Chapter 19

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Rey's POV:

We walk into my appointment. A nurse takes my height and weight, then leads me into a room. I use my good leg to jump onto the table while Poe sits in a chair across from me. The nurse walks over to me and takes my blood pressure and asks me questions
      "Has your pain decreased since the last time you've been here?" She says

      "Yes." I say nodding my head.

      "Good, and how bad is the pain if you put weight on your leg then being the worst pain ever 1 being fine." She says.

      "Umm I try and avoid walking on it but last time I did it was about a 5." I say

      "Ok, have you had any dizzy spells, disorientation, or anger problems?" She asks.

      "Umm, n..." I look over at Poe who looks back at me, with a tell the truth look.

      "Yeah, this morning I got mad and I chucked my crutch across the room." I say

      She just nods and writes all of this down on a clip board.
      "Ok, Dr.Antilles should be with you soon." She says smiling and then walking out of the room.
      We wait in silence for a few minutes until we hear a knock on the door and I see Maggie step in.
      "Hi Rey! Hi Poe!" She says smiling walking over to give both of us a hug.

      "So, hows the leg?" She asks sitting down on a Swivel chair.

"Umm Fine I guess,I really haven't tried to stand on it that much but sometimes I have no choice." I say

      "Ok, that's what we're going to do today. We're going to take ultrasound, then we're going to go back to the training room, and then take another ultrasound. And if your tissue looks healthy at the end and not strained you could probably go without a crutch." She says smiling.

      "Ok let's get started then" I say smiling a small smile.

      Dr.Antilles brings the ultrasound machine over to where I'm sitting and tells me to lay down. She puts the all familiar gel on and uses the stick to look around. Ok, there looks to be healthy tissue pretty much everywhere. ". You heal very fast Rey,I'm impressed." I hear her say

"Let's walk now." I say looking at her.

"Ok"Maggie says smiling and I sit up and we make our way to the physical therapy room.

We start by having me holding onto the railings again while I walk, it doesn't hurt as bad as it did last time. Once we are done with that Maggie and Poe hold my arms as I walk and slowly let go. When I'm walking on my leg it hurts but I don't let them know. I walk around proudly by myself, and finally we can leave. I say my goodbyes to Maggie and thank her for helping me.
"Ok, I hope I don't see you soon, well at least not in here." She says smiling as we walk out the door.

"Yes!" I say jumping into Poe's arms when we walk out of the infirmary.

Poe just laughs and hugs me, then we start our walk back to the dorms. I'm smiling and waving my arms around. My leg still hurts but I think it will go away soon, I just smile and look at Poe. I grab his hand and he grabs back. We quickly let go because we meet people in the hallway.
Back at the dorms I go to Poe's room. We talk a while and laugh, I'm in such a better mood now that I don't have that stupid crutch. Then on a serious note Poe asks,
"So, when do you want to tell people about us." He says grabbing my hand

"Oh, I don't know I'm fine now whenever you want to." I say smiling.

"Ok, so how do you want to?" He asks me.

"Well I think that we should tell Leia first, and then slowly start giving hints that we are dating." I say.

"When do you want to tell Leia?" Poe says smiling.

"How about right now?" I say.

"Fine with me." Poe says grinning even bigger.

We walk out of the room holding hands, we get a couple of looks and stares along the way but it doesn't matter. We look in her office window to make sure she's not busy, we see that she's arguing with an officer but a few seconds after we turn to leave we hear the door slam open and the man walks out.
"Well I guess she's free now." Poe says with a grin on his face.

We walk into the room to a pissed off Leia. She looks at us and her face relaxes and she smiles and sits down. We sit down too on the chairs on the other side of the desk.
"Ahh Poe, Rey! Just the two people I wanted to talk to! I have some news for you." Leia says smiling.

"Actually Leia we do too." Poe says smiling.

"Why you can go first." She says as she winks at me.

Poe grabs my hand an we make eye contact for a second and then look at Leia and Poe says
"We're dating," and I smiles when I hear those words.

Leia's eyes light up and she smiles bigger than I have ever seen her smile.
"That's amazing news I'm so glad to hear that how long have you been?"

      "Umm two or three days now." I say looking at Poe to confirm.

      "We wanted to tell you first, cuz ya know your the general." I say

      "Well I'm glad you did." Leia says, there was a moment of silence and then I ask
      "So what did you want to tell us?"

      "Oh, right" Leia says sitting up in her chair.

      "The infirmary called, Finns awake."

Few here we go again sorry I didn't post last week I was on Vacation. Trying to get back in the habit to posting everyday, buddy schedule is coming to an end for a while. May the force be with you.

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