three :

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room : charlie
patient : hong kong
condition : conscious


"and-and then, i slapped his face with the whipped cream still in my hand!" hong kong shares one of his infamous stories while laughing hysterically. i continue cleaning rome's neglected wounds and put ointment on the back of his hand. "and then, oh boy, and then i slapped him with more whipped cream that was in my other hand. mark was so pissed man, but it was worth it," hong kong starts laughing and eventually snorts like a pig. "hehe.... hahaha!"

"that must've been a lot of fun hong kong," i sarcastically say to him. he continues laughing. "what the hell did you do? did you give him laughing gas?" i quietly ask rome while giving him a band-aid to stick on his hand.

he shakes his head, "i didn't give him anything. i didn't even know you had laughing gas. ever since lucas woke up, he's been telling me pranks and other stuff that he's done back at the house. apparently he's the reason why all of my snacks are gone from my secret stash."

"he's probably gonna be like this until the meds die out. when he starts feeling pain, tell me. i'll give him another pain medicine. and hopefully he'll stop acting like this." i say and put a bandage on his cheek. "keep the cream i'm using for your cheek, make sure to use it twice a day and there won't be a scar on your pretty face," i say and he looks at me. "what? just speaking the truth."

"you have a pretty face too," rome says to me. i look up and stare at him while he smiles at me.

"good joke," i say and toss him the roll of bandaging, "you're getting someone else to wrap your shoulder up for you, i need to check on the others. and make sure your shoulder gets wrapped, i don't need to treat an infection that you could possibly get."

"are you starting to get lazy about your job?" rome asks.

i put my hands in my pocket, "considering that i wrap wounds from all twenty-one of you, yes." walking over to hong kong, he looks at me with one of the biggest smiles i've ever seen from him, "yanmei, did you know that you're super pretty?"

"you need to stop being a joker, hong kong. tell someone if anything feels funny, okay?" i ask.

"okie dokie!" hong kong laughs and snorts. "hey, hey winwin, do you remember when i egged your side of the room?" a smile cracks on my face as i head to the door.

"yanmei, can i hurt him?" winwin immediately asks me.

"hey, no fighting in the hotel, rule number one," i answer. "and hong kong's damaged enough."

i walk out of the room and walk into room delta where macau and madrid are talking to each other, "hey yanmei." macau greets me.

"how are you feeling macau?" i ask him while looking at the scans on the screen.

"like i was hit by a truck," he repeats the same words from earlier.

"should i give him more meds?" madrid asks me.

i shake my head, "you know that we can't give him too much. too much, and there will be problems."

"hey, when can i get out here? i have stuff to do," macau asks me. "the pain isn't that bad anymore."

"what is up with you guys? you get surgery and you want to leave right after. macau, two things: one, you almost had your lungs stabbed at, and two, i know you're lying to me about your pain," i put a hand on my hip.

"it subsided, i'm fine," macau exaggerates. i stare at him before poking one of his stitches, "OW! OKAY, OKAY! it still hurts. damn it," he shifts around and moves closer to madrid. "don't do that again yanmei, that seriously hurt."

"the only "stuff" you'll be doing is staying here for at least three more days is to make sure you're okay, and then you'll get to leave and go to your hub," i run my hand through my hair. "i'll check up on you later."

"thanks yanmei," macau thanks me. i start walking out.

"hey yanmei, can i go into the kitchen?" madrid asks. i turn around and walk backwards until i hit the doorway.

"as long as you don't open anyone's wounds and just grab some food, then i am perfectly fine with that," i say. macau eyeballs me and i leave the room. i walk into beta and see seoul asleep and osaka looking at something on his phone. "how's seoul?" i ask osaka.

osaka looks up from his phone and stands up from the armchair, "he's fine, just tired. he's been doing too much as per usual. i think this is the first time he's gotten sleep in like three days. we've had to deal with gangs wanting to take over; one of them wanted to take over this area, which means we wouldn't be able to protect you. but it was tae il who has been trying to negotiate and that caused today's incidents. i'm surprised that he wanted us to go in, i almost didn't. those guys out there were fucking  animals out there." he explains and stands next to me.

"he got hurt because he wanted to make sure you guys could keep me safe?" i ask and look across the hall into room alpha.

"not just him yanmei, all of us did," i look at osaka. "yanmei, you should know by now that all of us would protect you. even though it was apart of the deal when we first met you, you're one of our friends now."

"i can't believe you guys are this nice to protect some girl that you met," i reply.

"well, the hotel is technically in our territory, however with all the deals you, tae il, and taeyong made, we don't mind since you're our friend. plus there's a couple who have a small restaurant near our hub. their food is the best," osaka adds on.

i raise an eyebrow, "better than my food?"

he laughs, "sorry to say, but yes. even you would agree with us." he looks down at his phone, "hey, the others are asking if they can come down here," osaka mentions. i nod my head, "okay. thanks."

"shout if anything happens, i'm going to check on nice," i say and leave, quietly closing the door to beta. quickly making my entrance into alpha, i look at the scans and stand next to the bed. "hey nice," i greet, even though he is still unconscious. "um, thank you for what you and taeyong have done for me." i rest my arms on the adjustable bars. "wait, i should say that when you're awake. well, this is a bit awkward now." i laugh at myself and look at the scans again. "machine three, status on the most recent sustained wounds."

"all injuries are in the fifty to sixty percent range of healing," the automatic voice speaks.

"sorry for all of this." i speak again. then i walk to the medicine cabinet and open it up. i grab a bottle and take two pills out. then, i put the bottle back and close the cabinet before putting the two pills in my mouth and swallowing them.

i should grab something to eat, there should be some snacks near the front door. well, unless if one of the guys took them.

i leave the room while closing the door and go into the corridor. in the corridor holds a few cabinets. i open the first door and see pretzels and rice treats.

"heck yea," i cheer quietly and reach in for one of the bags of pretzels.

"close the cabinet," a man's voice speaks and i feel something cold touch the back of my head. "put your hands in the air," the man commands me.

"how'd you get in here?" i ask and receive silence, "no one else can get in here unless they have membership with the hotel and follow the rules i have in place."

"i don't follow any rules, so shut up bitch!" he yells at me. "unhook whatever stuff is keeping those people alive."

does anyone listen to what i say? it's so simple.

"that's murder. there's no killing in my building," i repeat one of my many rules. "and i am certainly not listening to you."

"oh yes you will bitch," i hear him cock his gun. "walk to the one that's the most critical, i'll end him first." i close the cabinet and turn around. the man holds his gun still and i recognize a crown on his jacket.

this guy works for him? sweet jesus. wait, i know who he is. oh for fuck's sake.

thank the lord that i closed the doors.

"i put him in room kilo, it's on the second floor," i say, looking back every few seconds and walking very slowly towards the elevators.

he shakes his head, "no, no, someone on this floor. knowing you, you probably have people upstairs."

damn it. what the hell am i supposed do?

"this room," i point to the one next to me, macau's room, "but its locked, the keys are upstairs in my room."

then, i hear the elevator ding and the doors open.

"nobody move!" the man shouts, pointing the gun towards the boys who are in the elevator.

"what the hell's going on?" i hear los angles ask.

"all of you are going to get out of the elevator and give me your weapons," the man instructs them.

"hey buddy, it you haven't realized, you're outnumbered by a lot," i mention and sigh, still holding my hands in the air.

"oh yea? and what are you going to do about it?" the man asks, putting the barrel of his gun against my forehead.

"hey!" i hear some of the boys try to engage.

"don't fucking move!" the man says and points the gun towards the boys. i hear them take their weapons out.

"there is no killing in my building!" i yell at the boys. "you know that!"

"kind of can't help it when there's someone pointing a gun at you," brazil replies. i put my arms down and cross my arms and the man continues to point his gun at my forehead. "let her go asshole."

"how about you shut the fuck up before i off her?" the man asks. i put my hands in my jacket's pockets and feel my right hand wrap around one of the syringes that i keep with me.

"you better fucking leave," havana speaks, "or i'll be more than happy to kill you."

"havana, no killing," i repeat.

no one listens to my rules, ever.

the man looks at the boys and points his gun towards me again. "wow, you're with these people now? you've lowered yourself a lot yanmei." i look at him.

"i'm surprised that your ass is still alive," i comment. "guess you're the only one left."

"planned on leaving anyways, i wasn't going to stay with a group of idiots."

"how long has it been?" i ask. "three weeks?"

"i think a month at this point."

"great," i say and then take the syringe out. i press the button and stab it into his neck. he passes out and falls backwards.

"what the fuck did you just do?" the boys come up to me.

"it was a sedative, like the ones they use to ship animals overseas," i say. i take the syringe out of his neck and hold it up, "someone take this and throw it away please."

shanghai takes it and walks into one of the rooms. i take the man's gun and hand it to toronto. then, i start digging through his pockets.

"you know this guy?" i look up and see cario leaning against the wall. i nod my head and pull out a bag with pills in it before throwing it next to him.

"how?" bangkok questions. "from your past?" nodding my head again, i find a battered wallet and find cash and cards inside.

i take the wallet and put it in my pocket, "he used to work for my brother," i answer. "haven't seen him in a bit. i'm seriously surprised that he's still alive, i thought all of them were gone."

"you have a brother?" chicago asks.

"i had a four brothers and two sisters. apparently it's been a month, i thought only three weeks have passed by since yanguo died." i pick the bag of pills and look at them to see what they are. "hey cario, bangkok, dump him out into the river when you get chance. if you don't mind that is."

"got it," bangkok responds.

"how your brother die?" brazil asks.

i look up at the guys, "don't you guys remember seeing him? i'm surprised you don't remember."

"what do you mean?" osaka questions.

"you guys got him and his crew."


location : floor one hallway
people : nct , yanmei , unconscious guy
current event : murder gone wrong


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