the kitchen and gave her a bored look. Im so sick of my parents, they act like nothing happened, they act like they dont hear me slamming stuff in my room when they piss me off. There so stupid. 

"Dont talk so rude to your mother" my father said sternly,

"Its funny because I asked you to do the same thing with Owen" I shot back, glaring at his fat ass sitting in the leather recliner.

"I said, I dont want to speak of that ever again" my dad said, voice raising.

"I dont care what you do, or dont want to speak of ever again. You ruined me, you force me on to some slut" I spat viciously back.

"Shes a nice girl honey, well groomed, very polite, shes not trash. Hun." My mom finally spoke, biting her lip, eyes not once leaving what she was doing.

"Yah, shes so not trash, she you know just whipped out my dick and started to blow me in my room randomly" I glared, clenching my fists to my side.

"What you do in your room is none of our business, son" my mom spoke and my dad then nodded agreeing.

"Oh, no, its OK. I can share, you want to know what else I did up there?" I asked, my anger climbing, causing my blood to boil. "I touched Owen" I paused, looking at my mom and dad, they both stopped doing what they were doing, "God, and honestly, I would do it again over some slut!" I yelled, "It felt so good to have him in my hand, his hips thrusting, back arching, hair sticking up in crazy directions, having him moan my name so loud," I concluded—surprised, with how much I shared. "And you guys arent even religious, and you couldnt except it." I bit my lip, now ready to cry, "I threw away something that was so special, and lost all my friends, for you. For YOU!" I yelled the last part, pointing a finger at my dad. "I hope your happy, you made mine and his life shit" I finished, wiping away tears that were about to fall, stomping off to my room.

"I did not ruin your life" I heard my dad yell, "you did that yourself bringing a devils spawn into my house!" He yelled,

I sat with my back pushed against the door, legs up to my chest listening to the silent argument they were having, 'He wants his friends back? Hm, Ill call Tamarahs parents and this will be set straight and that gay boy will not be mentioned in my house, ever again!' I heard him say.

I shook my head disapprovingly, tuning out of the conversations and laying down, closing my eyes.

With my eyes snapping open, my pant leg was vibrating violently, squinting my eyes I noticed it was Tamarahs number. "Hey" I greeted friendly, getting a huff back.

"Tamarah, listen I—"

"No Tyler, you listen" She cut me off, "I have had enough of you wanting people to feel bad for you. Boo the fucking who. You know how much you've put Owen through" She yelled from the other side of the line, "Ben tells me things, and Im not even going to repeat them, because to me honestly they where that bad. And hey, I know your stupid, wimpy white ass wont do shit, because when it comes down to your parents, you bail like the pussy you are. Your dad called my dad, eh? Oh yah, your the one that probably set it up huh? My dad told me to call you, but he didnt tell me to call you because he felt bad for you, he told me to tell you whats really going to be happenin'." She said, her voice rising, the black accent coming out thick in her words. "He cared about Owen like he was his own, and you can see thats impossible, but hey. He knew Joe was an ambient ass-hole but he didnt do anything because he knew how to be polite" she paused, "My dads on the rocks with both of your punky asses" She paused agian, "He isnt happy, hes seen Owen, hes seen how much you put him down, and I can tell you as a warning I want you to remove me off everything you have in your room. I want nothing to do with you right now, its not a good point for any of us. You chose what you wanted to do, forgiving Joe that many times when he HURT Owen, and then you go make-out with some dirty skank in the library. Like are you forreal, shes more faker than my hair! And we all know I only have like five pieces of clip in's" She paused. "So you can tell your dad, and mom, honestly, make up a lie. Tell them I got grounded for the rest of my life, because Im not talking to you, and Im sure nobody else will be either. Like you HONESTLY had the balls to come up to the table with that whore?! Huh, holding hands like you and Owen used to. Yes, I present you with the dick of the award month. And you better watch your kitty or she will be hairless in a couple" She calmly said, then ending the line.

I starred at my phone, mouth open. Tears ready to fall, but still.. I couldnt do anything, and she was right. Everything she said was right. Im a dick, pussy, wimpy ass bitch, I just take everything. I buried my head in my hands. 


Ennnjoy ~!


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