The guardian of the Gamindustri Graveyard, Vs CFW Judge

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Noire: i see... a light...

Vert: I feel... a warmth...

Blanc: i can... i can move...

Ram: Blanc !

Rom: Blanc...

Blanc: Ram ? And Rom ? Did you come to save me... ?

Ram "tears": wahhhh ! Blanc !

Rom "tears": *Sob, sob*

Blanc: we just reunited after a long time, so how about you stop crying, huh ?

Uni: u-um...

Noire: wow, that took a while. I figured you'd have tried to come here a little faster, Uni.

Uni: i'm sorry ! i tried so hard to be strong like you, but i...

Noire: oh, don't apologize or anything. I can tell how much stronger you are now. Thank you for coming.

Uni "tears": *sniff, sniff* Noire...

Neptune: Nep Jr... I feel like it's been a really long time.

Nepgear "tears": Neptune, it is really you... ? This isn't a mirage, right ? I was able to save you, right... ?

Neptune: yes. You certainly did. You've done well. Good girl.

Nepgear hug Neptune in tears after everything that happened three years ago, she was crying that her sister is finally free.

Nepgear: Neptune... *sniff, sniff* Neptune !

Neptune: i'm so sorry for leaving you all alone. We're together now, though. And we always will be, all right ?

"music start"

I watched my friends happy to have been reunited with their sisters, i was happy that the mission was a success, a memory of my past life came back and showed me how much my family was so lovely, Meiun was happy as well, but he saw that tears flowed from my eyes.

Meiun: Kazuma ? what's wrong ?

Uni: Kazuma.... you crying ?

Kazuma "tears": no.... i'm not crying..... i'm not.....

Uni: is some of your memory returned ?

Kazuma "tears": yeah.... seeing you reunited with your sisters.... make me feel happy..... my family would be happy to see what we have accomplished..... i.... i.... *sob, sniff*

Seeing that my emotions took over, Uni give me a big hug to comfort me while blushing and also thanking me, she was also happy that her sister was free thanks to all of our efforts.

Kazuma "tears": Uni....

Uni "tears": Kazuma, thank you, it's thank to you that our sisters are free, without you, i wouldn't have the strength to move forward and saving her, that suffering you holding for so long, let me purifying it, this is you reward, i love you Kazuma.

Kazuma "tears": Uni..... i love you too.

Everyone were happy that Uni managed to calm me down as my emotions was about to exploded and we kissed each other with love, Nepgear, Rom and Ram were happy as well, Neptune and the others Goddesses were too despite not knowing the full situation.

Neptune: your little sister is really growing up, isn't that right Noire ?

Noire: yeah, but i'm worried about the boy she hug, he seems to suffer a lot.

Neptune: do you think we can heard his story from him ?

Vert: maybe not right now, his emotions was this close to exploded, Uni know how to apaise him.

Blanc: his suffering is deeper than i thought, but i wonder what happened for him to be like this ?

Noire: we can let him explain later, i think now it's not the time.

IF: Kazuma.....

Compa: he seems to still suffering.

RED: yeah, our hubby might be strong but he is still suffering emotionally, i wish we can do something for him.

Compa: yeah, but at least we managed to put ASIC in their place.

IF: yes.

Nepgear: alright, everyone let's go home, everyone's waiting.

Everyone: yes !

Uni "blushing": Kazuma, let's go home.

Kazuma "blushing": yeah.

"music end"

After we left the Gamindustri Graveyard, two figures appear and discuss about the defeat of CFW Judge and appearance of Ōkui of the four Lords of Death.

CFW Magic: the guardian of the Graveyard has been vanquished, has he ?

CFW Trick: hahahahahaha... How pathetic. He truly was the weakest of us Four Felons.

CFW Magic: ironic, coming from you who have been defeated by the very same children.

CFW Trick: but i didn't lose ! i simply could not bear to harm such cuties...

CFW Magic: i don't really care. Those pests can do nothing to stop the gears that have already begun to turn.

CFW Trick: hahaha... Just a little longer before our goddess is revived...

CFW Magic: yes, but the appearance of that person made me quite worried.

CFW Trick: you talk about Ōkui, one of GRIM REAPER's four lords of Death ?

CFW Magic: yes, i don't know why he appear here at the Graveyard, but he must have his reasons.

CFW Trick: and he and his comrades have taking interest in the CPU Candidate alongside that Ice Demon King.

CFW Magic: Ice Demon King ?

CFW Trick: someone from a period where a war waged the world which was caused by an entity that those worship.

Hearing this make CFW Magic even more worried about their intentions and objectives.

CFW Magic: an entity, you said ?

CFW Trick: yes, the entity is called The Reaper, he is the personification of death itself and almost brought the world to it's end once, even since he has been seal away, those guys appear and attempt to revive him the same way we do.

CFW Magic: i see, this is gonna be trouble, we can't let them interfere with our plans.

CFW Trick: don't even think of fighting them, i have witnesses one of them in fight against the CPU Candidates and the Ice Demon King, and his powers are far beyond ours.

CFW Magic: i see, anyway our plans won't change, and everything will belong to our goddess, the Deity of Sin....

Chapter End

That's all for chapter 15, i hope you enjoyed the chapter

Next Time in HyperDimension Neptunia Rebirth 2 X Male Reader

Chapter 16: A very bad feeling, GRIM REAPER is on the move

See you next time everyone and take care

KazumaAkimoto out 

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