Chapter 20

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Poe's POV:

Rey and I race to the infirmary to see Finn. We open the door and get up to the window and the secretary jumps and opens the window.
"Can I help you?" She asks with a startled look on her face.

"Yes, we have been told that our friend is awake? His name is Finn." I say

The lady types on her computer for a few seconds
"Yes, but it says here that only Poe Dameron and Rey Kenobi can see him." She says looking up.

"Who do you think we are I am Rey, and don't you know who he is Poe Dameron he's the best pilot in the Resistance!" Rey says angry

"Ok, sorry... ma'am please follow me." She says looking embarrassed.

She opens the door and walk behind her to room 2187. We go in and see Finn sitting up while a doctor is checking his vitals. We walk in the door and Finn turns his head and sees us and he smiles,
"Hey guys! How ya been?" Finn says enthusiastically

      "Finn!" Rey says limping/running the best she could to Finn.

      "How ya been Rey." Finn says surprised by Rey's hug but returning it.

      I walk behind Rey and as soon as she's done hugging him I pull Finn into a bro hug.
      "So you never told me, how have you been? What's been going on since I have been asleep?"

      "You know the usual." Rey says smiling and grabbing Finns hand.

      "That bad aye?" Finn says grinning.

      "Ya I guess so" I say looking at Finn.

      We sit there and catch up with Finn, we have laughs and tell him how much we have missed his company, but the topic that Rey and I are dating never came up, and the whole time I felt uncomfortable angry feeling in me when I see Rey holding Finns hand. Rey should be holding my hand I am her boyfriend after all.
      "Poe?" Rey says snapping her fingers in front   of my face. I jump back into reality, and I see Rey and Poe looking at me.
      "What" I say smiling.

"How'd you get suspended from flying for a month!" Finn asks me

"I got taken captive by Kylo Ren and Poe came and saved me, but he wasn't supposed to go and Leia took away his permissions for a month." Rey says in a happier mood than usual.

"You know Rey always getting in trouble" Finn says with a hurt smile on his face.

      Just then, the doctor comes back in,
      "Okay Finn all your labs look clean you can leave today if you think that your ready" He says

"Let's got out of here" Finn says with a grin and we all walk out the door together out of the Infirmary together.

We walk around for a little bit and let Finn lead, we walk behind him holding hands.
"I'm hungry where can we get something to eat." Finn says

Rey and I just look at each other grinning, Finn looks and and smiles too.
"What?!" He asks

"Oh, nothing let's just go get something to eat." Rey says leading Finn and letting go of my hand. I felt that familiar feeling again, but now it a scared feeling like a feeling shes going to replace me with Finn. We come to a stop and I hear Rey talking to Finn
      "So, don't get the galactic goulash or you'll puke your guts out all night, but you have to try the Porg noodle soup it's to die for!" I hear Rey say and I smile remembering  the time I said that to Rey.
We stop in the middle of the lunchroom and Finn looks around and heads right for the galactic goulash.
"What an idiot." I hear Rey say smiling.

"He can be at sometimes"I say smiling

"Wanna go get some Porg noodle soup?" I say looking at her smiling and seeing her beautiful face.

"Yeah." She says smiling back and taking my hand.

We walk over to the counter and get our food. We look for Finn and find him at a table by himself chomping down on his breadstick. We go and sit down by him and we start eating when I am just finishing my star fruit, and Finn is all done.
"Your gonna regret it." Rey says smiling covering her mouth which is full of food.

"We'll see" He says smiling and then winking at Rey.

Finally we get done eating and go put our garbage in the garbage disposal and walk out of the room.
      "So well show you to your room and then we'll let you settle in, since it's already 7:00." I say

      Finn just nod and we walk him to his room. The number is 278, the machine scans his face and the door opens and his face lights up. Thanks guys! He says turning back to us, so what number are your guys rooms?
"Mines 102" Rey says

"And mines 104" I say

He nods and walks into his room and the door shuts. We walk back to our rooms hand in hand,
"So, what do you want to do now?" I say smiling.

"We could hang out in one of our rooms and play a game." Rey suggests

"Ok, what game." I ask

"Hmm, how about Pictionary?" Reys says smiling.

"I have it in my room" she says

"Ok it's settled then we'll go to your room and play Pictionary." I say grinning at her.

We get back to her room and we sets up the game.
"Ok you start" I say to Rey

"Ok" she smiles, I know this is her favorite game.

She draws a line and then another squiggly line and at first they don't make sense but then she draws the circle and I see that she drew the,
"Sunset! It's a sunset!" I say standing up.

"Finally! You had such a confused look on your face I never thought you could get it!" Rey says laughing.

"My turn," I say grinning knowing what I'm going to draw.

I draw the body and then the wings and then the pilot seat and BB8 in the astronomer droid place and then she finally gets it!

"It's an X-wing!" Rey says standing up and jumping up and down.

"Finally!" I say mocking what she said earlier.

We play for a little while longer and before you know it, it was 10:00.
"Rey, I think it's time to wrap it up." I say yawning.

"Ya I think your right." She says yawning too.

We put the game away and I gave Rey a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door. I get ready for bed, brushing my teeth, taking a shower and putting my pajamas on. I climb into bed and right when I'm about to fall asleep, I hear a scream one, I know all too familiar.

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