The New Dragons

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Third Person P.O.V.

Toothless and Twilight traverse through the thick vegetation as the sun had set, making the area dark. But it was not a problem for the two Night Furies. The siblings had picked up a familiar scent and follow the trail until something catches Twilight's eye. She uses her wing to poke her and Toothless looks at her. She uses her head to gesture in front of them and he looks to find two dragons curled up to each other.

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Toothless slowly walks towards them and Twilight follows, albeit, a little cautious. The two dragons were all white, with scales so small they blended together a sparkle in the light of the moon. They heavily resemble Night Furies but had no dorsal fins on the side of their heads, and a single spine going down their backs and back of their legs. Their wings being more round too.

One is larger and removes their wing as they look back at the Night Furies. His eyes being a golden yellow as he moves himself to stand in front of his sister. Twilight lowers her guard as the golden-eyed white dragon protects his sibling. The white male dragon looks into her dark purple eyes and lowers his guard as well. Toothless looks between his sister and the white dragon, a little unsure, until he hears a whine from the other white dragon. She wakes up and looks behind her with baby blue eyes.

Toothless becomes lost in her eyes and the female dragon becomes more awake at the sudden visitors. Toothless makes a move and takes a step closer to them, but the blue-eyed dragon gasps. This stops Toothless and gets Twilight's attention. The male white dragon maneuvers himself to stand next to his sister as she hisses at the ground. Twilight looks down at the ground then leans down to smell something there. Toothless does the same then makes his way to walk around, Twilight walking the opposite way.

The two then meet with the white dragon siblings. Twilight with the male, golden-eyed dragon and Toothless with the female, baby-blue-eyed dragon. Twilight looks into the male dragon's eyes and the male dragon could see the power they wield, but also a soft and protective spark. He moves towards her and lightly boops her nose with his. This surprises the female Night Fury but shakes it off and looks into those golden eyes.

Toothless becomes enamored by the white female dragon. The blue-eyes dragon shyly looks away, softly purring. Toothless gives her a reassuring rumble and the two engage eye-contact. Acid green eyes gazing into baby blue ones. It seemed that it was only the four of them. Until the sound of a twig snapping was heard.

This aggravates the female white dragon as she snarls, her eyes becoming silted as she leaps and fires a powerful plasma blast. The plasma ball collides with a tree, blowing it off its trunk. The male rushes to her and roars at her for being reckless as the Night Fury siblings look at the damage.

Two figures peek out from their hiding spots. Hiccup and (Y/N) look with wide eyes at the two white Fury dragons. "Oh my Gods!" Hiccup gasps out, astonished. "There are more of them." (Y/N) says, breathless. The female white Fury snarls at them while the male sees their dumbfounded expressions. The female yowls and prepares another blast.

The male breaks his gaze from the two humans as he watches his sister prepare to fire again. Twilight hears her and swings her tail. Hitting the female white dragon right as she fires. "Hiccup!" (Y/N) exclaims, snapping out of her trance and tackles Hiccup to the ground. Thankfully, the blast hit a tree further away from them.

Toothless quickly shakes his head then growls lightly at the white female dragon. Twilight moves to stand in between her brother and her friends, snarling threateningly at the blue-eyed dragon. The golden-eyed male looks between the Night Furies and the humans with confusion until his sister snarls and takes off. He looks back at the four one more time before quickly flying after his sister. Toothless roars and pursues after the two, climbing a tree to the top of it. He watches as the two fire a blast of their own and disappears after flying through them. Twilight watches from the ground as she rumbles. Toothless whines softly, looking to the sky for any sign of the two.

"Wow!" Hiccup breathlessly laughs as he and (Y/N) help each other up, looking to the sky. "Who could have imagined? More Furies." (Y/N) says, shaking her head in disbelief. "But they weren't Night Furies, they were more like.... Bright...." "Light Furies!" (Y/N) interrupts Hiccup, stilling gazing up at the sky. "....Yeah, yours is better. Probably." Hiccup nods, grinning a little sheepishly at not having his idea be chosen.

"Where did they go?" (Y/N) asks, looking to Hiccup. The Chief looks down in thought before looking at Twilight then Toothless. "I don't know." He answers honestly. He looks to the sky as the he takes (Y/N)'s hand. The two holding hands gently as they continue to look into the starry night, wondering where the Light Furies went.

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