New Plan

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Third Person P.O.V.

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Within the now abandoned sanctuary, small colorful blurs swiftly fly past walls of ice. Revealing to be baby Scuttleclaws with the Dragon Riders on them. They let out short screams as they try to keep them under control while the babies coo happily.

"Whoa! Easy now!" (Y/N) yelps, gently patting her Scuttleclaw as it roars playfully. The dragons fly erratically, leading their riders to grip onto them tightly in hopes of not falling off as they make their way out of the Nest. "I don't wanna die!" Fishlegs wails, gripping tightly to not fall off his Scuttleclaw. "We can't fly these things!" Tuffnut shouts, adjusting his helmet as he glares ahead. "Yeah, no kidding!" Fishlegs replies, him and his dragon ramming through a pile of snow, "Whoa!" He yelps.

"But won't that Bewilderbeast just take control of these guys, too?" Astrid calls to Hiccup and (Y/N), struggling to balance on her Scuttleclaw. "They're babies! They don't listen to anyone!" Hiccup replies, leading the group. "Yeah! Just like us!" Tuffnut smirks, his dragon swerving around. "Pretty much!" (Y/N) agrees.

"This...." Gobber wheezes as he and his Scuttleclaw slams into the ice walls repeatedly. "Is...." *Slam* "Very dangerous!" "You don't say?!" (Y/N) retorts sarcastically as she gets her Scuttleclaw to fly next to Hiccup. Gobber manages to steer his Scuttleclaw towards the two, barely holding on with his one hand. "Some might suggest this is poorly conceived!" He shouts. "Then it's a good thing we never listen!" Hiccup replies with a smirk. He faces ahead and he and (Y/N) go right as Gobber goes left to avoid a wall of broken ice.

"So!" Gobber shouts in between the ice walls. "What is your-" Another wall. "-plan?" He finishes. "First, get Twilight and Toothless back!" (Y/N) states, looking ahead. "Then kick Drago's-" Hiccup got cut off by another wall of ice. "Heads up!" Gobber shouts. "And.... That thing!" Hiccup says. He yells as his Scuttleclaw barely manages to dodge the ice ahead. (Y/N) was able to get her Scuttleclaw to fly over it. But Gobber wasn't so lucky as he slams into it, letting out a cry of pain.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

We've been flying for a while but as we got closer to Berk, I felt the temperature drop. We end up flying through a light fog. "It's freezing. They must already be at Berk." I call out to the others. "Probably." Hiccup sighs and I look over at him as he squints his eyes to see what's in front of him. I honestly hope I'm wrong.

But as we finally look at Berk, I let out a gasp as I see the gray Bewilderbeast and all the destruction on the island. "He took all the dragons!" Fishlegs says. I look up and see that the swarm above the massive dragon has more dragons. All of Berk's dragons now under the control of a mad man. But I notice how the Bewilderbeast was struggling to climb on Berk.  "Distract the Alpha!" Hiccup says firmly. He noticed too. "Try to keep his focus off Toothless and Twilight!" He looks to me. I nod to him. We are getting our dragons back.

"How do we even know if Twilight even is with Toothless?" Astrid asks. I shake my head, "She and Toothless stick together. Not even an Alpha can tear them apart." I state firmly. I look back to the others, "Just do as Hiccup said. Keep the Alpha's focus away from them!" I turn to look forward and Hiccup and I go to our dragons.

I look over at Hiccup as he focuses on Toothless. I hear the villagers down on the island cheering for us. Drago was riding him and I felt nothing but anger at the man. I look to find Twilight flying to the right of them. As we fly closer to them, I look down and see the others distracting the Alpha with sheep. I let out a huff of laugh then become serious as we approach Drago.

Hiccup looks back at me and lifts his hand to tell me to stay back. I look at Toothless briefly then to Twilight and back to him. He glances to Twilight briefly and I realize what he is doing. I nod to him and move my Scuttleclaw back a little.

Hiccup looks forward and I see him get closer to Toothless. Drago chuckles and as much as I want to clobber him, I inhale some air and exhale as I carefully make my way to Twilight. Well, here goes everything.

Third Person P.O.V.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"You two certainly are hard to get rid of, I'll say that." Drago muses. Hiccup ignores him as he focuses on the dragon before him. "Toothless? Hey... It's me, bud." Toothless' vision was blurry and he could only hear Hiccup's voice being disoriented. (Y/N) moved some of her hair back as she flew closer to Twilight. "Hey, Twilight. It's gonna be okay." She says, but like Toothless, all the dragon could see or hear were disoriented.

"It's me. I'm right here, bud. (Y/N)'s here too."Hiccup says. "I'm here, Twi. We're here. Come back to us." (Y/N) says. The two keeping their focus on their respective dragons.

Drago shakes his head as he laughs. "They're not yours anymore. They belong to the Alpha. But, please, oh great dragon masters," He mocks them, bowing as he continues. "Try to take them. They will not miss a second time." His Alpha moves down between Toothless, Twilight, Hiccup, and (Y/N), staring intently at the Night Fury siblings as it rumbles lowly.

"It wasn't your fault," Hiccup says softly as he raises his hand. "They.... Made you do it." His voice cracks slightly. Toothless blankly stares at Hiccup but his pupils dilate just a little as he starts to recognize Hiccup's voice. "It wasn't your fault." (Y/N)'s voice was heard as well as she moves closer to Twilight, trying to keep her tears from falling. Said dragon's pupils tremble as she hears her rider's voice.

The two Night Furies shake their heads, trying to fight against the Alpha's control. "You'd never hurt him." Hiccup sallows thickly, holding back tears and moves closer towards Toothless. (Y/N) moves her hand to Twilight's left as the purple-eyed Night Fury subconsciously flies closer to Toothless. "And neither of you would ever hurt us." Hiccup says to the them. The two riders finally enter the dragons' visions, no longer blurry, and set a hand on their respective dragons. "We love you guys." (Y/N) croaks out. The two Furies coo as they see their friends.

Drago looks between them all as he leans forward. "How... Are you doing that?" He questions, not believing what he is seeing. "Please..." Hiccup pleads, tears in his eyes. "We can't do this without you two. You two are our best friends." Twilight glances at Hiccup briefly then focuses back on (Y/N), as the (E/C)-eyed Viking smiles tearfully. "Our best friends." Hiccup pleads once more.

The Alpha fights to take control of them, but Toothless shakes his head as he closes his eyes to take back control. Hearing her brother, Twilight too fights for control. The two then open their eyes, now dialated, and smile at their friends. (Y/N) smiles widely and laughs in relief. Hiccup smiles laughs as well. "That's it! Way to go, you two!" He cheers as Toothless rubs his face into Hiccup's palm and (Y/N) gives Twilight a scratch on her chin. "We're right here!"

"ENOUGH!" Drago bellows, hitting Toothless with his staff. He raises it to hit Toothless again, but Toothless grabs it with his teeth, making Drago gasp as he is yanked from the saddle. Toothless smiles at Hiccup, "Yeah!" Hiccup and (Y/N) cheer. Toothless rumbles but the starts falling from the sky. "Hang on!" Hiccup jumps off his Scuttleclaw as he dives for his friend. (Y/N) watches with a smirk, but then hears rumbling and looks up at Twilight, who gestures her to get on. "Let's go deal with a mad man." (Y/N) says and jumps onto Twilight. She switches her tail-fin to manual as she and Twilight follow after the boys.

"Almost there, buddy. Almost there!" Hiccup shouts to Toothless. Toothless looks up and sees the girls diving after them and Twilight roars at her brother. He roars back and turns so that Hiccup can grab onto the saddle. Hiccup seats himself and opens the tail-fin, making Toothless swoop back in the air, right as they reached the water. Hiccup smiles and happily pats Toothless than looks to find (Y/N) and Twilight flying next to them. "Shall we?" (Y/N) calls out to him. Hiccup smirks to her, "Come on, guys!"

Hiccup smiles widely before looking to Drago with a scowl. Drago had landed on one of his Bewilderbeast's tusks and had made his way on top of it. "Do something!" He shouts, looking at the four as they fly by. "We need to get those two apart." Hiccup says. He leans over and grabs a ripped flag. "Ice incoming!" (Y/N) shouts. Toothless and Twilight swiftly dodge as a blast of ice fires at them.

"We need to block him out." Hiccup says, ripping the flag into two pieces. He lends his hand out and (Y/N) takes one of them pieces. They turn a corner as they are out of the Alpha's vision. "Do you trust us, bud? Twilight?" Hiccup asks. The two rumble in approval as their riders tie the clothe over their eyes, like a blindfold. "We can do this." (Y/N) says. "All of us as one." Hiccup continues, laying a hand on Toothless. He looks over at (Y/N) and sees she has laid a hand on Twilight, looking at him with a confident smile.

He smiles back and the two position the Furies' tail-fins. "How about we try this one more time!" Hiccup shouts to (Y/N). She gives him an amused smirk, "Let's!" She replies back. Hiccup laughs and nods as they swoop past the crowd.

"Take him down, guys!" Astrid cheers for them, the others cheer loudly as they watch them fly by. Hiccup and (Y/N) past Valka, as she watches them on her Scuttleclaw, "Go get him!" She says grinning.

(Y/N) pulls out her mother's necklace from her pouch and looks at it with a smile. She puts it back for safe keeping and grips her father's sword as she glances at Hiccup then straight ahead, "I will protect those I love. Mom and Dad, this is for you." She whispers to herself.

Take Control Of Them!" Drago commands, pointing his staff at them. The Alpha rumbles, obeying and focuses on the two dragons flying towards it. The Night Furies hear the Alpha, but Hiccup and (Y/N) lean forward and put their hands on the side of their heads to block the noise. "Shut him out, guys." Hiccup tells them. "Focus on us." (Y/N) says gently to them.

"Stop Them!" Drago shouts. (Y/N) narrows her eyes as she grabs onto the saddle and steers Twilight in front of Toothless. "Now!" Hiccup shouts. He locks Toothless' tail and Twilight fires at the Alpha as it blows ice at them. The plasma hits a chunk of ice providing a small smoke screen. Toothless and Twilight fly past Drago as he full-on laughs. They fly upside-down as he points mockingly at (Y/N) but stops as he sees that Hiccup was gone. The flag pieces fly off Toothless and Twilight as they look back at him cooing and (Y/N) smirks at him.

Drago turns around and gasps as Hiccup flies at him with his wing-suit. He swings his staff to hit Hiccup, but misses and Hiccup leaves a trail of Zippleback gas. Hiccup grunts as he lights the gas, blasting Drago off the Alpha. Drago screams as he falls and lands roughly on the ground, his staff landing a few paces from him. The Alpha roars as it regains its senses.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

I look in front of me but, "Not again." I whine as the Alpha's tail was up ahead. "Hiccup!" I hear (Y/N) call out to me. "Toothless! It's now or never!" I shout. I look back and see Toothless open his back spines and he catches me. I settle into the saddle as we get closer. "Come on, bud!" We angle up and the massive tail was close. "Hold on!"

We kept going and successfully avoided the tail. I laugh in relief, "We did it!" I rub Toothless' face as he smiles and I look to see (Y/N) and Twilight cheering. "Finally! Way to go!" She yells. I snort at her remark and we all fall backwards, diving down and heading towards Drago. I narrow my eyes in determination. It's time to end this.

Toothless and Twilight land on either side of Drago and (Y/N) quickly draws her sword and throws it. It slices Drago's hand as he tried to reach his staff. He screams and glares at us and we give him a glare back. "Hold him there, guys!" I tell the dragon siblings. I put away my wing-suit as (Y/N) takes a few steps forward, her glare could kill if it could. "It's over, Drago." She states sternly.

Drago smirks as he looks at something. "Or is it?" He says. I slowly turn around and my eyes widen as I see the Alpha behind us. "Uh..." It breathes in and I realize we were going to get blasted. "(Y/N)!" I turn to her and run. She looks at me then at the Alpha as she gasps and I manage to make it to her and wrap my arms around her as I try to protect her.

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