Nepgear's POV
We arrival at the Gamindustri Graveyard after being teleported safely, i still remember when i first face CFW Magic and lost to her and when i couldn't do anything against CFW Brave, but this time we will not fail, we will save our sisters without fail.
Histoire: respond if you have all managed to teleport there safely.
Nepgear: yes. All accounted for.
Kazuma: i can't stand this place, it remind me too much of the Keyblade Graveyard.
Meiun: i understand how you feel Kazuma, like you i hate this place.
5pb.: i feel so much sadness emanating from this land... This is the Gamindustri Graveyard, truly...
RED: you think ? Looks fun to me, i mean look at all this old game junk !
Rom: it's scary...
Ram: be brave Rom. Gimme your hand.
Uni: my sister's in here somewhere....
IF: c'mon enough chit-chat. Let's get back to where we last found the CPUs, all right Gear ?
Broccoli: do you remember where it was, nyu ?
Compa: yep. This is exactly where we teleported in last time, too.
IF: we ran for our lives back then, so it sting my pride to talk about how we know where we're going, i still remember how easy Kazuma overpowered CFW Judge.
Kazuma: that thin can was nothing but a pile of junk to me, he's nothing compared to Ikari or Ōkui.
Nepgear: i still remember when we faced Ikari, his strength were no joke.
Compa: i assisted at their fight and to tell you the truth, even with Kazuma, Nepgear, Rom and Ram together, the chances of winning against him was slim.
RED: they even more troublesome than ASIC, i understand now why you are worried Compa.
Kazuma: in any case, they might be incredibly strong, but they do have a weakness related to their respective elements.
Broccoli: really, nyu ?
Kazuma: really, for now let's head to where you find the Goddesses, shall we Iffy ?
IF: understand Kazuma, everyone follow me.
We follow IF to the place where she last see our sisters, but in our way, we notice the presence of Heartless in the area which mean one thing.
Nepgear: IF look there.
IF: is that.... the Heartless !
Kazuma: if they're here, that mean GRIM REAPER's four Lords of Death is here.
Uni: Kazuma, i think you better summon your Keyblade against them.
Kazuma: understand Uni.
As soon as i summon my Keyblade, the Heartless begin their assault on us in one big group, however for them, i use one of my skills to take them down.
Kazuma: oh no, you don't, Meteo Shawā ("Meteor Shower")
Kazuma spin his Keyblade and send shooting stars careening toward the Heartless who vanished as soon as it hit them.
Uni: there more this way !
Kazuma: alright, Arutema Kyanon ("Ultima Cannon")
Kazuma transform his Keyblade into an enormous weapon and unleash two ball of energy at the monsters causing massive damages.
Nepgear: they surrounding us !
Kazuma: i don't think so you monsters, Jūjika ("Criss-Cross")
I twirls his Keyblades in a cross-circle, unleashing a shockwave and beams of light at the same time, at all heartless close to us, al lof them were defeated and vanished into darkness.
Ram: whoa ! that was close.
IF: indeed, now we have the confirmation that one of the four Lords of Death is here.
Kazuma: we better keep moving.
We continue to move within the area when we arrival and saw the Goddesses held captive where i was too.
Nepgear: Neptune !
Uni: Noire....
Kazuma: .....
Ram: Kazuma ? what's wrong ?
Rom: i sense a huge surge of negative emotions from within Kazuma's body.
Nepgear: you mean....
Uni: seeing our sisters like that has triggered something within him, i think a part of his memory is coming back ! and a very bad one.
Ram: from what moment ?
Uni: i guess, it's from the moment his family sacrificed themselves to save the world from The Reaper, that memory was too much painful for him to handle.
IF: if that's the case, then....
Broccoli: wait girls ! look over there !
We notice CFW Judge causing a commotion with Warechu and our spy Linda. that robot was bored and wanted to destroy something before swinging his axe at Linda and Warechu.
CFW Judge: graaaah ! Boring ! So boring ! i want to destroy something !
Linda: jeez ! Er. p-please calm down, Sir CFW Judge, sir.
Warechu: watch where you swing that thing ! I was almost crushed flat, chu !
CFW Judge: i'm going to die from boredom ! Hey, you ! Let's fight !
Linda: n-no way, boss ! I wouldn't last a second !
Warechu: underlings like you are supposed to accept the boss's desire to vent his stress with your body, chu.
Linda: shut it rat ! You're just pushing your work onto me. Besides being a punching bag ain't work at all !
CFW Judge: hrrrrrrr.... Enough talking... I'll just destroy you both !
CFW Judge lose patient and begin to assault but Linda and Warechu, he went to simple fight to outright murder !
Linda: h-hang on there, boss ! You just went from fighting us to outright murder !
Warechu ugghhh... Placating CFW Judge Judge is the worst. I'd rather be pushing papers or buying someone's coffee...
Kazuma's POV
We notice Linda and Warechu arguing with that Thin can that i have previous faced when i first arrival in this world, he still has the personality of destroying anything on his path, however me and girls don't have time for this.
Nepgear: look, over there ! it's... Oh, wait... Are they arguing ?
Compa: miss Linda and Mister Mouse are getting slapped silly.
Linda: gah ! Y-You broads ! Thank goodness you git here so fast... H-Hurry up and fight my boss !
Warechu: mu guardian angel Compa is back ! I knew you'd save me, chu...
Broccoli: what a warm welcome, nyu.
IF: doesn't make me happy, though. Not like we're obligated to help them or anything.
RED: but we'll probably have to beat up that big guy eventually, right ?
Nepgear: can we do it... ?
Kazuma: we can do it Nepgear, beside we don't have time to waste against a thin can like him, whoever's aura emanating from here is near our position.
Uni: do you think it's Hokori or Ōkui ?
Kazuma: most likely Ōkui, he has darkness based energy, so it must be him.
Uni: you right, Nepgear. Why are you doubting us now ? This is no time to get cold feet.
Nepgear: w-well, it's not intentional, but he's the one i lost to before, so i...
Uni: *sigh* Was i here with you back then ? No, i wasn't. So there.
Ram: yeah. We're all gonna fight this time, so we can't lose !
Rom: Miss Nepgear... we'll win...
5pb.: I could sing a nice power ballad to give you more strength...
RED: Nepgear, you've got a pretty cut figure now. And if i'm complimenting you, then you know it's true !
Broccoli: i'm good at making snap judgement. You need to be more confident, nyu.
Kazuma: don't worry we will win and bring your sisters back.
Meiun: you can count on us.
Seeing everyone including myself giving her confidence of not dwell in the past and moving toward a better futur, Nepgear thank us all before getting powers from all Mascots and facing CFW Judge in battle.
Nepgear: thank you...
Compa: Ge-Ge, it's time to make us all really super proud of you, okay ?
IF: you can be a real handful... This time, you need to stand up with your head held high and fight !
Nepgear: yes... i will.
Black Disc: Then the time has come for us to give you our true powers.
Green Disc: we pray for you success.
Purple Disc: take it... Our power...
Nepgear's body bright greatly and i can sensed, the power of all Mascots, i'm sure now that Nepgear posses now the strength needed to free the Goddesses.
Nepgear: wow... i can feel it warming me from the inside out... Thank you very much, Mascots. I can do it. I can win !
Linda: yo, mind speeding up your dumb narrative a bit, please !?
Warechu: sir CFW Judge, we brought you some new opponents ! All of the CPU Candidates and the Ice Demon King are here, chu !
CFW Judge: whaaaaaaaaat !? CPU Candidates !? Ice Demon King !? Oooh, it's the weak little girl that ran from me ! Hahahahahahahahaha and you.... the man in black, i haven't forgotten what you did to me back then... You're already dead !
Kazuma: sorry to disappoint you thin can, but me and the girls have a mission on our own and we can't have you or ASIC get in our way, so prepare to be destroyed.
CFW Judge: say what ! i'm going make sure to cut that arrogant tongue of yours
Kazuma: bring it on thin can. i won't hold back against you.
All of my ice and Light energy start surrounding me, i raise my sword and summon my Keyblade and begin to transform.
CFW Judge: what ! what is that light ?
Kazuma: by the power of light and ice, give me strength to enlighten our world from darkness and freeze those who threaten it, arise Kōri to hikari no ten no kami ("Heavenly God of Ice and Light")
After i take my Angelic Form, i rush at CFW Judge and hit him hard with my Keyblade, ot was so strong that i push him back violently.
"Music start"
Nepgear: whoa ! still as powerful as always Kazuma.
Kazuma: yeah, Nepgear, Uni, Ram, Rom, give me your strength
Nepgear, Uni, Ram & Rom: okay !
All of the CPU Candidates rushed at CFW Judge and begin attacking him from all directions which make him impossible for him to concentrate on a single opponent.
CFW Judge: stop moving, you piece of trash !
He swing his axe at them, but he couldn't even hit them, Nepgear was the first to use her skills against him.
Nepgear: take this, Mirage Dance.
She attack him with 5 hit-combot of her skills and quckly pull back before getting hit by hhis axe, Rom and Ram was behind him and unleash their magic.
CFW Judge: that's all you've got ?
Ram: Rom, now !
Rom: okay...
CFW Judge: show me what you've got.
Rom & Ram: Rom Annihilator/Explosion
Both of their attack reach CFW Judge who tried to protect himself with his Axe, angry he rush at the twins and swing his axe at them, i appear in time and block his Axe.
CFW Judge: that hurt, you little bitches, you mine now !
Ram: damn it, he come straight for us !
CFW Judge: hit this.
*sound of swords clashing*
Ram: Kazuma !
CFW Judge: you !
Kazuma: sorry thin can, but you are too weak, Yūdaina kōri saiken ("Majestic Ice Crushing Fist")
I hit that stupid robot with a very powerful punch that send him crushing on the ground, he throw his axe at me, but i take the twins and use the shundo to dodge the weapon.
CFW Judge: huh ! where'd you go ?
Uni: disappear into the light, XMB: Empress !
Uni point her gun at CFW Judge and unleash a high-power beam at him, he block it with his axe, but it leave him completely wide open to surprise attacks.
CFW Jdge: you really think that would work ? how pathetic. ahahahahahahaha.
Uni: i wonder who's pathetic now.
CFW Judge: huh ?
I was behind him gathering lightning energy and ready to attack, he turn around but didn't act fast enough against me.
CF Judge: you stupid asshole ! i'm gonna kill you.
Kazuma: Heed the contract and serve me, O King of the Skies. Come forth, blazing thunder, slayer of Titans. Hurl down lightning one hundred and even one thousand times, Sen no Ikazuchi ("Thousand Thunderbolts")
I unleash a very powerful lightning at him which he take the hit in a brutal manner, it was so destructive that he almost can't move his body around anymore.
CFW Judge: noooooo, what have you done to me ? answer me ?
Nepgear: "i never though he posses powerful attacks"
Kazuma: IF, can you hit his eyes with your weapons ?
IF: yes, i can.
Kazuma: good, aim for the eyes, i take care of the axe.
IF: understood.
CFW Judge: don't think you have in just yet !
CFW Judge unleash a powerful wave of energy and while we dodge his Axe Compa got hit by it sending her crashing on the ground.
IF: Compa !
Compa: oww..... that hurt.....
Kazuma "furious": you..... you have no idea what you just did.
CFW Judge: doesn't matter since you all gonna die here.
Kazuma: then you dead definitely, Meiun, Uni with me.
Uni and Meiun: okay.
CFW Judge: oh, there's someone new to me, but wait that presence is so familiar to me.
Meiun: oh, don't worry you won't live long enough to realize that, Kirukurusu Pīrōrumu Nigurōrumu ("Circulus Pilorum Nigrorum")
Meiun summon a massive swarm of petrifying earth lances and attack CFW Judge with a direct hit sending him crushing on the wall of the Graveyard.
CFW Judge: arghhhh, that hurt you bastard....
Meiun: Uni, it's your turn.
Uni: okay Brave.
Hearing that name CFW Judge realize that Meiun was in reality his former comrade CFW Brave in human form, he become furious at him for betraying them as well as allying himself with us.
CFW Judge: what ! so you are....
Meiun: yes, your former comrade CFW Brave, now known as Meiun Inochi.
CFW Judge: so you decided to show up after all, you damn traitor.
Meiun: Kazuma and the girls offered me something better than the one you offered me, i have now a better opportunity to help the children, now your lies won't go through me anymore.
CFW Judge: you fucking traitor, i'm gonna kill you.
UNi: no you won't, Brave Cannon.
Uni jump into the air and unleash a powerful beam from her weapon above CFW Judge hitting him critically and leaving him highly damaged.
CFW Judge: no..... no way..... i can't lose....
Kazuma "furious": oh ! sorry to disappoint you but you already lose. Seinaru ("Holy")
I gather all of my light power into my Keyblade and summons a pillar of light around me, then summons three more sequentially beneath targeted CFW Judge.
Kazuma: this is over.
"Music End"
CFW Judge: i-impossible..... I..... lost.... ? No ! not possible... Not possib-- Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
The damages done to him was too much for him to handle and exploded into pieces, Nepgear and the girls were happy that we managed to destroy him, however the presence i felt is approaching at high speed.
Nepgear: we did it !
Kazuma: yeah, but stay on guard, looks like he decide to show up.
???: well, well, well, that stupid robot was really weak, as i see, you and the girls really progress this far.
The figure appear in front of us and reveal himself as Ōkui the Sin of Gluttony, one of GRIM REAPER's four Lords of Death and leaders, i knew it was him and i was right from the moment me and the girls set foot here.
Kazuma: you !
Ōkui: allow me to introduce my self, i'm Ōkui the Sin of Gluttony and one of GRIM REAPER's four lords of Death.
Uni's POV
We managed to defeat CFW Judge, but Kazuma knew that sooner or later that Ōkui will show itself, but what's his intentions here, is he here to fight us ? if so then we gonna have a problem.
Uni: so you must be one of GRIM REAPER's four Lords of Death.
Ōkui : correct.
Nepgear: why are you here ?
Ōkui: after hearing that Ikari lost against you all, i wanted to see how powerful you guys are and Ikari didn't lied to me, you managed to defeated that brainless robot without breaking a sweat.
Kazuma: tell me one thing, are you here to fight us ?
Ōkui: i could if i wanted to, but today i was just send for observation purpose. beside, you can't fight properly with ASIC and Deity of Sin around isn't it.
Kazuma: it will be a pain if they interfere, so yes.
Ram: so Mister Ōkui you were here at the Gamindustri Graveyard for observation ?
Ōkui : yes, it was to see how far you progressed, as it is necessary to fight you all later at the fated place.
IF: you really think you can take all of us ?
Ōkui: as of now, it wouldn't be fair to face you all after you destroyed that thin can, beside Kazuma and the CPU Candidates have brought our leader's attention quite often and he has a message to pass to you five.
Kazuma: oh ! and what this message can be ?
Ōkui: he said "well done for taking down that brainless robot, you five have been progressed quite well, continue your training until then".
Uni: i see, he seems quite interested in us for him to say those words.
Ōkui: even so continue to train hard because against him, you won't stand a chance.
Kazuma: what does that mean ?
Ōkui: i won't tell, it will be a spoil if i tell you,either way i have done what i'm supposed to do here, until then everyone.
After that, Ōkui disappear in a dark smoke cloud leaving us the time to free our sisters from their captivity, still the words he said to us worried me quite a bit, Linda and Warechu who assisted at the whole fight decide to run away after CFW Judge got destroyed.
Linda: n-no way... They blew up Judge !?
Warechu: that's crazy, chu... It's gotta be a dream...
Linda: Uh, this ain't the time to hang around and talk about it. W-We gotta run, quickly !
Nepgear: We did it... We won ! Goodness, hooray !
IF: of course we did. What kind of idiot loses to the same opponent twice ?
Compa: you all were so cool out there ! We could only run away before, but this time we were like POW !
Kazuma: yeah, but we can celebrate later.
Meiun: Kazuma's right, Nepgear use the Sharicite.
Nepgear: right.
Neptune, Noire, Blanc & Vert: .......
Uni: Noire... You look like you're in so much pain...
Kazuma: Uni....
Uni: still Kazuma, the last words Ōkui said, it's kind of worrying me, i wonder what he mean by that ?
Kazuma: we can figure that out later, for now let's free your sister and the other Goddesses.
Uni: right.
Rom: Blanc....
Ram: C'mon, hurry up and get them down !
Nepgear: i'm trying. Wait for me, Neptune....
Nepgear use the Sharicite and successfully managed to free the Goddesses from their captivity as they begin to wake up.
Neptune: hmm...
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