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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I look out to the sea, hearing the distant roaring of dragons from the village. I watch the waves as they wash the shore of the sandy beach as I sit with my arms resting on my knees. This place is where I would come whenever I need alone time. I feel a nudge against my back and look to see Twilight look up at me with concern. I give her a soft smile and scratch her chin a little. She purrs and curls around me. "Thanks, girl."

I lean back and rest on Twilight as I go back to watching the sea. I hear some squawking and look to my left as I see Stormfly land nearby. Astrid gets off her and I sit up as Twilight goes to play with Stormfly. "What are you doing here, Astrid?" I ask her. She walks over and sits next to me, crossing her legs, "Is it so wrong to want to check on my best friend?" She rebuttals.

I give her a skeptical look. "Okay, I wanted to check on you. You got me worried when you left." She gives in. I give her a thankful look. "I'm fine." I assure her. She gave me a skeptical look, "Look, I don't want to push my luck but something is definitely bothering you." She states. I avoid looking at her as I divert my gaze to the water.

I remained silent. I didn't want to get Astrid involved in my problems. I mean, it's not that I don't want to marry Hiccup, it's just that..... it's not the right time. I jump a little as I feel something on my shoulder and look to see Astrid, looking at me with concern. "Hey, if there's something on your mind, you can tell me. I'll keep my mouth shut." She tells me, giving a soft smile.

I look at the sand in thought then close my eyes and take a deep breathe. I open my eyes and look to the sea. "Well, I'm not against marrying Hiccup. It's just that, we've been bringing back a lot of dragons and we don't have that much space. Along with trappers  still out there, I just want to resolve all this before we make things official and-" "(Y/N)." Astrid interrupts me. "That's not what's bothering you, is it?" No.

I should have known Astrid would see through me. I stop my rambling as I avoid eye contact with her. "I swear I won't judge you. But, does this have something to do with what happened to your parents?" She asks. I wanted to deny it, but she's right. I started coming here some time after my parents died. It's been a long while since I've been here.

"Okay, yes." I admit. "If Hiccup and I got married and had kids, what if we..... died?" I ask her. I cross my arms and rest my head on them. "If something happened to us, then that would mean the kids would be losing their parents. I don't....want go through.....what I did." I choked out, feeling myself tear up.

It was quiet. I felt Twilight rub against me to provide some comfort. I hear some movement and feel hands grab my face and lift it up and see Astrid with a stern look. "(Y/N), listen to me. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met. I see you like a sister and want the best for you. I want you to be happy." She says. She removes her hands from my face and puts them on her waist. "Do you love Hiccup?" She asks suddenly. "Huh?" "I said, do you love Hiccup?" She repeats. "Of course, I do." I answer, a little confused why she'd asking me this. "How much do you love him?" "With every ounce of my being-Astrid, what are you getting at?" I ask her.

"Do you want Hiccup to be killed?" "What? No!" "Do you want to be killed?" "No." "Do you want to be there for your kids?" "Yes!" "Then why were you saying that stuff if you love Hiccup so much?" "I'M SCARED! OKAY!?!?" I snapped. I pant as I get onto my knees. I didn't even realize how tensed as I was. I pant and look at Astrid, who gives me a sympathetic look. She moves her hands to place them on her knees.

"And it's okay to be scared. But you need to understand that things are different now. What happened then won't happen unless you let it." She says. I look down in thought of what she said. "You fight with passion, you fight for love. And that is what makes you such a formidable warrior. An incredible person." She wraps her arms around me to hug me tightly.

I lean into her shoulder and let tears fall down my face. "And as much as you love Hiccup, he loves you just as much." It was quiet as the waves roar softly and Twilight and Stormfly rumble softly. I sniff and wipe my face, "Thanks, Astrid." I thank her. "Hey, you help me, I help you. It's what sisters are for." She says.

I let out a snort, "Since when did you get all wise?" I joke. She made an offended sound, "I can be wise when I want to be, it's just easier to punch stuff." She jokes back. We share a laugh and I feel much better. We watch the water for a bit before I stand up. "Well, thanks again. I better go talk to Hiccup." I said, dusting off my pants. "To talk about marriage?" Astrid asks, and I could hear the teasing in her voice. "No, about what Gobber said. With all these dragons." I look down at her and to point to the village. She gets up and dusts off the sand on her, "Yeah, I guess he was right about that. But remember what I said about you and Hiccup. Okay?" She says. I give her a smile, "Okay." We hug once more then I get on Twilight.

"Oh, and when you have kids you have to name one after me!" She calls out. I feel my face heat up but then smirk, "Don't push your luck!" I said back, and Twilight took off. And I know just where to find Hiccup.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"......a Hidden World." I look at Berk as dragons fly all around roaring. " that people and dragons will fight no more." I remember the words of my father. Looking into the distance as I think about Berk and how it is now.

I hear Toothless rumble as he nudges me. "What?" I question him. He looks at me with gummy grin then looks down at my prosthetic, giving me those big pleading eyes. "Oh, all right." I sigh, giving in and remove it from my leg. "Is this what you want? Oh, do you want this leg?" I ask him, playfully. He wags his tail happily and rumbles while looking at my metal foot. "Do you want my leg? Go get it!" I grin, grunting as I toss it over the edge and he dives down to get it.

I let out a sigh then sit down on my knees. It's hard trying to stand on your own with only one foot. I look at my right arm brace and see the little carvings with my and (Y/N)'s initials. I smile fondly at the little drawing and brush my fingers against it. I then focus my attention on my map, held down by rocks to keep it from blowing away.

I hear Toothless rumble and look to see him using the wind to glide on. I grin at him, "Getting pretty good at gliding on your own, bud." I compliment him, then focus back on my map. Toothless pants and nudges my prosthetic to get me to throw it again, but I focus on my map. Trailing my fingers on it until I stop at an empty spot. Could this be where it is?

I hear Toothless roar happily and I look to him and see he's looking at something. I look to find Twilight land near us, (Y/N) got off her and walks to me. "Oh, Uh, (Y/N)! Hi." I greet, happy to see her. Twilight gives me a look. "And hello to you too, Twi." I greet her also. She smiles approvingly and she and Toothless start to play with each other.

"So, how are you doing?" I ask her. I hope her talk with Astrid went okay. "Better." She answers then sits next to me. She has a small smile on her face, and it was genuine. I can tell. "So, you needed some time for yourself too?" She asks. Dangling her feet off the edge while looking at Berk. "Yeah. Gobber can be a bit much." I reply.

I hear her groan in disgust and look to find that Toothless dropped my prosthetic on her lap, it covered in his saliva. I let out a chuckle. "Toothless! Okay, go get it!" She tosses it, leading to the two siblings to race after it. I chuckle again but shut up as I see her give me a look. "Ahem. Uh, a-anyway, what brings you here?" I ask her. She stares at me a little longer then wipes her hands and looks at the sunset. "Well, I wanted to talk to you about something." My eyes widen. Was she really considering.... "About Berk's overpopulation problem." Oh.

"I mean don't get me wrong, it's great that we're rescuing dragons but bringing them all back to Berk has been a little more than we can handle. Even with the Alphas." She explains. "Right.... It is a little much." I reply. "And about getting married," I perk up. "Don't get me wrong, I do want to be with you, Hiccup, but I would like to solve this first." She gestures her arm at all the dragons flying around.

I nod my head in agreement. "Yeah. It does seem like the whole world knows about us now." I said, concerned. "The more dragons we bring to Berk, the bigger a target we become for the trappers." (Y/N) states. I hear her groan in disgust again. "Okay, you know what." She tosses my prosthetic farther away and Twilight gives Toothless a smack on his head before racing to get it first but Toothless decides to pounce on her, the two getting into a fight. (Y/N) laughs and I chuckle along, watching the two.

(Y/N) lets out a long sigh and I give her a gentle look, "I just wish we could get them to leave us alone or go somewhere so they can't bother us anymore." She says. Her words made me remember my Dad's story. "There.... might be somewhere." I said. "Where?" She asks. "Remember how my dad used to talk about the old mariners' myth? The secret land at the edge of the world?" I question her. "You mean, the homeland of the dragons? But no one has ever seen it and come back to tell the tale. What if it's just that, a myth?" She asks skeptically.

"But what if it's real?" I ask her softly, gently grasping her hand. "(Y/N), if we find this place, it could solve all our problems!" I state excitedly. "Move the dragons there?" She says, raising a brow. "All of us." I clarify. (Y/N) turns her head and I follow her gaze to my father's statue. "But, Hiccup, what about Berk? It's been our tribe's home for generations. Stoick left it in your hands to protect." She looks to me with concern. "I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but.... Are you sure about this?" She asks me.

"Uh..." I trail until I let out a tired sigh, "I don't know." I answer honestly, looking at Dad's statue. I feel my hand be squeezed gently and I look to (Y/N), "We don't have to make any decisions yet. In the meantime, we can stay here. Everyone has gotten use to the chaos." She tells me. "Yeah. But we might be able to solve things quicker if we tie the knot." I hint. She rolls her eyes, "But if you're having doubts with your love, I'm sure Snotlout is available." I smirk. "Do. Not. Go there." She warns me in a low tone. She pushes me back and I couldn't help but laugh. "Besides, I'm sure Snotlout has eyes for your mom. He might end up being your new father." She remarks. I gasp in mock offense, "Oh, now that's a low blow." She laughs and tries crawling away. "Oh, no you don't!" I grab her arm and pull her close, her laughing loudly.

"Let me go, Hiccup!" She demands playfully. "Nope! I'm not letting go until you feel all the love I have for you, Sweetheart!" I reply back, chuckling as I hold her tight. "That'll take forever!" She screeches as I tickle her. We laugh loudly and joyfully. It's moments like these I never want to end.

We calm down after a while and lay down on the ground. "You know I love too." (Y/N) says. I look at her with admiration, "I know." I tell her. I move to kiss her, only to feel a large wet tongue. "Ew! Toothless!" I complain. The both of us sit up and wipe the saliva off ourselves. "Thank you for the reassurance, Toothless." (Y/N) politely thanks Toothless. I pout, not being able to kiss my beautiful warrior fiancé. I see Twilight approach me and give me a little lick on the cheek. "Thanks, Twilight." I give her thoughtful grin then wipe my cheek.

But then she perks up and her eyes becomes silts as she goes to look down the cliff. I see Toothless do the same and then they jump down the cliff. I watch in confusion then look at (Y/N) as she looks at me with a look of bewilderment.

I find my prosthetic and reattach it to my leg then (Y/N) stands up and gives me a hand. After getting on my feet and I look down at where our dragons went. "Uh, guys?" I call out. They didn't reply. "Yeah, sure. Don't bother to wait for us." I scoff, shaking my head. "We better go check. To be safe." (Y/N) states. I nod my head in agreement and make our way down to find our friends.

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