(Y/n's POV)
Huggy Wuggy led me into another room in which was unfamiliar to me. He giggled and swung open a door that took me to this room that was very well decorated, a light feature shining around the room. I then looked in the center of the room, which revealed a Doll in a Case...Poppy Playtime Herself. My eyes lit up in sparkles as I went towards the case to open it, but stopped, turning to Huggy for his permission, he nodded, I then turned back towards the case and opened it...the lights started flickering on and off, Poppy then opened her eyes creepily, I couldn't see anything and I started to panic. What's gonna happen to me?! Did Huggy Wuggy just lie?! "You Opened My Case..." I heard a voice say, I've gotten to fearful and over myself that I just ran out the room, Huggy and Poppy chasing me, What do I do?! Where do I go?! (Now for the rest of the story, it doesn't have anything to do with future chapters) I saw some vents nearby and speedily crawled in them, I heard Huggy Wuggy growl in frustration from behind me, then the sounds of loud banging echoing through the vents. Where are my Friends?! Why did they leave me...I'm guessing they escaped. Huggy is chasing me because I got scared and ran, he didn't want me to run, but I was too fearful...I'm not sure if I should Fully trust Huggy Wuggy, he doesn't seem to be completely under control after the long time I haven't seen him. I made a few twists and turns, Huggy nearly loosing me "You Need A Hug!" Huggy Wuggy's audio box/voice box said, I escaped the vents leaving it to close behind me. I got up and immediately began to run my way to a direction I didn't know, but wanted to get as far away from the vents as possible. I remember he used to tell me that when I was little...'You Need A Hug!' The thought of it formed tears in my eyes just at the thoughts, But I kept my cool and continued to go the direction that was so mysterious that my mind didn't understand CRAP! Is it me, or did Huggy Wuggy Change..I thought he recognized me, now he wants to kill me again, I wish I could get more info on that...
After awhile of walking 'Who knows where', I found my way back to the center where a lot of doors were. A door that was black and green, one that was a cafeteria, one that involved a blue and red hand...wait...My friends found it! And they must of left it, they must of dropped it somewhere, DANGIT!! COME ON MAN!! I sat on the floor and covered my face with my knees "What am I going to do..." I asked myself "I can give you a Big, Sweet, Kiss!" I heard a female voice box say, I jumped up and looked around to see who or what said that, until I looked up to see a familiar looking character hanging from the roof and looking directly into my eyes "What are you doing here alone, child..." She asked, it was Kissy Missy/Wissy, she looked like Huggy Wuggy, but she was a girl and pink "H-Hi! I was, Umm...wasn't originally alone...I had my friends, but they left me and never came back..." I admitted, she jumped down from the roof, leaving the floor to rumble at her abnormal stomp. She pulled me into a hug and began to kiss me all over, I laughed a bit "Kissy! That tickles!!" I said, I soon couldn't say anything a moment later due to my uncontrollable laughter. Kissy then released me from her firm, yet comfortable grip and giggled herself. "You looked like you needed it, Pumpkin!" She admitted sweetly "I did, truly. Thank you Kissy!" I added...I remember Kissy Missy/Wissy, She would spend extra time with me when Huggy Wuggy was too busy with the other children...
Huggy Wuggy was playing with the other children, and I stood no chance of reaching my way to him...He was just popular, every kid deserves to spend time with him, but what will I do? Where will I go? I went into another room, leaving my eyes to light up in sparkles. There stood Kissy Missy/Wissy, she looks so beautiful and shiny, I went up to her and she suddenly moved, leaving me to get scared and fall back, hiding "Oh, Don't hide from me Little Girl. It was just a tad bit inconvenient for you to walk in first thing I activate. I won't hurt you, just like Huggy, I am your friend..." She spoke, I came from wherever I hid and went up to her, Me speedily being pulled into a tight embrace and a gun load of kisses. I started to giggle and hug back. Kissy Missy/Wissy and I would spend lots of time with each other when Huggy was busy with other children!
End Of Flashback~
I looked at her sweetly, her smile became bigger, but the moment was ruined when we heard a loud bang, we saw from the side of our eyes that a door flew open, revealing a miserable looking Huggy Wuggy, he had a frown on his face, his fur was extra puffy for some reason, and his eyes were narrowed. He actually looked ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!! Awwwww!! (If anyone wants to make art on what you think he looked like, please do! And be sure to show me!! 🥰💖) Kissy Missy/Wissy stood up in front of me, causing me to hide behind her in fear, Huggy Wuggy shook his fluffiness away and walked up to her, starting to do weird motions with his paws, Kissy doing the same. Is it sign language? I guess they can't talk at times, which makes them extra cuter, though I still had my concerns. My breathing became unstable as I feared Huggy Wuggy more and more. "My Voice Box is loosing battery!!" Huggy Whined "You Scared the poor girl Hugs!" Kissy mumbled back. Huggy was confused at first, but his eyes landed on me, I tried my best to not make any eye contact with him, still hiding behind Kissy. He crawled down to my level and put a paw/hand on my shoulder, I flinched at the sudden touch "Are-Are you Ma-a-ad at me?" He asked, his voice box glitching a bit, I shook my head 'No' "Did I make you s-sad?" He asked, again, I shook my head 'No' "Did I scare you?" He asked, I froze for a slight moment, but then nodded, he gave out a sound of dying laughter, his voice getting deeper, then back to it's normal pitch, sending shivers down my spine. I held tightly onto Kissy Missy/Wissy's paw/hand, holding it tightly. Kissy angrily and veritably Kicked Huggy away, treating him like a wild beast, and scooped me in her arms. Huggy Wuggy Growled like a dog.
(Example of the Scene - I forgot to mention that every Image that is put in this story is drawn by me, TheVibeCookie! To show what they look like and how it's pictured! I hope you like my Art!)
"Play your Role, Hugs...Don't Scare Her..." Kissy claimed softly, Huggy Wuggy just kept growling in anger. I wasn't sure if he was my friend, or enemy. It made me sad to see Huggy so scary and mean, he was never pictured like that from my perspective when I was younger "Kissy, can you put me down...?" I asked calmly, she shook her head and motioned to Huggy "I know..." I replied, she was hesitant, but placed me down. I walked up to Huggy who was still grumpy, and I grabbed his arm, causing him to look directly at me, I was nervous to make eye contact, but I did "Huggy! Do You need a Hug?!" I asked and exclaimed, he remained silent "I bet you do! You seem very upset!" I said, bringing him into a hug "I know you must be feeling sad, scared, angry...you don't know how to feel, so you let it out into destruction. You could be holding in a lot right now, but just know I'm here for you...I've always been here for you. Huggy, I'm here to help, and I Love You, just as if You were always there for me, trust me, I know how you feel. Everyone goes through a state of anger or sadness, they need support, love, care. I'm here for that, and I hope you do the same. Just believe that I Love You." Words of Support released from me. I heard him whimper, and he kept whimpering until he sounded like he was going to cry, I'm unsure if Huggy can release tears or not, but he sounded like he was going to cry. He then embraced me back, Kissy Missy/Wissy joining the Hug. Poor Huggy Wuggy, I have no idea what he had been through, he's probably still healing from it, he must have been holding this in, even for all I've known him. I will Always Be There for him, to comfort him, and make him Happy...Just like how he made me Happy. Huggy pulled us closer into the hug, making me blush a bit, he's so Adorable! After a while of Hugging, we ended it with giggles and cheers. He tapped my shoulder, and I looked at him, he motioned towards his throat sadly "Awww Hugs, did your Voice Box Run out of battery?" I asked, he nodded, I stood up "Welp, I guess it's my job to find you a new one in this huge ginormous factory!" I said confidently, Kissy putting a fan behind me and turning it on, putting a blanket around my neck to make it blow to the wind, then the next moment, she took it all away "Wait, that was actually really cool!" I claimed, she handed me a flashlight. The three of us nodding to each other...YAAYY!! Me and Hugs are Cool now...I think...Well...
"Looks like I've got some searching to do..."
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