Stoick's Ship

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(This piece always gets me. I feel my break a little every time I listen to it. Rest In Peace, Stoick the Vast.)

Third Person P.O.V.

A longboat sails across the dark icy waters, the waves calm and still along with the air. Stoick's body lays within it, a cloth covering his body and his helmet laying on top of him. A fog shrouded the area around it, covering most of the island and blocking the sky. Two lone arrows were pinned together on a crate and Gobber sighs heavily as he grabs them, plucking the two with his hand as he starts to speak.

"May the Valkyries welcome you and lead you through Odin's great battlefield..." (Y/N) walks next to him with two bows in her hands. They walk to Hiccup as he stares at the ship carrying his father's body. "May they sing your name with love and fury..." Gobber continues, his voice shaking lightly and filled with thick tears. "So that we may hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla, and know you have taken your rightful place at the table of Kings."

(Y/N) stands next to Hiccup's right and offers him a bow and he takes it along with an arrow Gobber gave him. Gobber gives (Y/N) an arrow, who thanks him silently. Gobber gently pats Hiccup's shoulder as he turns to join the others. "For a great man had fallen. A warrior... A Chieftain... A father...." Hiccup looks at the bow in his hands, as stray tears fall down his face and takes a deep breath. "A friend." Gobber chokes out after a moment, blinking away tears as he watches the boat carrying Stoick.

(Y/N) swallows a lump in her throat and lays a hand on Hiccup's shoulder. Hiccup doesn't look at her but takes a deep breath, nodding his head and exhales. (Y/N) removes her hand as Hiccup lights his arrow and she does the same. They pull back on their bows' strings as they both aim and Hiccup releases first. It lands in the boat and (Y/N) releases her arrow, it landing next to Hiccup's. The others aim their flaming arrows and release. They fly across the water and land on the boat, lighting it as the flames engulf it.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I drop the bow and look at the ship as flames engulf it. I let only a single tear fall as I reminisce. Stoick wasn't perfect, but he was human. Despite living with the Hoffersons, I saw him as a father figure and seeing his lifeless body reminded me of when my parents died. I was emotionless during their funeral and did not cry at all, but it was hours later and when I was alone, that I broke. I had lost the people I cared so much and vowed to do everything in my power to protect the ones I love. But who? My friends, of course. And seeing Stoick giving his life to save Hiccup and I, it made me feel loved and honored to have a man like him in my life. I look at Hiccup as he looks at the fire with anguish. He had helped me in my time of despair and now I had to help him.

I look at the ship once more as I take a deep breathe, "Stoick was a good man." I start. I swallow to keep myself together as I continue, "He-He was a man who only wanted to protect his people. He would take on anything to do so. He was..." I swallow a lump in my throat, "He was a warrior and never gave up without a fight. He was reliable, strong, and very stubborn, but he always did what he believed was best. Even if he didn't always think it through." I let out a huff of laughter but cleared my throat and continue. "But in the end, Stoick was willing to do anything and everything in his power to protect his people. Especially his family. And that is what made him not only a great man,..... but also a great Chief." I conclude.

I close my eyes and bow my head in respect. "Thank you, Stoick. Thank you for....for looking after me. A-And for..... Everything." I open my eyes as I feel tears well up in them but wipe them away before they fell. I stare at the fire and look at Hiccup. His face holds such pain, but he's not the only one. I look back as Fishlegs cries, Snotlout wiping away a tear, and the twins sharing a sad look with tears in their eyes. I make eye contact with Astrid and see her smile sadly, holding back tears. I smile back and look at Valka. I felt bad for her because she finally reunited with her family, but it was ripped away. She sends me a nod to tell me she's okay and I nod back and look back at the ship.

Hiccup takes a few steps forward and I give him space. I hear him sigh softly, he has been quiet and now it's time for him to say something. Saying goodbye is hard. But you'll feel better after. I should know. I've been there and even if the pain never goes away, at least he'll have us to be there for him.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

"I'm sorry, Dad...." I say. He's gone and it's my fault. "I'm not the Chief you wanted me to be. And I'm not the peacekeeper I thought I was. I.... Don't know..." I couldn't. How could I solve this? Fix this? I could only stare at the ship as it blazes from the fire. I feel someone caress my hair and look to find Mom.

"You came early into this world. You were such a wee thing." She sighs softly and removes her hand. "Oh, so frail... So frail... I feared you wouldn't make it." She smiles at me then looks out to the boat. "But your father... He never doubted." He didn't? "He always said you would become the strongest of them all," She looks at me and I look at her. "And he was right."

I look to (Y/N) and see her with a small smile and nods her head. Her (E/C) eyes filled with that spark to protect. I look down as I take in everything. "You have the heart of a Chief and the soul of a dragon. Only you can bring our worlds together. That is who you are, son." Mom tells me. I look at her than look back at the boat.

I walk a few paces closer to the water than stop. The flames were taller and brighter and I take a breathe, "I, uh.... I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. H-how do you become that great? That brave? That.... selfless?" I swallow and feel a tear slide down my face. "I guess you can only.... try."

I feel a hand grab mine and look to my right to find (Y/N) looking at me with a determined look, smiling. "And you don't have to try alone." She tells me softly. I smile at her and give her hand a squeeze than let go of her as I become determined.

I turn back to face the others. "A Chief... protects his own. We're going back." I state. Astrid grins and nods her head. "Uhh... With what?" Tuffnut asks. "Uhh, he took all the dragons." Ruffnut says. I feel (Y/N) wrap her arm around my shoulders and I look to see her look at me with a smirk. A knowing look in her eyes. I smirk back and look at the others, "Not all of them."

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