Chapter 3: I...Nevermind

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(I never had a story with so many reads so fast! Thank you all so much!!)

                        (Y/n's POV)

As I was trailing off all over the place, I couldn't find a single battery in sight for Hugs...'I hope he's okay...' I thought to myself and continued to look. I searched high and low, and still couldn't find a battery. I was deep into the building now, I already felt myself gaining fear and anxiety going deeper. I began to hear weird sounds and another set of footsteps around me, but whenever I would drift my head the direction I hear it, I see nothing as if it were me scared of my own shadow. I once again started to hear weird noises, I turned around, but saw nothing in sight, so I decided to look forward again, but when I did...


A gigantic Dinosaur stood in front of me, eyes glowing an unnatural color I released a blood curling scream and started to run back to where Huggy and Kissy were, but come to realize I was farther away than I thought. As I panicked, I didn't realize that there was something in front of me on the floor...I tripped...I held my head with my hand and looked at what I tripped on, it was a battery I could use for Huggy Wuggy!! Was it a working battery, we'll just have to see. I immediately grabbed it and started running again, the Dinosaur still behind me "HUGGY!! HELP!!" I called out, I got no response. I don't think he could hear me "HUGGY!! KISSY!! PLEASE!!" I screamed, still nothing, until I was suddenly pulled up into the vents. I couldn't see anything due to whoever was pulling me going so fast. We dropped down to what seemed to be a safer room, away from the Dinosaur "Did you get her? Oh, it seems you did!" I heard a soft female voice say, all I could do was just scream, but they were very muffled. My eyes were opened to the sight of three figures, they were blurry, the light shining down and flashing my eyes in an instant. My vision focus to see Huggy, Kissy, and we now meet again, Poppy Playtime herself "W-What's going on?" I asked "You were being chased by Bron the Dinosaur...but Huggy saved you! And I can see you got him a better battery for his voice box too." Poppy said kindly, I nodded, Helping Huggy's Voice Box, and changing the battery. Once I finished, I smiled at him, he smiled back, but it looked more like a smirk "Thank You! A very significant and Cute way of helping your Dear Friend Huggy out...~" He said, he then pinned me down to the floor, kissing me everywhere "Huggy! Hehehehe!! Stop it! That tickles!" I cheered "I know..." He said calmly, I stop laughing instantly, where is he getting at? "What do you mean?" I asked "I...Nevermind." He replied, he got off of me and offered to help me up, I grabbed his superly duperly amazingly soft paw (I over exaggerated a bit 👉👈) "Let's play hide and seek!" Kissy Missy/Wissy cheered, we all agreed, the Dinosaur that was chasing me a few minutes ago even came and decided to join in "Oh! Oh! Make me the seeker!" Poppy said, her hand in the air and jumping up and down "Okay! Your the Seeker!" I claimed, she clapped her hands with joy. She then motioned us to go hide, we ran away in different directions, but Huggy stuck by my side for the whole time...I wonder why. He picked me up and took me inside of a box, closing it "This is a good hiding space Huggy!" I said, he giggled, blushing in embarrassment, he sweetly hugged me, I returned the embrace "I...I don't know what to say, there are many words I want to say to you." Huggy said, I looked at him with an expression of confusion but also passion. He released me from the hug and looked me in the eyes "I missed you over the long time you've been gone, and you still have the kind heart you had as a child....Truly you were different than the other kids, and now here you are...If I had tears, I would cry at how much you've grown." Huggy claimed, I giggled "Thank you Huggy..." I replied, there was a few moments of silence "Hey Huggy! Do you want to play while we are in here? It's taking a bit for Poppy to find us." I offered, he nodded. I found a brush from somewhere in the box and began to stroke his fur, he flinched at the sudden touch, but melted into the satisfying feeling of the brush. After I brushed him for a bit, he picked me up and started licking my hair "EEK! Hugs! What are you doing?" I asked fearfully "I'm grooming you now!" He chimed in, I blushed intensely...He.Never.Did.This.BEFORE!!! After a few seconds of him licking my hair, I started to get very flustered "Okay! All Done!" "But-" "It's okay I'm done!" I said quickly, He smiled and placed me down "I have a gift for you..." Huggy claimed, I clapped my hands in excitement. He got the gift out, and handed it to m-"Found Ya Guys!! Ooooooh, having a soft moment Huh? KISSY!! BRON!! HUGGY AND Y/N ARE MAKING OUT!!" Poppy screamed, they came and saw me and Huggy sitting next to each other, and saw Huggy with a small box "*GASP* ARE YOU ASKING Y/N TO MARRY YOU HUGGY!? EEEEEEEE!!!-" "N-N-No!! That's not it! No!!" Huggy panicked, he got out from inside the box and climbed onto the roof, and into the vents "Huggy Wait!" I called out, but he ignored, the others looked dumbfounded, so did I...Huggy forgot to hand me his cute gift, I wonder what was inside. I decided to chase after him without telling the others...

I went to this Office place, and when I got there, everything was dark. The only resource lighting up the room was the security cameras on bright computer screens. I inspected the room, and in the corner, I saw Huggy, who looks miserable, I walked up to him and sat on my knees in front of him. I reached out my hand to pet him, but he growled and hissed at me, I flinched back, he looked at me "Sorry." He said, leaning his head on my shoulder, I began to pat his back "What's up, Hugs?" I asked "The others sure know how to make things real embarrassing...A Wedding Ring? Ha! As if!" Huggy joked, I giggled, but that kinda hurt. I love Huggy Wuggy, but as a friend, a close friend..."Huggy? If you 'were' capable of marrying me, would ya do it?" I asked, comforting him jokingly, he didn't respond, I'm guessing no "Maybe..." he replied. I froze, would he really? Maybe now is a good time to tell-"Come On Y/n!!" Kissy came in and scooped me in her arms, running out the office, Huggy Following. They went out into a hallway, put me down, and started doing motions with their paws again, But more concerned. I started to panic, they both looked at me, then back at each other "G-Guys? What's going on?" I asked "There are police officers with guards trespassing into this property because nobody have heard of you for days..." Poppy said, WAIT...I'VE BEEN HERE FOR DAYS!? Well, this is actually better, it's not my fault my friends never came back for me and just left this place, and if I do end up going home, I won't even be their friend anymore for acting the way they did. I feel like I only been here for 2 hours though "Quick, go hide, Huggy knows what to do!" Kissy said, grabbing me again and pushing me to a running head start. I ran until I found a bookshelf, hiding behind it. After a minute or two, I heard them bust a door open, hopefully not in this room..."Do ya see her Ralph?" One of them asked "Nah John, She's nowhere to be seen so far." The other replied boringly. I kept quiet as much as I could, they then began to search the other rooms, I listened to their conversation from where I hid "So, Uuuuuh...What do we have to do when we find her again?" "You forgot already John. Argh, We have to keep her hostage or somethin, we can't let her stay here. She might end up coming back here if we don't, then she can't go anywhere under our control." Ralph claimed, they both laughed weirdly, and I just cringed at the thought. They're gonna keep me hostage?! Who do they think I am, a lost little girl!? I'm already starting to feel uncomfortable with the thought! "AYA!! What is that thing!?" One of them, in which I'm assuming is Ralph, asked fearfully "Calm down buddy, it's just your good ol friend...Ah, Huggy Wuggy! It's just a statue!" John teased, just NOW Finding out Huggy's name "Yeah, Yeah, he's kinda ugly and weird lookin tho." He said, WHAT!? "NO HE'S NOT!!" I accidentally yelled out loud, I immediately covered my mouth, and I heard their footsteps come into the room I was in...Nononono!! HECK NO!! They walked up to the Bookshelf, and put they're hands on it "She could be behind here John!" "Okay! Let's pull on 3...2...


A/n: Cliffhanger 😏
Stay Tuned Guys!!

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